Californians Flee for Better Run States

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
Gee, who saw that one coming? :lol: The loons have taken over the asylum in California and folks are voting with their feet, heading for states with less tax burdens and friendlier business climates. Man the lifeboats! Women and children first!

Californians are fleeing in droves to live in better-managed states, according to a conservative research group.

The long-running exodus from the cash-strapped Golden State is an old story, but a new study by The Manhattan Institute finds that the biggest beneficiaries of the population drain are Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Georgia and South Carolina. Lower cost of living, less government debt and a more business-friendly culture are the main drivers, according to the study.

"States that have gained the most at California’s expense are rated as having better business climates," the study concluded. "The data suggest that many cost drivers —taxes, regulations, the high price of housing and commercial real estate, costly electricity, union power, and high labor costs — are prompting businesses to locate outside California, thus helping to drive the exodus."

Census data shows that more Americans have left California since 2005 than have come to live in it. The finding is a sharp contrast to earlier decades -- 4.2 million Americans moved to California from other states between 1960 and 1990.

The report found that since 1990, the state has lost nearly 3.4 million residents through migration to other states, like Texas, Nevada, Arizona, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho, Utah, Georgia and South Carolina. The average number of residents leaving the state each year over the last decade is 225,000, the report found.

Read more: Californians flee for better-run states, study finds | Fox News
I've read that many of the people fled the cities because of high taxes and gangs moving in. Now California is the state of welfare recipients and a sanctuary for illegal alien gangs. Why would anyone who wants a normal, productive life live in California?

I guess at tax time, some want their refund that is due them instead of a useless IOU and the satisfaction of supporting half the state.
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You would think the libs would understand that dynamic, and reverse?

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