Call to Suspend San Francisco 49er for His Anti-Gay Remarks

Political Junky

Gold Member
May 27, 2009
Michelangelo Signorile: Chris Culliver: Why the NFL Must Suspend San Francisco 49er for His Anti-Gay Remarks

San Francisco 49er Chris Culliver selfishly shot off his mouth yesterday, igniting a firestorm of controversy and creating a nightmare for his team and the National Football League as they head to the Super Bowl. For that alone the NFL should suspend him, his comments having put his entire team at the center of an unnecessary controversy as they're trying to focus on the game.

But for the horrendously bigoted, anti-gay content of his remarks, there is no question that Culliver must be suspended if the NFL is serious about its claims to be taking on homophobia in its ranks. Thanks to players like Minnesota Vikings punter Chris Kluwe and Baltimore Ravens linebacker Brendan Ayanbadejo and their pro-gay advocacy, we're seeing a shift among NFL players, but the leadership needs to take strong stand against Culliver's kind of bigotry if that shift is to continue.

"I don't do the gay guys, man," Culliver told radio host Artie Lange. "I don't do that. No."

Asked whether there are any gay players on the 49ers, Culliver said, "Nah. We don't got no gay people on the team. You know, they gotta get up out of here if they do. Can't be with that sweet stuff."

Incredulous, Lange pointed out that gay players might be able to play well, too, but Culliver responded, "Nah. Nah. Can't be... can't... uh... be in the locker room."
If football fans like Michael Vick, who tortured animals, they can suck down a player that likes girls.
Leave it to a reporter to create controversy. NFL players have a right to their opinion, as do those who post on this message board. Do we hold an NFL player to a different standard than those who post hate against gays on this message board? If this guy is suspended, why not a call to suspend racists and homophobes who post here?
Heeeeeeellllll yea they should ban his ass from the Superbowl. That ridiculous sack of shit. Go get a real job ya biiiiiiiiiitch!!!

Of course, I've decided to hate the 49ers for this Superbowl. East Coast motha ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffwhaaaaat!!!

Go Ravens!
Leave it to a reporter to create controversy. NFL players have a right to their opinion, as do those who post on this message board. Do we hold an NFL player to a different standard than those who post hate against gays on this message board? If this guy is suspended, why not a call to suspend racists and homophobes who post here?

If one of the team players was actually gay, how do you think they are going to feel knowing this idiot feels the way he does?
Leave it to a reporter to create controversy. NFL players have a right to their opinion, as do those who post on this message board. Do we hold an NFL player to a different standard than those who post hate against gays on this message board? If this guy is suspended, why not a call to suspend racists and homophobes who post here?

If one of the team players was actually gay, how do you think they are going to feel knowing this idiot feels the way he does?

Cool, let's suspend people who disparage Christians...because of how Christians are going to feel knowing those idiots feel the way they do.

That should effectively end the thread.
Leave it to a reporter to create controversy. NFL players have a right to their opinion, as do those who post on this message board. Do we hold an NFL player to a different standard than those who post hate against gays on this message board? If this guy is suspended, why not a call to suspend racists and homophobes who post here?

Fuck Shit and puke,, look what you hypocrite loons tried to do to Chick Fil A guy for voicing his opinion?? Cry us a fucking river whydonchya?

Chris Kluwe is a brave stalwart for his support of a political position, while Chris Culliver is a knuckle-dragging neanderthal for his political position.

Good thing the media reporting on such things isn't shamelessly biased, or anything like that! :rolleyes:
The only one who has a right to suspend him is the owner of the team, if he so desires.

It's none of the NFL's business.

It is the NFL's business the CBA specifically addresses this issue. "Adding 'sexual orientation' as a protected class under their newly enacted anti-discrimination policy can open the doors to not mere tolerance but acceptance of the gay community and, in particular, homosexual NFL players.

It is not like there have not been gay athletes in the NFL. David Kopay in 1975, Roy Simmons in 1992 and Esera Tuaola in 2002. Yet all waiting until after retirement from their football career.
NFL's Anti Discrimination Policy Includes Sexual Orientation | Bleacher Report
He said sowwy.

2013 Super Bowl -- Chris Culliver of San Francisco 49ers apologizes for anti-gay comments - ESPN

And then this:

Granderson criticized Culliver for "hiding behind statements co-authored by other people" after the 49ers issued the following prepared statement from Culliver:

"The derogatory comments I made yesterday were a reflection of thoughts in my head, but they are not how I feel. It has taken me seeing them in print to realize that they are hurtful and ugly. Those discriminating feelings are truly not in my heart. Further, I apologize to those who I have hurt and offended, and I pledge to learn and grow from this experience."​
The statement was obviously prepared by public-relations professionals. The 49ers weren't going to let Culliver issue his own statement. This was an initial attempt at damage control. Culliver will have to do much more of the work in the future to become credible.

Two strong takes on Chris Culliver - NFC West Blog - ESPN

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