Californians complaining that American flag on police cars is too "aggressive".

"The council agreed in February to repaint its all-white squad cars in black and white with the image of Old Glory running through the word “police” on the doors.

But the graphic element of the paint job didn't scream “Laguna Beach” to everyone. Local designer Chris Prelitz was dining with his wife at the Montage hotel when he spotted several parents and small children scattering."

Some suspect the critics have a different motive.

"Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display.

They are so filled with hatred toward this ... office of the president of the United States and the current occupant of that office,” she said, “that they cannot see through their current biases to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression."

Putting American flags on police cars sparks a backlash in Laguna Beach

Here is a picture of the terrifying vehicle that sends crowds of children and adults alike scattering and running for the hills.


Another ridiculous, fake news thread from a rabid, Trumpbot.

The article mentions only a few people complaining about the flag. And several people just not liking the bright colors on the writing (not sure what difference it makes - but whatever).

Typical Trumpbot, Fake News bullshit. A few people out of millions say something - and Trumpbots tout it as - in essence - the 'left hates the American flag on police cars'.

Hey's only a few Californians. Your title makes it sound like a large minority/majority of Californians feel that way.

Thank goodness Trumpbots power will be gone when their Messiah almost certainly gets the boot in 2020.
well maybe this is like when the left sees a few white supremacists at a rally and declares all white people racist.

maybe both sides need to stop "normalizing the extremes".
"The council agreed in February to repaint its all-white squad cars in black and white with the image of Old Glory running through the word “police” on the doors.

But the graphic element of the paint job didn't scream “Laguna Beach” to everyone. Local designer Chris Prelitz was dining with his wife at the Montage hotel when he spotted several parents and small children scattering."

Some suspect the critics have a different motive.

"Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display.

They are so filled with hatred toward this ... office of the president of the United States and the current occupant of that office,” she said, “that they cannot see through their current biases to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression."

Putting American flags on police cars sparks a backlash in Laguna Beach

Here is a picture of the terrifying vehicle that sends crowds of children and adults alike scattering and running for the hills.

if our flag offends you, please keep going to canada.


wait - on the tail end. let me try again.


nope - not it either - above back tire.


well they're just screwed.
Yeah there's a big difference than having a flag on a police car then painting the police car as a flag.

In my opinion it's a bit much.
so slade... heres your person who says "too much"

and no there isnt. stop being so sensitively judgemental.
You don't have a problem paying at least twice to three times the amount to have a police car painted as a flag?

Those are decals you moron.
It is pretty incredibly tacky. Looks like one of those big magnet signs a pizza delivery car will hang on the door so they don't have to invest in a car.
Apparently the logic here is that one person describing the design as "aggressive", somehow magically transmogrifies into "Californians", a state of 39½ million people. One guy equals 39½ million. This edges out Grover Cleveland, who was only two people.
Exactly, and when questioned about it the OP runs for the hills. Pathetic. Mods... Move this crap thread to the crap section please and label the OPs account as certified idiot. Thanks
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.

Now this is what I call some fake ass news.

During a City Council meeting in mid-March, artist Carrie Woodburn expressed her displeasure of the graphic, saying she was "shocked to see the boldness of the design."

So the Republicans found one nut job in one community and now they are trying to make this a wedge issue to rally the dopes and fire up the idiotic base.

Republicans would love to get us Democrats to agree with Carrie that "It feels very aggressive."

Sorry, Carrie is on her own

No no, didn't you hear? She's the entire state now. Just look at the thread title.
She was elected to the status of Plural. One name, 39 million people. That's sum kinda power.
"The council agreed in February to repaint its all-white squad cars in black and white with the image of Old Glory running through the word “police” on the doors.

But the graphic element of the paint job didn't scream “Laguna Beach” to everyone. Local designer Chris Prelitz was dining with his wife at the Montage hotel when he spotted several parents and small children scattering."

Some suspect the critics have a different motive.

"Attorney Jennifer Welsh Zeiter said at the last council meeting that she found the police cars “exceptional” and questioned the loyalty of anyone who objected to the American flag display.

They are so filled with hatred toward this ... office of the president of the United States and the current occupant of that office,” she said, “that they cannot see through their current biases to realize that a police vehicle with the American flag is the ultimate American expression."

Putting American flags on police cars sparks a backlash in Laguna Beach

Here is a picture of the terrifying vehicle that sends crowds of children and adults alike scattering and running for the hills.

How many are complaining? There are several million people living here in California....what percentage would you say are complaining?

“People are screaming that the American flag on a police car is somehow or another ... hurting people’s feelings who might be immigrants or visitors,” said Councilman Peter Blake. “People are actually ridiculous enough to bring up comments about our cop cars having American flags on them.”

who knows how many, but you can guarantee they are democrats or liberals
This is a time that ordinary Americans need to stand up and tell these assholes to shut the fuck up !

If you cannot even bear to see American flag colors on an official city vehicle, then get the fuck out of my country. You are not welcome here !
I have no problems with wingnuts on either side but no matter what side you’re on honest debate and honest presentation of information should be paramount. Nobody should stand for perpetuating lies

Apparently the logic here is that one person describing the design as "aggressive", somehow magically transmogrifies into "Californians", a state of 39½ million people. One guy equals 39½ million. This edges out Grover Cleveland, who was only two people.
Exactly, and when questioned about it the OP runs for the hills. Pathetic. Mods... Move this crap thread to the crap section please and label the OPs account as certified idiot. Thanks
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.
I agree, you can find a nutball speaking nonsense about any issue. It’s not honest or productive to then try to define a large group of people by what the nutballs say and do. Partisans donut all the time to attack political party members. This thread is trying to do it to Californians and the Left. We all know it’s BS
Apparently the logic here is that one person describing the design as "aggressive", somehow magically transmogrifies into "Californians", a state of 39½ million people. One guy equals 39½ million. This edges out Grover Cleveland, who was only two people.
Exactly, and when questioned about it the OP runs for the hills. Pathetic. Mods... Move this crap thread to the crap section please and label the OPs account as certified idiot. Thanks
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.
I agree, you can find a nutball speaking nonsense about any issue. It’s not honest or productive to then try to define a large group of people by what the nutballs say and do. Partisans donut all the time to attack political party members. This thread is trying to do it to Californians and the Left. We all know it’s BS
no. it's not honest. but it's what we do these days.

find someone doing something stupid, it's symbolic of all of that race/culture.
i disagree with someone, then i suddenly agree with everything they hate.

in a world where we have a billion shades of gray, far too many people still only see black and white.

the bigger issue is that these "limited" number of people can still drive change for a vast majority who simply don't care. we need to learn that just because someone is whining it doesn't make it an action item for the rest of us.
Apparently the logic here is that one person describing the design as "aggressive", somehow magically transmogrifies into "Californians", a state of 39½ million people. One guy equals 39½ million. This edges out Grover Cleveland, who was only two people.
Exactly, and when questioned about it the OP runs for the hills. Pathetic. Mods... Move this crap thread to the crap section please and label the OPs account as certified idiot. Thanks
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.

Now this is what I call some fake ass news.

During a City Council meeting in mid-March, artist Carrie Woodburn expressed her displeasure of the graphic, saying she was "shocked to see the boldness of the design."

So the Republicans found one nut job in one community and now they are trying to make this a wedge issue to rally the dopes and fire up the idiotic base.

Republicans would love to get us Democrats to agree with Carrie that "It feels very aggressive."

Sorry, Carrie is on her own
Do we even know what she means by calling it bold and aggressive? She’s an artist right? Maybe it’s not an anti flag thing maybe it’s just a taste and artistic thing. The silly part is making this into a big deal and pretending like Californians are scared of the graphic.
Exactly, and when questioned about it the OP runs for the hills. Pathetic. Mods... Move this crap thread to the crap section please and label the OPs account as certified idiot. Thanks
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.

Now this is what I call some fake ass news.

During a City Council meeting in mid-March, artist Carrie Woodburn expressed her displeasure of the graphic, saying she was "shocked to see the boldness of the design."

So the Republicans found one nut job in one community and now they are trying to make this a wedge issue to rally the dopes and fire up the idiotic base.

Republicans would love to get us Democrats to agree with Carrie that "It feels very aggressive."

Sorry, Carrie is on her own
Do we even know what she means by calling it bold and aggressive? She’s an artist right? Maybe it’s not an anti flag thing maybe it’s just a taste and artistic thing. The silly part is making this into a big deal and pretending like Californians are scared of the graphic.
i can't handle sealybo - it's not that i don't disagree with the summation of this event. for the most part, i do. people find an example of something then parade it around as if it's a big issue.

what i find funny is when one side bitches at the other for it yet spends a bulk of their time doing it in return. they find some jagoff waving a nazi flag and say that's symbolic of the entire right.
im having a convo now with someone who says to have a problem with it.

idiocy is real.
What’s their problem?
they have a problem with the flag colors on the police cars. you said no one really does and called BS on the idea and here i am getting it from some dorkwad who proclaims to have an issue. we went from not proper to the extra cost involved so the reasons for the anger change.

i also daresay it doesn't matter what it was, some people are just terminal assholes when it comes to things like this. the problem is we pay far too much attention to the few idiots out there so we can all point and go LOOK - I FOUND AN IDIOT in the same manner as they scream LOOK I FOUND A SOCIAL PROBLEM!!!

sometimes we just need to treat them as kids jumping into the pool for the 18th time in a row screaming LOOK MOMMY and just say "that's nice, honey" and move on. we really give far too much attention to the stupid encouraging more of said stupidity.

ie - when we go nuts over shit like this, it validates their "efforts" and they'll simply do it again for cheap attention. ignore the fools they'll go away.

Now this is what I call some fake ass news.

During a City Council meeting in mid-March, artist Carrie Woodburn expressed her displeasure of the graphic, saying she was "shocked to see the boldness of the design."

So the Republicans found one nut job in one community and now they are trying to make this a wedge issue to rally the dopes and fire up the idiotic base.

Republicans would love to get us Democrats to agree with Carrie that "It feels very aggressive."

Sorry, Carrie is on her own
Do we even know what she means by calling it bold and aggressive? She’s an artist right? Maybe it’s not an anti flag thing maybe it’s just a taste and artistic thing. The silly part is making this into a big deal and pretending like Californians are scared of the graphic.
i can't handle sealybo - it's not that i don't disagree with the summation of this event. for the most part, i do. people find an example of something then parade it around as if it's a big issue.

what i find funny is when one side bitches at the other for it yet spends a bulk of their time doing it in return. they find some jagoff waving a nazi flag and say that's symbolic of the entire right.
Actually pay attention you’ll find we post a lot less fake news than you guys. Fox News invented it
Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

Don't forget those 100 year old rusting Civil War statues that suddenly rose up to terrorize the Left.
Makes no difference if this story is true or not.
A nation full of morons, haters, madmen, traitors and the corrupt........
Rome had a better chance...... :rolleyes:
Oh it's true. It's all over local news because the American flag is racist. Just like the confederate flag. You knew that was coming didn't you?

It's the entire country they want gone.
Now They're Offended By Images Of
The American National Flag

Laguna Beach Council to Consider Police Logo Design

"... This group of hippies and political extremists didn't like the car because they said it looked too mean, aggressive and militaristic," Blake said.

"They didn't like the flag because it was too patriotic and too nationalistic. And when they couldn't get away with that they said
the letters `ice' in police were too obvious and would scare illegal immigrants."

Laguna Beach might tone down the American flag graphic on its police cars

“Some of the words people used was that they felt it was threatening, intimidating, harassing and a symbol of racism,” Dicterow said.

"...lettering on the doors will return to the City Council Tuesday after some residents deemed it unfit for the artists’ community."

View attachment 256226
My answer to those people who think that Old Glory is racist...Fucking move to another god damn country you worthless ass hole.

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