California’s worsening physician shortage

How strange that an ultra regulated, highly taxed, midevil infrastructure Leftist Utopia would run out of doctors.

California’s worsening physician shortage.

Holy Crap! You mean when you pay doctors nothing, so you can have cheap/free health care run by the state..... doctors don't want to work there? HOLY CRAP! Someone call 911 on that emergency news! Shocked I say! Shocked. Shocked I say....
How strange that an ultra regulated, highly taxed, midevil infrastructure Leftist Utopia would run out of doctors.

California’s worsening physician shortage.

Holy Crap! You mean when you pay doctors nothing, so you can have cheap/free health care run by the state..... doctors don't want to work there? HOLY CRAP! Someone call 911 on that emergency news! Shocked I say! Shocked. Shocked I say....

Looks like your red state cess’s don’t pay anything either.
5 states where a physician shortage is likely: The U.S. faces a growing physician shortage — the Association of American Medical Colleges estimates the need to hit 121,900 physicians by 2032 — but the need for physicians is not distributed evenly.

The report notes five states where the physician shortage is most likely to hit, based on data from The Senior List. Here are the top five states where a physician shortage is considered likely:

  1. Wyoming
  2. Montana
  3. Mississippi
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Arkansas
How strange that an ultra regulated, highly taxed, midevil infrastructure Leftist Utopia would run out of doctors.

California’s worsening physician shortage.
I knew one California doctor who quit practice in the state because they told him he had sign a pledge that he would perform abortions or lose his license. Instead, he packed his bag and left the state.

He was right. Making such a demand on a working man is demonic, and California doesn't care who thinks so.
I'm surprised. Aren't they well paid in Cali?
Some people who are doctors don't believe in using their medical knowledge to kill the unborn. It's also against the Hippocratic Oath to "do no further damage" to the person they are treating, and killing the unborn is unthinkable to some people of faith in God who regularly read scriptures and know what they say, teach, and mean for mankind's betterment. Abortion just doesn't cut it.
How strange that an ultra regulated, highly taxed, midevil infrastructure Leftist Utopia would run out of doctors.

California’s worsening physician shortage.

Holy Crap! You mean when you pay doctors nothing, so you can have cheap/free health care run by the state..... doctors don't want to work there? HOLY CRAP! Someone call 911 on that emergency news! Shocked I say! Shocked. Shocked I say....

Looks like your red state cess’s don’t pay anything either.
5 states where a physician shortage is likely: The U.S. faces a growing physician shortage — the Association of American Medical Colleges estimates the need to hit 121,900 physicians by 2032 — but the need for physicians is not distributed evenly.

The report notes five states where the physician shortage is most likely to hit, based on data from The Senior List. Here are the top five states where a physician shortage is considered likely:

  1. Wyoming
  2. Montana
  3. Mississippi
  4. Oklahoma
  5. Arkansas

I would agree with that. The difference is, California is actively promoting socialism, and has the highest tax rate in the entire union, supposedly to pay for... among other things..... health care. California has a massive government run health system, supposedly paid for by those insane taxes they have.

And yet..... they have the same or worse problems with having doctors that other states, without the insane taxes, have.

Now if you want to look at why there are doctor shortages generally.... it's real easy. Medicare. That's the reason. Medicare does not pay doctors enough money for the treatment they give. So the result, like any other socialized system, is a shortage.

That's how that works. That's why the more socialized the system gets, the bigger the problems are. That's why the ACA didn't result in Affordable Care.... instead it resulted in clinics refusing to take Medicare patients.

Mayo Clinic’s Sad Statement on Healthcare in America

A person in their billing department told me most of Rochester’s doctors now refuse Medicare patients.​

Socialized care at it's best.

You want to have tons of doctors show up? Eliminated medicare, and move to a free market system. When doctors can make money at their job, they'll do it.
Whatever happened to visit the US after studying up on the boards and send out your board certification to all 50 states for green card residency?
One Wisconsin physician agrees with badger2 about the LA homeless (houseless) problem. They have recently moved to the West, but to Idaho, not California.
Big government can solve the problem easily and quickly.

Administer aptitude tests to all high school students.

Score high in the right areas and get drafted into a mandatory medical training program.

Get educated at state government expense. Live in state government owned (of course well supervised; locked doors and windows, security guards 24/7) and then be assigned where your skills are most needed.

Of course a fair (minimum) wage will be paid and dissent will be punishable but WOW, what wonerful care....and all of it FREE!

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