Call me crazy but as a leftie I kind of hope Trump does try to force his way into a second term.

I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

I call you crazy for being a leftist. Didn't even bother to read the rest of your thread title.
No, I am in fine shape. Smart enough to spot a Con man when I see him.. Trump has always been a crook. You guys swallowed his bull hook, line and sinker. Now that barb is dug in deep. You are hooked.
The thing you fascist idiots will never understand, or don't want to understand, is I support stopping this corrupt farce because of our Constitution and the future of our nation. Not because of Trump per se.
The election has been a blatant fraud and the media is absolutely complicit in a crime.

You seem to have no conscience or ethics so I'm sure this goes over your head.
No, I am in fine shape. Smart enough to spot a Con man when I see him.. Trump has always been a crook. You guys swallowed his bull hook, line and sinker. Now that barb is dug in deep. You are hooked.
The thing you fascist idiots will never understand, or don't want to understand, is I support stopping this corrupt farce because of our Constitution and the future of our nation. Not because of Trump per se.
The election has been a blatant fraud and the media is absolutely complicit in a crime.

You seem to have no conscience or ethics so I'm sure this goes over your head.
If the election was blatant fraud then it would be easy to prove. Trump has failed over 50 times in court to prove anything of the sort. What say you?
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
President Trump is in NO WAY a "goofball." But congratulations on being half way there and honest

Rump is in YES WAY a goofball. You love him, and that's okay .. Please "love him" right back to obscurity in Mar-a-Lago until Letitia James and Cy Vance Jr apply the handcuffs. ;)
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.

Bigger problem: I'm not seeing any quotes anywhere of him actually saying that. All I can find are lying shithead leftists - take a bow - saying he said it.

Interesting how you didn't provide a link for THAT.
I call you crazy for being a leftist. Didn't even bother to read the rest of your thread title.

Thanks for your useless and pointless text masturbation you fucking retard.

Right back atcha for your useless and pointless text masturbation of a thread, you fucking leftist (worst insult there is). Did you really think "Gosh, I really hope he tries to resist leaving because it would give me a big happy" deserved to be responded to as though you were a person?
It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.

I'm not forcing you people to back a king and attempt to overthrow our system.

We should beat the crap out of the left if we chose to.

You had better take really good care of USMB since it may the only social media site left you can spout your trash in after Jan 20th.

We gained seats in the House and held the Senate libtard so we'll just bash you scumbag Dems in congress while passing our bills and blocking yours.

Of course, passing our bills wouldn't do any good, since The Usurper won't sign them.
In 1980 when I was in college I was taking a class on government and the instructor ask the question which reflective of the situation today, what it the president who lost the election refused to give up his power and position.. Well in about 31 more days we will finally see what the answer was for class...
Not really. Trump's office has been stolen...not lost.
And the Moon is made of cheese..

Well DuH? Always remember the CRACKERS!! :D

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It figures a lefty would want civil unrest.
The "Proud Boys" are RWNJs, like yourself.

It's always the right-wingers demanding a legally elected Democrat be overthrown. Whether it's been a return to reality, or just plain fear of getting shot, the right-wing militias have always learned to live with the Democrats' capitulation to congressional Republicans and the billionaire political contributors who control our government.


BLM and Antifa are leftist nutjobs, like yourself.

Oh yeah, it's "always" right-wingers demanding the overthrowing legal elections. Whether it's been spoiled ignorance or a cynicall grab for power, left-wing shitbags have always learned to undermine our society and then lie their asses off about how THEY have been "victimized" while constantly "compromising and capitulating".

You leftists always remind me of a kid on trial for murdering his parents and begging for lenience because he's an orphan.

I'll get right on feeling guilty and ashamed because you consider opposing you to be bad. Hold your breath waiting on that.
Georgia Senator Purdue claims he will object to Biden Jan. 6th. Little problem, his term runs out Jan.3rd! The seat will be vacant.
Others have lined up to object to the illegitimate presidency of Biden.

And there are rumors Trump will use a little known 19th century anti sedition law to knock the rug out from under Corrupt Joe's feet. What does he have to lose?

This is not about Trump It's about a nation being turned into a banana republic.
The sedition is Trump, Flynn and Rudy. I hope everyone of them is charged when we have a new AG!

Do tell us what actual law they broke. And no, refusing to give you what you want immediately after you demand it is not illegal, little girl. Tantrum all you like.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

I like what Colin Jost said on SNL...that he will be taken out like sedated dinosaur on Jurassic Park.
You are irrational!
Or are you irrational?
No, I am in fine shape. Smart enough to spot a Con man when I see him.. Trump has always been a crook. You guys swallowed his bull hook, line and sinker. Now that barb is dug in deep. You are hooked.

So basically, your argument in favor of how brilliant you are is the opinions formed by your malfunctioning brain and how brilliant you think they are?

That's like someone on a bad LSD trip telling me that giant pink worms really are crawling out of the walls, because he can see them RIGHT THERE!
You are irrational!
Or are you irrational?
No, I am in fine shape. Smart enough to spot a Con man when I see him.. Trump has always been a crook. You guys swallowed his bull hook, line and sinker. Now that barb is dug in deep. You are hooked.

So basically, your argument in favor of how brilliant you are is the opinions formed by your malfunctioning brain and how brilliant you think they are?

That's like someone on a bad LSD trip telling me that giant pink worms really are crawling out of the walls, because he can see them RIGHT THERE!

giant pink worms really are crawling out of the walls, because he can see them RIGHT THERE!

Sounds like Rudy, Sidney and Dear Leader - Just sayin'
Sounds like Rudy, Sidney and Dear Leader - Just sayin'
Sounds like the people who have claimed Trump is Hitler.
It's a political movement that encourages demonizing the opposition so their lackeys feel free, obligated actually, to hate.
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If the election was blatant fraud then it would be easy to prove. Trump has failed over 50 times in court to prove anything of the sort. What say you?
Not one single case has been rejected on basis of the facts claimed by plaintiffs.

Go ahead and find ONE that has received a fair shake at all.
I’m counting on some drama and excitement on Inauguration Day.

St Trumpy is most entertaining if nothing else.
If the election was blatant fraud then it would be easy to prove. Trump has failed over 50 times in court to prove anything of the sort. What say you?
Not one single case has been rejected on basis of the facts claimed by plaintiffs.

Go ahead and find ONE that has received a fair shake at all.
Every single one had a fair shake in court. Not one had merit

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