Call to Christians: Consensus in Christ before we can reform Govt as a consequence


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
Do you trust people to be in charge of govt? Do you rely on your party to defend your beliefs from other parties? What is the best way to get govt to reflect, represent and protect your beliefs and interests: by party or by direct representation in consensus decisions?

A friend of mine who keeps posting about forcing health care and social assistance by taxes and mandates through federal govt accused me of either brainwashing by or enabling of Republican capitalist abuses to deprive help from the poor. We both are well meaning Christians, but my friend does not see Corporate leaders or Conservative Republicans as equal people like us, who can and would fund and support smarter ways of providing help WITHOUT being forced to by govt and taxes. He is starting to post things I can reply to in order to explain why I believe in a better aporoach than political bullying and abuse of govt. See his latest post below, and my response here:

The same word can be translated as either "within" or "AMONG" US -- we establish God's Truth and Kingdom by agreement between and among us, by Matthew 18:15-20, especially when redressing grievances and sharing rebukes and corrections: Where 2 or 3 agree in Christ on anything touching the Earth it is done by our Father in Heaven. What we agree on locally replicates globally. What people agree on with each other is what our govt and institutions reflect collectively. So to stop people abusing oppressing or imposing on others, we need to stop imposing on them. To promote universal care for all by cost effective voluntary means, we need to practice what we preach. We cannot abuse govt to force our beliefs on others then wonder why this fails because others respond with equal political force to defend or impose their beliefs to protect their rights the same way. If we are Christians we should agree what is God's will and plans, before committing to enforce policies so we are all working together in the same direction. If Christians are divided against each other, that isn't God's universal truth: some personal bias is causing manmade division. We need to resolve that conflict first, receiving mutual corrections in Christ, in order to establish God's universal Truth Justice and Peace that heals relations and sets us free. James 5:16 Confess our faults one to another, and pray for one another, that we may be healed.


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Do you trust people to be in charge of govt? Do you rely on your party to defend your beliefs from other parties? What is the best way to get govt to reflect, represent and protect your beliefs and interests: by party or by direct representation in consensus decisions?

A friend of mine who keeps posting about forcing health care and social assistance by taxes and mandates through federal govt accused me of either brainwashing by or enabling of Republican capitalist abuses to deprive help from the poor. We both are well meaning Christians, but my friend does not see Corporate leaders or Conservative Republicans as equal people like us, who can and would fund and support smarter ways of providing help WITHOUT being forced to by govt and taxes. He is starting to post things I can reply to in order to explain why I believe in a better aporoach than political bullying and abuse of govt. See his latest post below, and my response here:

The same word can be translated as either "within" or "AMONG" US -- we establish God's Truth and Kingdom by agreement between and among us, by Matthew 18:15-20, especially when redressing grievances and sharing rebukes and corrections: Where 2 or 3 agree in Christ on anything touching the Earth it is done by our Father in Heaven. What we agree on locally replicates globally. What people agree on with each other is what our govt and institutions reflect collectively. So to stop people abusing oppressing or imposing on others, we need to stop imposing on them. To promote universal care for all by cost effective voluntary means, we need to practice what we preach. We cannot abuse govt to force our beliefs on others then wonder why this fails because others respond with equal political force to defend or impose their beliefs to protect their rights the same way. If we are Christians we should agree what is God's will and plans, before committing to enforce policies so we are all working together in the same direction. If Christians are divided against each other, that isn't God's universal truth: some personal bias is causing manmade division. We need to resolve that conflict first, receiving mutual corrections in Christ, in order to establish God's universal Truth Justice and Peace that heals relations and sets us free. James 5:16 Confess our faults one to another, and pray for one another, that we may be healed.
Psalm 37
Do you trust people to be in charge of govt? Do you rely on your party to defend your beliefs from other parties? What is the best way to get govt to reflect, represent and protect your beliefs and interests: by party or by direct representation in consensus decisions?

A friend of mine who keeps posting about forcing health care and social assistance by taxes and mandates through federal govt accused me of either brainwashing by or enabling of Republican capitalist abuses to deprive help from the poor. We both are well meaning Christians, but my friend does not see Corporate leaders or Conservative Republicans as equal people like us, who can and would fund and support smarter ways of providing help WITHOUT being forced to by govt and taxes. He is starting to post things I can reply to in order to explain why I believe in a better aporoach than political bullying and abuse of govt. See his latest post below, and my response here:

The same word can be translated as either "within" or "AMONG" US -- we establish God's Truth and Kingdom by agreement between and among us, by Matthew 18:15-20, especially when redressing grievances and sharing rebukes and corrections: Where 2 or 3 agree in Christ on anything touching the Earth it is done by our Father in Heaven. What we agree on locally replicates globally. What people agree on with each other is what our govt and institutions reflect collectively. So to stop people abusing oppressing or imposing on others, we need to stop imposing on them. To promote universal care for all by cost effective voluntary means, we need to practice what we preach. We cannot abuse govt to force our beliefs on others then wonder why this fails because others respond with equal political force to defend or impose their beliefs to protect their rights the same way. If we are Christians we should agree what is God's will and plans, before committing to enforce policies so we are all working together in the same direction. If Christians are divided against each other, that isn't God's universal truth: some personal bias is causing manmade division. We need to resolve that conflict first, receiving mutual corrections in Christ, in order to establish God's universal Truth Justice and Peace that heals relations and sets us free. James 5:16 Confess our faults one to another, and pray for one another, that we may be healed.
I honestly wish you and your friend the best of luck but getting Christians to agree does not have a stellar history.
I'm mainly looking at the second paragraph where you say your friend complains about Republican Capitalists. You might want to remind your friend that many rich Republican Capitalists are also philanthropists that give generously to the poor and other good causes. Just to point out one such philanthropist, you might search out Donald J. Trump's list of donations to good causes. It's extensive and he's just one such rich Capitalist.
There is no answer in politics in a country that does not fear God. Conservative, liberal, right wing, left wing are all labels designed to cause contention and are therefore devices of the deceiver.

Within the Church we cannot agree on what is and what is not The Word of God. Modern, selectively edited bibles abound.

Problems are a lot easier to see than to do anything about. On this matter I believe the the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.

Psalm 37 NIV - Psalm 37 - Of David. Do not fret - Bible ...
Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 1 - New International Version 37&version=NIV
Psalm 37 - Of David. Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:
Christ warned that he would not bring peace, but division.

There are literally thousands of Christian denominations.
Christ warned that he would not bring peace, but division.

There are literally thousands of Christian denominations.

Jesus was not talking about denominations. He was referring to family members. Some would believe, some would not. Jesus is only with a single religion. The bible clearly teaches--A house divided will not stand. 34,000 different trinity based religions-they will not stand. They have become a mass of confusion. They are not Jesus'. Jesus' one single religion has applied this-1Corinthians 1:10--unity of thought-no division.
Psalm 37 NIV - Psalm 37 - Of David. Do not fret - Bible ...
Bible Gateway passage: Psalm 1 - New International Version 37&version=NIV
Psalm 37 - Of David. Do not fret because of those who are evil or be envious of those who do wrong; for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Trust in the LORD and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:

Every spot in the OT where-GOD or LORD( all capitols) is found, wicked men removed Gods personal name, They had no right, in nearly 7000 spots, The wicked keep that name out and condemn the one translation that has put it back. Its called in Hebrew-the tetragramoton( misspelled)--The 4 Hebrew letters-YHWH=( Jehovah)-- It reads much different when one knows, like at Psalm 83:18--That you alone, whose name is YHWH(Jehovah) you alone( singular) are the most high over all the earth. Every supposed scholar on earth knows this is Fact. So why do they hide truth? Billions of dollars pulled in yearly by those religions is why.

And these facts they know as well--- From Moses on up until this very day, The Israelite religion, teaches, serves and worships a single being God named-YHWH(Jehovah), As well When Jesus attended those places of worship was taught that God to as EVERY bible writer was as well. Billions are being mislead into serving a non existent trinity, causing them to break Gods #1 commandment daily. That makes one a worker of iniquity( practicer of sin) And will hear these words as judgement found at Matthew 7:22-23---Jesus will say--GET AWAY FROM ME , you that work iniquity, i must confess i NEVER even knew you.--- RUN from those religions.
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I'm mainly looking at the second paragraph where you say your friend complains about Republican Capitalists. You might want to remind your friend that many rich Republican Capitalists are also philanthropists that give generously to the poor and other good causes. Just to point out one such philanthropist, you might search out Donald J. Trump's list of donations to good causes. It's extensive and he's just one such rich Capitalist.
Yep. Ya gotta have something to share.

Rich people don't steal from poor people. Why would they?

I'd hate to live in a country that has no rich people.
Yep. Ya gotta have something to share.

Rich people don't steal from poor people. Why would they?

I'd hate to live in a country that has no rich people.
I would say some of the rich steal. The ultra rich are selling us cancer and they know it, so does your govt.
I would say some of the rich steal. The ultra rich are selling us cancer and they know it, so does your govt.
Theft is actionable.

Except when Democrats do it by way of welfare. That's how they insulate their greed.
Jesus' one single religion has applied this-1Corinthians 1:10--unity of thought-no division.
Unfortunately for Christians and non-Christians alike, this was NEVER the case. Christians are as divided today as they were in the 1st century.
Unfortunately for Christians and non-Christians alike, this was NEVER the case. Christians are as divided today as they were in the 1st century.
Jesus religion is fully united. The 34,000 trinity based religions do not have the real Jesus. They in reality are not christian as they claim. They are a house divided, they will not stand.
Jesus religion is fully united. The 34,000 trinity based religions do not have the real Jesus. They in reality are not christian as they claim. They are a house divided, they will not stand.
So of the billion or so people who consider themselves Christians, how many are really Christian?
So of the billion or so people who consider themselves Christians, how many are really Christian?
I have read the bible a few x and the unfortunate reality found is-- Ever since the rebellion in Eden-99% minimum mislead at every moment.( the only possible exception would be when Israel stood strong) They fell over and over.
Centuries ago through the religion that came out of Rome( the great apostasy-and all her 33,999 branches) satan beat the majority on earth today being told they are christian. They do not listen to Jesus over men with white collars.
I started a thread with 8 teachings from Jesus, found in every translation on earth, every trinity believing person rejects those teachings. I have been kicked out of trinity run sights for posting Jesus' truths. Figure that one out. Every one of those teachings are in their bible to.
I have read the bible a few x and the unfortunate reality found is-- Ever since the rebellion in Eden-99% minimum mislead at every moment.( the only possible exception would be when Israel stood strong) They fell over and over.
Centuries ago through the religion that came out of Rome( the great apostasy-and all her 33,999 branches) satan beat the majority on earth today being told they are christian. They do not listen to Jesus over men with white collars.
I started a thread with 8 teachings from Jesus, found in every translation on earth, every trinity believing person rejects those teachings. I have been kicked out of trinity run sights for posting Jesus' truths. Figure that one out. Every one of those teachings are in their bible to.
Wow, I've never met a gnostic before. You must be very lonely.
Wow, I've never met a gnostic before. You must be very lonely.
I doubt i am considered a Gnostic-I witness for YHWH(Jehovah) just as Jesus did( Revelation 1:5)--And as true servants did in the OT as well- Isaiah 43:10-- Isaiah 44:8

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