Caller: Why is Reagan a hero to conservatives? Rush: Derp

I've been listening to Rush for the better part of 20 years and I was listening yesterday.

I agree, he didn't answer the question. He merely deflected by saying (and I paraphrase) "You're asking a question you don't want to have answered". :confused:

Rush said after the Dems took over Congress in 2008 that he "wouldn't carry water for the republicans anymore", but it seems to me that's exactly what he's been doing since the midterms in 2010.

"We don't need a 3rd party (TEA Party)" he says apparently not understanding WHY the Dems got their asses kicked. And now, in my opinion, he's back to cheerleading for the Republican Party.

It's simple:

The Republicans spent too much money while in power.
The Democrats spent too much money while in power.

Hence the rise of the TEA Party.
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Reagan is the only myth the republicans and conservatives have - a man who was losing his grip on reality, but at least thought through his ideas early in life, and latter in life helped Social Security and raised taxes. Reagan, even though I mostly disagree with where he ended up, would not fit into the republican party of today. The republican party today is extremist and lost, they cannot even call stupid stupid.

This piece covers Reagan and taxes.

Newsflash: Ronald Reagan Raised Taxes (You Idiots) | Firedoglake

"Historian Phillips-Fein traces the hidden history of the Reagan revolution to a coterie of business executives, including General Electric official and Reagan mentor Lemuel Boulware, who saw labor unions, government regulation, high taxes and welfare spending as dire threats to their profits and power. From the 1930s onward, the author argues, they provided the money, organization and fervor for a decades-long war against New Deal liberalism—funding campaigns, think tanks, magazines and lobbying groups, and indoctrinating employees in the virtues of unfettered capitalism."

[ame=] Invisible Hands: The Making of the Conservative Movement from the New Deal to Reagan (9780393059304): Kim Phillips-Fein: Books[/ame]

"....there's a growing realization that the starting point for many of the catastrophes confronting the United States today can be traced to Reagan's presidency. There's also a grudging reassessment that the "failed"- presidents of the 1970s--Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter--may deserve more credit for trying to grapple with the problems that now beset the country."

OpEdNews - Article: Ronald Reagan: Worst President Ever?
so posting a few links to some blogs and amazon books is suppose to EXPLAIN it all.

Some of us LIVED through it, and can make up our own minds.

and what the hell is a firedoglake.:lol:
so posting a few links to some blogs and amazon books is suppose to EXPLAIN it all.

Some of us LIVED through it, and can make up our own minds.

and what the hell is a firedoglake.:lol:

Wingnuts don't need no steenkin facts. They lived through it, so they KNOW that ronnie cut taxes (even though he raised taxes)
Look at these right wingers. "Rush handled the guy very well".

That means he dodged the questions. That's how right wingers operate.

Obama took a 200 million dollar a day trip until you prove he didn't. Do right wingers backtrack. Not on your life. They simply move on to another "talking point".

Facts have a "liberal" bias.

Iran Contra
LOL, here I thought this thread was about Rush getting CRUSHED?

guess not.:lol:
I was listening at the time. I thought he handled the call very well. He exposed the caller for what he was. We used to Protest Reagan all the time back in the day. Ronald Wilson Reagan=666, all the fun stuff. One thing I have really truly admire about him looking back is how he handled persona attacks,nothing stuck. We could all learn from that.
Poor Rushie. He's too old. Beck would've seen the connection- communist sympathizers passed amnesty to help destroy America's borders and security while the Progressives raised taxes despite Reagan's best efforts in order to soil the man's reputation and discredit real conservatism.

C'mon, Rushie, you used to be good at this.

That was an interesting exchange and eemonstrated the difference in the thinking of a Liberal vs a Conservative. Rush's response was not really included except in the few words between the statements of the caller.

When Reagan came to office, the country was a mess. When he was re-elected, he came within .18% of the votes in Minnesota of carrying every state in the union. There has never been a more decisive victory in history. The caller may or may not have known this, but it strikes any challenge to the impact Reagan had on the country moot.

Reagan changed the way that Americans thought about themselves and about the country. This conversion of attitude crossed party lines, economic stratas, race, religion and gender. He ushered in the period of the "Peace Dividend" that cut back military spending and helped to lead to the boom times of the 90's.

The caller called out various details that the Right likes to use as litmus tests. He set up the false gambit that if this is true than that is true. If these are the tennets of the Right then Reagan cannot be a hero of the Right because he did not champion these petty issues.

In truth, Reagan was a hero to the country and the country knew it. .18% of the vote in Minnesota is all that kept Reagan from carrying every state in the union. His opponent was from Minnesota and he almost did not carry his own state.

What might we gleen from this?

That was an interesting exchange and eemonstrated the difference in the thinking of a Liberal vs a Conservative. Rush's response was not really included except in the few words between the statements of the caller.

When Reagan came to office, the country was a mess. When he was re-elected, he came within .18% of the votes in Minnesota of carrying every state in the union. There has never been a more decisive victory in history. The caller may or may not have known this, but it strikes any challenge to the impact Reagan had on the country moot.

Reagan changed the way that Americans thought about themselves and about the country. This conversion of attitude crossed party lines, economic stratas, race, religion and gender. He ushered in the period of the "Peace Dividend" that cut back military spending and helped to lead to the boom times of the 90's.

The caller called out various details that the Right likes to use as litmus tests. He set up the false gambit that if this is true than that is true. If these are the tennets of the Right then Reagan cannot be a hero of the Right because he did not champion these petty issues.

In truth, Reagan was a hero to the country and the country knew it. .18% of the vote in Minnesota is all that kept Reagan from carrying every state in the union. His opponent was from Minnesota and he almost did not carry his own state.

What might we gleen from this?

So wait. Because Reagan carried almost every state, that makes every single criticism about him "moot"?

On top of that, he cut military spending? What?

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan sharply accelerated the massive military build up started by the Carter administration in response to the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.[51] This buildup, a 40% real increase in defense spending,[52] included the revival of the B-1 bomber program, which had been cancelled by the Carter administration;[53] the deployment of Pershing II missiles in West Germany; the increased enlistment of thousands of troops; and a more advanced intelligence system.[53]

Domestic policy - Ronald Reagan - election

But Reagan, in fact, increased spending too. He proposed an enormous increase in the military budget ($1.5 trillion over five years) to rebuild armed forces that he claimed had been allowed to deteriorate badly in the 1970s. Congress approved that increase, although it was later scaled back significantly.
I was listening at the time. I thought he handled the call very well. He exposed the caller for what he was. We used to Protest Reagan all the time back in the day. Ronald Wilson Reagan=666, all the fun stuff. One thing I have really truly admire about him looking back is how he handled persona attacks,nothing stuck. We could all learn from that.

honey, he did nothing of the sort. he said that b/c he's a 'liberal', he wouldn't understand, which is the silliest thing i've ever heard.

reagan had the largest tax increases of any president in my lifetime and did everything else the caller said.

rush's only response was, 'd'uh'.

it's one thing to have an 'ideology', it's another to just repeat the party line in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

the only thing i will give rush on this is that he wasn't rude, even when he looked like a moron.
But he was arrogant and condescending, which the hypocrite condemns in Libs!!! It was insulting to say the caller was incapable of understanding.

September 22, 2009
RUSH: You know, the human characteristic that rubs me the rawest is lying and then arrogant condescension.

February 4, 2011
RUSH: "Why is Reagan a hero to conservatives?" I don't think you... Given what you've said, and I'm not trying to avoid the question, I don't think you'd ever understand it.

February 28, 2008
RUSH: I hate arrogant people, whether they have so-called qualifications to be -- and I hate sanctimony, and I hate superiority. I hate these people that run around, think they're better than everybody else when they don't know that 2 + 2 is 4
sheesh, the man has been dead how long?

and they are still dumping on him..

pretty pathetic is you ask me.

Rs have been trying so hard to find another person exactly like him. They're thinking Palin is that person.. I guess she might be afterall. :cuckoo:

The right is like that, they thought Arnold was like that and even wanted to change the constitution so he could be president.

they though Bush was like that too.

Like the trickle down thing they never admit to being wrong and adjust their behaviour.
oooooooooooooooooooo, they CRUSHED Rush.

good grief...:lol::eusa_whistle:

Crushed? Rush was completely destroyed.

His retort? "You have an understanding of Reagan that is flawed"..

What the heck does that mean?

Reality is flawed?

If the caller were wrong..Rush should have tore about his points. He didn't. He attacked the caller..and the source of his information.

What he just should have said, is, "These things nevered happened".

You know why he didn't say that?
sheesh, the man has been dead how long?

and they are still dumping on him..

pretty pathetic is you ask me.

Rs have been trying so hard to find another person exactly like him. They're thinking Palin is that person.. I guess she might be afterall. :cuckoo:

The right is like that, they thought Arnold was like that and even wanted to change the constitution so he could be president.

they though Bush was like that too.

Like the trickle down thing they never admit to being wrong and adjust their behaviour.
January 16, 2009
RUSH: I don't apologize ever.

July 27,2009
RUSH: Gods don't apologize.
oooooooooooooooooooo, they CRUSHED Rush.

good grief...:lol::eusa_whistle:

Crushed? Rush was completely destroyed.

His retort? "You have an understanding of Reagan that is flawed"..

What the heck does that mean?

Reality is flawed?

If the caller were wrong..Rush should have tore about his points. He didn't. He attacked the caller..and the source of his information.

What he just should have said, is, "These things nevered happened".

You know why he didn't say that?

Bad trip to the Vet? Calm down Spot. Sit! Stay! Good Boy!!!

You have an understanding of Reagan that is flawed Sallow, it has everything but context. :lol: In your current state a logical argument is futile. You need an intervention first. Collective Hive Think bad. Free Market, Value for Value, Good. You can choose to support excellence or mediocrity, you have to make a choice. Now Go fetch. :D

That was an interesting exchange and eemonstrated the difference in the thinking of a Liberal vs a Conservative. Rush's response was not really included except in the few words between the statements of the caller.

When Reagan came to office, the country was a mess. When he was re-elected, he came within .18% of the votes in Minnesota of carrying every state in the union. There has never been a more decisive victory in history. The caller may or may not have known this, but it strikes any challenge to the impact Reagan had on the country moot.

Reagan changed the way that Americans thought about themselves and about the country. This conversion of attitude crossed party lines, economic stratas, race, religion and gender. He ushered in the period of the "Peace Dividend" that cut back military spending and helped to lead to the boom times of the 90's.

The caller called out various details that the Right likes to use as litmus tests. He set up the false gambit that if this is true than that is true. If these are the tennets of the Right then Reagan cannot be a hero of the Right because he did not champion these petty issues.

In truth, Reagan was a hero to the country and the country knew it. .18% of the vote in Minnesota is all that kept Reagan from carrying every state in the union. His opponent was from Minnesota and he almost did not carry his own state.

What might we gleen from this?

So wait. Because Reagan carried almost every state, that makes every single criticism about him "moot"? (1)

On top of that, he cut military spending? What? (2)

Domestic policy of the Ronald Reagan administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan sharply accelerated the massive military build up started by the Carter administration in response to the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan.[51] This buildup, a 40% real increase in defense spending,[52] included the revival of the B-1 bomber program, which had been cancelled by the Carter administration;[53] the deployment of Pershing II missiles in West Germany; the increased enlistment of thousands of troops; and a more advanced intelligence system.[53]

Domestic policy - Ronald Reagan - election

But Reagan, in fact, increased spending too. He proposed an enormous increase in the military budget ($1.5 trillion over five years) to rebuild armed forces that he claimed had been allowed to deteriorate badly in the 1970s. Congress approved that increase, although it was later scaled back significantly.

If you would care to respond to what I said, then do so. If you would like to respond to voices echoing in your own head, then why quote me?

1. Not every criticism is stiken moot. He did that whole Contra thing and he did raise taxes and blah, blah, blah. Who cares? Were you there?

When Carter left office, the word on the street was that the USA was finished. The Japanese were taking over and we were a footnote in history. No international respect, no ideas, no passion and no future. Plenty of rust and plenty of bloat.

When Reagan left office, the USA was the pre eminent Super Power and was poised to reconstruct the economy of the world using computers.

2. Reagan did not cut defense spending. By uping the ante in the weapons race, the Russians had to cash out their chips. When Reagan talked about the SDI, the Russians thought it was ready to deploy.

How does"ushered in the era of" and "cut" translate as synonomous in your language?
the sun rose AND set every day during the reagan administration.

you can look it up.

way to go, gipper :thup:

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