Call me crazy but as a leftie I kind of hope Trump does try to force his way into a second term.

No comment necessary. You can’t seriously be claiming that all 50 judges were not following the law in some vast conspiracy against Trump can you? Even the three he appointed to SCOTUS?! Come on man
I'm not going to speculate on those three Justices.
If they followed the law, as Alito and Clarence Thomas did, they would come to the same conclusion as
Alito and Thomas did. That's self evident.

Not one of the state and federal judges who has dismissed the suits of plaintiffs in a pro forma manner
has ruled on the merits of the complaint. I know I've mentioned this before.

I don't have to justify anything to you. You, or some zombie like you, should explain to me how it is all these judges have simply refused to rule on the merits of the cases presented.

It's fix and as sure as Dominion vote changing machines took votes from Trump and gave them to Corrupt
Joe Biden not a single one of these judges is going to open up that can of worms by delving into the matter.
I see him as less of a threat to our way of life and more of just a goofball. It'd be very interesting to see what would happen if he tried to resist the transition of power. Would it actually work? Is our system so weak? How would the left react? How would the right react if it didn't work? Might we come out the other side stronger for the stress test on our system?

The threat to our way of life, the rule of law and Civil Society is the democrats. It always has been the democrats. They have used racism and violence as tools to acquire and hold power. The democrats were the ones burning and looting cities for the last 7 months and beating and murdering Americans....

Trump wasn't a stress test for the are just another blind democrat who couldn't see the truth, facts or reality if your life depended on it.....and your way of life actually does depend on it....

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