Call me crazy but as a leftie I kind of hope Trump does try to force his way into a second term.

I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

True...a "threat to your way of life" is the almost dead old white dude backed by the angry, bitter fake black bitch....They will raise your taxes, let more wetbacks take more welfare from blacks, force you to pay for wetbacks healthcare...etc etc...You know, all those things the Americans First president didn't do.
Trump would be the one committing treason if he went outside the legal system to try and undermine our democracy. He has tried 50 times to get something to stick in court and hasn’t even come close.

Biden won, Trump is out. That’s the results of our democratic process

As all Romans knew, or learned fast, it's only illegal if you LOSE.

Still true. History IS written by the victors.
You gained seats in the House but due to some misadventures, look for a loss in 2022. And the Fat Lady ain't sung on the Senate quite yet. Or haven't you figured out yet how to cheat that elections? The Republicans in charge have already tried but it appears the Voters are voting anyway and that scares the crap out of you.

We kick the Dems ass again and they talk smack. :auiqs.jpg:

And if the Dems take the Rep seats in the Senate (a very big possibility even with the voter depressions the GA Republicans are doing) then the Senate is lost. The House is still Dem Controlled and the President is still going to be Biden. Aren't you sick of winning yet?

And after the most recent attempt at overthrowing the American Voters, how do you think the 2022 election will go for those traitors on that list, all 126 of them. I can't speak for other states but in Colorado, the one on the list just committed political suicide. He only won by a few votes as it were in a Democrat area. Some areas it won't make any different but in others it will and seats are going to be lost. So much for winning. Are you tired of winning yet?
True...a "threat to your way of life" is the almost dead old white dude backed by the angry, bitter fake black bitch....They will raise your taxes, let more wetbacks take more welfare from blacks, force you to pay for wetbacks healthcare...etc etc...You know, all those things the Americans First president didn't do.

The two of us have much we could disagree on, but you won't catch me defending the likes of Biden.
Trump will not become the president----but I wish he would. Biden is an asshole

Trump actually still has a technical long shot if the House and Senate do not all agree on the Electors, it falls to the Senate to choose the VP (Pence), and it is the House COMMITTEES who chose the POTUS and while there are more democrats there, the GOP controls those committees.


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It's not done by committees, it's done by each state having one vote, as cast by it's delegation in the House. There are more Republican deligations than Dem, to the tune of 30 to 20. If it goes to the House, Trump wins easily.

True. But at this point, it's a military takeover or nothing, I think.

So nothing.
I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption?

Apparently they think he'll be arrested by the military. Yes, this same military:

But I thought the military hated him because they believed the "losers and suckers" story based on anonymous sources that was contradicted by literally everyone who was there? Oh I guess that hoax failed too.
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.
Others have lined up to object to the illegitimate presidency of Biden.

And there are rumors Trump will use a little known 19th century anti sedition law to knock the rug out from under Corrupt Joe's feet. What does he have to lose?

This is not about Trump It's about a nation being turned into a banana republic.
The sedition is Trump, Flynn and Rudy. I hope everyone of them is charged when we have a new AG!

What, for what they talk about, or what they DO?

I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption?

Apparently they think he'll be arrested by the military. Yes, this same military:

But I thought the military hated him because they believed the "losers and suckers" story based on anonymous sources that was contradicted by literally everyone who was there? Oh I guess that hoax failed too.

The Military will adhere to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). And their new boss will be Biden.
The Military will adhere to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). And their new boss will be Biden.
You're a real Perry Mason. That will be on Jan. 20th. Trump has one month to move and regain the stolen

Did you ever think you would be defending the end of our constitutional democracy?
I don’t think he has the evidence to justify doing so and if he tries I do not think a court would allow it and if he pushes more I think he should be arrested for treason
Okay, Slade 3200 the troll says there is no evidence. A dispassionate view of the evidence says different.
The Dominion vote changing machines alone blows all the bullshit up.
Not just me saying that... over 50 judges and courtrooms including anTrump loaded SCOTUS. You lose. Deal with it
I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption?

Apparently they think he'll be arrested by the military. Yes, this same military:

But I thought the military hated him because they believed the "losers and suckers" story based on anonymous sources that was contradicted by literally everyone who was there? Oh I guess that hoax failed too.

The Military will adhere to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). And their new boss will be Biden.

What does the UCMJ have to do with anything?
I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption?

Apparently they think he'll be arrested by the military. Yes, this same military:

But I thought the military hated him because they believed the "losers and suckers" story based on anonymous sources that was contradicted by literally everyone who was there? Oh I guess that hoax failed too.

They do, had no choice but to be there. Poor,pitiful little wannabe Dictator. Still pretending.
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.
The "Proud Boys" are RWNJs, like yourself.

It's always the right-wingers demanding a legally elected Democrat be overthrown. Whether it's been a return to reality, or just plain fear of getting shot, the right-wing militias have always learned to live with the Democrats' capitulation to congressional Republicans and the billionaire political contributors who control our government.


Delusion like yours has to be drug induced.
You are irrational!
Or are you irrational?
No, I am in fine shape. Smart enough to spot a Con man when I see him.. Trump has always been a crook. You guys swallowed his bull hook, line and sinker. Now that barb is dug in deep. You are hooked.
You're obviously not smart enough to spot a con man when you see one because you voted for a corrupt, senile pedophile who has been selling his office for cash for the last 47 years.
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.
The "Proud Boys" are RWNJs, like yourself.

It's always the right-wingers demanding a legally elected Democrat be overthrown. Whether it's been a return to reality, or just plain fear of getting shot, the right-wing militias have always learned to live with the Democrats' capitulation to congressional Republicans and the billionaire political contributors who control our government.


Delusion like yours has to be drug induced.
This asshole seems to have forgotten the Algore campaign, the Al Franken campaign and numerous others.
it's done by each state having one vote, as cast by it's delegation in the House.

Thank you, I couldn't think of the right word.

I agree, I’d like to see him try it and then get arrested for treason
Arrested by whom? And who has committed treason? The party that has illegally stolen elections?
Or the party that was victimized by that corruption?

Apparently they think he'll be arrested by the military. Yes, this same military:

But I thought the military hated him because they believed the "losers and suckers" story based on anonymous sources that was contradicted by literally everyone who was there? Oh I guess that hoax failed too.

Yep. Trump sure looks unpopular there. A veritable laughing stock of the world. Joe Biden is WAY better liked.

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