Call me crazy but as a leftie I kind of hope Trump does try to force his way into a second term.

Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.
Others have lined up to object to the illegitimate presidency of Biden.

And there are rumors Trump will use a little known 19th century anti sedition law to knock the rug out from under Corrupt Joe's feet. What does he have to lose?

This is not about Trump It's about a nation being turned into a banana republic.

Biden is forever illegitimate, him and all his Dem cheating election fraud ilk.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

That stopped being the case several months ago. When he first knew his re-election was in trouble (started throwing the whole "rigged" thing around) and when we found out he didn't take the response to the pandemic seriously (the Woodward tapes). Before the pandemic, we could just write off his behavior as moronic. But now?, it's flat out dangerous and seditionist. We always knew he was incompetent. But unfortunately, that's spread to the Republican party and 73 million of his nationwide followers.
That's the makings of a disaster.
Which is why every nation on earth, including China, blew the response to COVID.
Except China cremates those who get it.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
President Trump is in NO WAY a "goofball." But congratulations on being half way there and honest
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.
If that doest tell you something about yourself and your support of left wing tyrants, there is no hope for you
Trump will not become the president----but I wish he would. Biden is an asshole

Trump actually still has a technical long shot if the House and Senate do not all agree on the Electors, it falls to the Senate to choose the VP (Pence), and it is the House COMMITTEES who chose the POTUS and while there are more democrats there, the GOP controls those committees.


It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.

We gained seats in the House and held the Senate libtard so we'll just bash you scumbag Dems in congress while passing our bills and blocking yours.

Let's take a look at this

First of all, when the local Lancaster Newspaper contacted Jesse Morgan of Elizebethtown (where the reported Jesse Morgan was claimed to live) it was a different person.

There ARE mail-in and absentee ballots sent from NY to PA and there a lot of them. There might be up to 109,000 of them. The alleged Jesse Morgan stated he was carrying between 130,00 to 280,000 ballots. One would think that the driver would know the number of pallets and the weight of the load but would NEVER know the count for the ballots.

The Attorney that brought this forward was Phillip Kline, a disbarred Kansas Attorney since 2013. Rump ran with it and then so did the Conspiracy sites as truth.

Since this involved multiple states (2) it would have been investigated by the Federals, the FBI. Since Barr has already stated that there wasn't enough fraud found to change the outcome of the election this could not have happened. 130,000 votes for Rump would have easily give Rump the PA vote. But who said it was either Rump or Biden Votes?

You Rumpers keep digging up this BS just when you think we have forgotten it was defrauded very quickly.

Unfounded claim of election fraud in Lancaster promoted by Trump

The FBI hasn't investigated jack shit, and it hasn't interviewed any witnesses. Christopher Wray is a deep state douchebag.
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.
Which just goes to show that Dims are a gang of Stalinist. They aren't shy about admitting it.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
President Trump is in NO WAY a "goofball." But congratulations on being half way there and honest

It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.
If that doest tell you something about yourself and your support of left wing tyrants, there is no hope for you

You still don't get it. I don't support the Democrats. I support the Party of the Rump with ever fiber of my being. Rump lost because many Republicans, like me, no longer could stomach him. Instead of working to win ALL the American Public he worked to only cater to 36% (it's down to less than 30% today). While 26% of the population will continue to support Rump no matter what (see the shoot someone on 5th avenue speech) but everyone else that supported him are slowly taking that walk of shame.

I don't expect you to willingly take that same walk but the rest of us either have or are soon to take that walk of shame. Rump has zero integrity so it's up to everyone else (other than you) to display integrity.
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.

We gained seats in the House and held the Senate libtard so we'll just bash you scumbag Dems in congress while passing our bills and blocking yours.

You gained seats in the House but due to some misadventures, look for a loss in 2022. And the Fat Lady ain't sung on the Senate quite yet. Or haven't you figured out yet how to cheat that elections? The Republicans in charge have already tried but it appears the Voters are voting anyway and that scares the crap out of you.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
I see you as a goofball
......YOU people are the ones who have been acting like jackasses since he was elected
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.

Not if he wins reelection on the 5th. He will be sworn in before that.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.

Not if he wins reelection on the 5th. He will be sworn in before that.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.

Not if he wins reelection on the 5th. He will be sworn in before that.

And it's pretty well known that if that occurs, the Nation of America, the United States of America, will have ended. Along with it, the Constitution of the United States. Even Moscow Mitch is not allowing that to happen.

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