Call me crazy but as a leftie I kind of hope Trump does try to force his way into a second term.

We gained seats in the House and held the Senate libtard so we'll just bash you scumbag Dems in congress while passing our bills and blocking yours.
That will depend a lot on happens in Georgia which may be the most corrupt of the Gang of Four states
although Michigan may give them a run for that.
You gained seats in the House but due to some misadventures, look for a loss in 2022. And the Fat Lady ain't sung on the Senate quite yet. Or haven't you figured out yet how to cheat that elections? The Republicans in charge have already tried but it appears the Voters are voting anyway and that scares the crap out of you.
Tell us how Corrupt Joe Biden cheated his way into the presidency. You must have learned something.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

Good questions but the constitution says he's no longer president as of January 20th.

I'm sure the secret service won't have any problem removing trespassers from the White House if trump refuses to leave.

Personally, I'm disgusted, ashamed and embarrassed this is even has to be considered. Nothing like this has ever happened in our lifetimes.

The presidents who lost a second term in my lifetime didn't behave this way. They had dignity. They didn't lie and try to cheat to steal the election. They bowed out with grace and dignity.

trump doesn't have the capacity for grace and dignity.

trump should have spent his time trying to get the majority of the people to like him. He only got 46% of the vote in 2016 so any intelligent person who wanted to stay in the White House should have spent those 4 years doing things to get the majority of the people to like him and want to vote for him. Instead he did the opposite.

I don't give a damn how he is removed, as long as he's gone.
In 1980 when I was in college I was taking a class on government and the instructor ask the question which reflective of the situation today, what it the president who lost the election refused to give up his power and position.. Well in about 31 more days we will finally see what the answer was for class...
Which is why every nation on earth, including China, blew the response to COVID.
Except China cremates those who get it.
If you go back and read and listen to comments when covid first broke on the scene Trump's
comments were right in line with democrats. People like Pelosi and Schumer were telling people
go out and party and dine.
It was only later that the left became did a 180 for political gain. Scumbags as always.
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.
Others have lined up to object to the illegitimate presidency of Biden.

And there are rumors Trump will use a little known 19th century anti sedition law to knock the rug out from under Corrupt Joe's feet. What does he have to lose?

This is not about Trump It's about a nation being turned into a banana republic.

Popular vote won , electoral vote won. Electoral College voted and confirmed for Biden.
Biden won. Trump lost.

Go ahead, try and invoke that anti-sedition law. LOL.
Based on the stories coming out in the press of what went on last Friday...My guess?? won't end well for him. :)
In 1980 when I was in college I was taking a class on government and the instructor ask the question which reflective of the situation today, what it the president who lost the election refused to give up his power and position.. Well in about 31 more days we will finally see what the answer was for class...
Not really. Trump's office has been stolen...not lost.
In 1980 when I was in college I was taking a class on government and the instructor ask the question which reflective of the situation today, what it the president who lost the election refused to give up his power and position.. Well in about 31 more days we will finally see what the answer was for class...
Not really. Trump's office has been stolen...not lost.
And the Moon is made of cheese..
In 1980 when I was in college I was taking a class on government and the instructor ask the question which reflective of the situation today, what it the president who lost the election refused to give up his power and position.. Well in about 31 more days we will finally see what the answer was for class...
Not really. Trump's office has been stolen...not lost.

Lost. By about 8 million votes. 306-232 electoral votes.
I don't care if the guy is mad he lost. Do the job or just get the fuck out. :)
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.
The "Proud Boys" are RWNJs, like yourself.

It's always the right-wingers demanding a legally elected Democrat be overthrown. Whether it's been a return to reality, or just plain fear of getting shot, the right-wing militias have always learned to live with the Democrats' capitulation to congressional Republicans and the billionaire political contributors who control our government.

Popular vote won , electoral vote won. Electoral College voted and confirmed for Biden.
Biden won. Trump lost.
Election illegitimate. Election stolen. Illegitimate "president".

Go ahead, try and invoke that anti-sedition law. LOL.
Based on the stories coming out in the press of what went on last Friday...My guess?? won't end well for him.
It will happen, if it does happen, whether you approve or not.
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.
The "Proud Boys" are RWNJs, like yourself.

It's always the right-wingers demanding a legally elected Democrat be overthrown. Whether it's been a return to reality, or just plain fear of getting shot, the right-wing militias have always learned to live with the Democrats' capitulation to congressional Republicans and the billionaire political contributors who control our government.

Another scumbag liar.
Popular vote won , electoral vote won. Electoral College voted and confirmed for Biden.
Biden won. Trump lost.
Election illegitimate. Election stolen. Illegitimate "president".

Go ahead, try and invoke that anti-sedition law. LOL.
Based on the stories coming out in the press of what went on last Friday...My guess?? won't end well for him.
It will happen, if it does happen, whether you approve or not.

No evidence presented to suggest that. All court cases dismissed. In fact, no court cases even HEARD. Why do you suppose that is?
Again..what is your devotion to this man? Why do you think he is worth sacrificing your integrity and credibility?
C'mon. Make an argument. :)
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
No evidence presented to suggest that. All court cases dismissed. In fact, no court cases even HEARD. Why do you suppose that is?
Because the courts are controlled by leftist judges.
That's obvious. It can't be for a lack of evidence.

Again..what is your devotion to this man? Why do you think he is worth sacrificing your integrity and credibility?
It's not MY integrity and credibility that is completely ruined here.

And it's not Trump per se that I am trying to save. It is our democracy and Constitution that you pricks are all shitting on that I care about.

But you are far too stupid to see any of this.
No evidence presented to suggest that. All court cases dismissed. In fact, no court cases even HEARD. Why do you suppose that is?
Because the courts are controlled by leftist judges.
That's obvious. It can't be for a lack of evidence.

Again..what is your devotion to this man? Why do you think he is worth sacrificing your integrity and credibility?
It's not MY integrity and credibility that is completely ruined here.

And it's not Trump per se that I am trying to save. It is our democracy and Constitution that you pricks are all shitting on that I care about.

After four years of McConnell's Republican Senate stacking the courts with conservative judges?...obviously, you haven't been paying attention. Because a lot of these decisions were made by TRUMP appointees.
Why? evidence. Please. If you were interested in democracy, you'd concede that Trump lost and it's time to move on. But you won't. Why?, the man. Not the scrap of paper that you profess to believe in. If you did,
you wouldn't be making seditious overtures. The only people taking a dump on our Constitution right now.....are people like you. Sorry. Truth hurts.
After four years of McConnell's Republican Senate stacking the courts with conservative judges?...obviously, you haven't been paying attention. Because a lot of these decisions were made by TRUMP appointees.
Why? evidence. Please. If you were interested in democracy, you'd concede that Trump lost and it's time to move on. But you won't. Why?, the man. Not the scrap of paper that you profess to believe in. If you did,
you wouldn't be making seditious overtures. The only people taking a dump on our Constitution right now.....are people like you. Sorry. Truth hurts.
You have no "truth". There is no pain.
I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption? You've let the cult of Trump, the alt-right media, and your paranoia...(and your overt racism) get the best of your common sense and reason.
Instead of coming to grips with the fact that Trump dug his own grave (by his terrible response to the virus) and is responsible for his own defeat when re-election was perfectly
within his grasp.

I would think that 60 or so lower court cases (and counting) and two SC cases would have told you that it's time to move on.

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