Calling A Spade A Spade

f the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?
You talk like the Democrats haven't made any proposals, billy. Remember Trump promising (yes PROMISING) he would accept the Feinstein proposal she projected back a year or more ago? He sat at that conference table next to her and said so, right there in front of God and everybody. And how within a day he reneged? I suspect he realized what a wonderful divisive issue to his advantage immigration would be to all those who adore every slander he utters. And do you ever wonder why the Republicans (to a person) sit on their self-aggrandizing moral asses and do nothing but complain? I think their compliance with Trump whims is their way of saying to Democrats that their end of the boat is sinking. Problem is..if our Ship of State sinks...the Republican end goes under too.

Their proposals have been unacceptable, and loaded with attachments.

We are not sinking, but righting the ship.
Ah! The eye of the beholder!

Facts is facts.
Applause Graham. Use of proper terminology is always useful in educating the public.

Start at .30

It's ALL bullshit. Trying to make Democrats the enemy thru insults like how they are America haters is nothing more than Trumpish divisiveness, and for what?

Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

Complaining about conditions at border 'camps'. Take a look!

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

His repeat of the lie that Democrats want open borders is proof his lips are firmly planted on Trump's portly ass!

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them.

Only in Faux World. All primaries swing to the extremes. We'll see whoever wins, swing right back to the center, again.

Those 4 will have to defend their seats against Democrats first.

They have already provided trunks full of quotes and videos that will prevent them from attempting to move to the fabled "center".
It's ALL bullshit. Trying to make Democrats the enemy thru insults like how they are America haters is nothing more than Trumpish divisiveness, and for what?

Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

Complaining about conditions at border 'camps'. Take a look!

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

His repeat of the lie that Democrats want open borders is proof his lips are firmly planted on Trump's portly ass!

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them.

Only in Faux World. All primaries swing to the extremes. We'll see whoever wins, swing right back to the center, again.

Those 4 will have to defend their seats against Democrats first.

They have already provided trunks full of quotes and videos that will prevent them from attempting to move to the fabled "center".
Hey billy, the 4 Congressional ladies you love to hate are having a news conference in a few minutes. You gonna watch what they have to say, or let Trump psychoanalyze their motives for you?
Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them.

Only in Faux World. All primaries swing to the extremes. We'll see whoever wins, swing right back to the center, again.

Those 4 will have to defend their seats against Democrats first.

They have already provided trunks full of quotes and videos that will prevent them from attempting to move to the fabled "center".
Hey billy, the 4 Congressional ladies you love to hate are having a news conference in a few minutes. You gonna watch what they have to say, or let Trump psychoanalyze their motives for you?

I'm watching them now. They've made complete asses of themselves, and provided additional vids for Trump's campaign next year.

Cue calliope music. :auiqs.jpg:
Facts About National Origin Discrimination
Whether an individual (or her ancestors) is from China, Russia, or Nigeria, or belongs to an ethnic group, such as Hispanic or Arab, she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. EEOC enforces the federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers private sector employers with fifteen or more employees, federal government employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

About National Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of the individual's national origin. No one can be denied equal employment opportunity because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage or association with persons of a national origin group; membership or association with specific ethnic promotion groups; attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples or mosques generally associated with a national origin group; or a surname associated with a national origin group. Examples of violations covered under Title VII include:

Employment Decisions
Title VII prohibits employment decisions, including those involving recruitment, hiring, promotion, segregation, and firing or layoffs, that have the purpose or effect of discriminating based on national origin.

Title VII prohibits national origin harassment when it is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment based on national origin can take different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, physical violence, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual because of birthplace, ethnicity, culture, language, dress, or foreign accent. Employers are required to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. Likewise, employees are responsible for reporting harassment at an early stage to prevent its escalation.

Facts About National Origin Discrimination

trump is clearly in violation.

Please explain in less than 25 words how he is in violation.

if he were in the private sector, he would be fired for saying such ignorant racist things to a fellow employee or someone he is a supervisor of.

a few words over, but pretty succinct.
Applause Graham. Use of proper terminology is always useful in educating the public.

Start at .30

It's ALL bullshit. Trying to make Democrats the enemy thru insults like how they are America haters is nothing more than Trumpish divisiveness, and for what?

Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

Complaining about conditions at border 'camps'. Take a look!

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

His repeat of the lie that Democrats want open borders is proof his lips are firmly planted on Trump's portly ass!

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them. saying that? please provide credible unbiased links to back up what you are saying.

in 25 words or less.
Facts About National Origin Discrimination
Whether an individual (or her ancestors) is from China, Russia, or Nigeria, or belongs to an ethnic group, such as Hispanic or Arab, she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. EEOC enforces the federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers private sector employers with fifteen or more employees, federal government employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

About National Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of the individual's national origin. No one can be denied equal employment opportunity because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage or association with persons of a national origin group; membership or association with specific ethnic promotion groups; attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples or mosques generally associated with a national origin group; or a surname associated with a national origin group. Examples of violations covered under Title VII include:

Employment Decisions
Title VII prohibits employment decisions, including those involving recruitment, hiring, promotion, segregation, and firing or layoffs, that have the purpose or effect of discriminating based on national origin.

Title VII prohibits national origin harassment when it is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment based on national origin can take different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, physical violence, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual because of birthplace, ethnicity, culture, language, dress, or foreign accent. Employers are required to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. Likewise, employees are responsible for reporting harassment at an early stage to prevent its escalation.

Facts About National Origin Discrimination

trump is clearly in violation.
what the fk are you yammering about?

you too stupid to figure it out?
Applause Graham. Use of proper terminology is always useful in educating the public.

Start at .30

It's ALL bullshit. Trying to make Democrats the enemy thru insults like how they are America haters is nothing more than Trumpish divisiveness, and for what?

Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

Complaining about conditions at border 'camps'. Take a look!

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

His repeat of the lie that Democrats want open borders is proof his lips are firmly planted on Trump's portly ass!

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them. saying that? please provide credible unbiased links to back up what you are saying.

in 25 words or less.

All Americans of sound mind.
Facts About National Origin Discrimination
Whether an individual (or her ancestors) is from China, Russia, or Nigeria, or belongs to an ethnic group, such as Hispanic or Arab, she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. EEOC enforces the federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers private sector employers with fifteen or more employees, federal government employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

About National Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of the individual's national origin. No one can be denied equal employment opportunity because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage or association with persons of a national origin group; membership or association with specific ethnic promotion groups; attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples or mosques generally associated with a national origin group; or a surname associated with a national origin group. Examples of violations covered under Title VII include:

Employment Decisions
Title VII prohibits employment decisions, including those involving recruitment, hiring, promotion, segregation, and firing or layoffs, that have the purpose or effect of discriminating based on national origin.

Title VII prohibits national origin harassment when it is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment based on national origin can take different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, physical violence, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual because of birthplace, ethnicity, culture, language, dress, or foreign accent. Employers are required to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. Likewise, employees are responsible for reporting harassment at an early stage to prevent its escalation.

Facts About National Origin Discrimination

trump is clearly in violation.

Please explain in less than 25 words how he is in violation.

if he were in the private sector, he would be fired for saying such ignorant racist things to a fellow employee or someone he is a supervisor of.

a few words over, but pretty succinct.

Nothing he said was racist.
It's ALL bullshit. Trying to make Democrats the enemy thru insults like how they are America haters is nothing more than Trumpish divisiveness, and for what?

Indeed, it is divisive. For what? Because it's true.

Complaining about conditions at border 'camps'. Take a look!

People have. It ain't the Ritz, but no hardship someone being detained could not expect.

His repeat of the lie that Democrats want open borders is proof his lips are firmly planted on Trump's portly ass!

If the Democrats do not want open borders, why are they working so hard to keep them open?

What you seem to think is that all democrats are for no border, which is obviously not the case. But that doesn't stop the so called liberal media from allowing the Right to dictate the narrative that conflates the two.

All Democrats may not be, but enough are to be an issue.

Whether the Democrats like it or not, those 4 women are now the face of the party. The pantheon of presidential candidates doesn't hold a candle to them. saying that? please provide credible unbiased links to back up what you are saying.

in 25 words or less.

All Americans of sound mind.

so nuthin'. you gots nuthin'.

yep, i thought so.
Facts About National Origin Discrimination
Whether an individual (or her ancestors) is from China, Russia, or Nigeria, or belongs to an ethnic group, such as Hispanic or Arab, she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. EEOC enforces the federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers private sector employers with fifteen or more employees, federal government employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

About National Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of the individual's national origin. No one can be denied equal employment opportunity because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage or association with persons of a national origin group; membership or association with specific ethnic promotion groups; attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples or mosques generally associated with a national origin group; or a surname associated with a national origin group. Examples of violations covered under Title VII include:

Employment Decisions
Title VII prohibits employment decisions, including those involving recruitment, hiring, promotion, segregation, and firing or layoffs, that have the purpose or effect of discriminating based on national origin.

Title VII prohibits national origin harassment when it is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment based on national origin can take different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, physical violence, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual because of birthplace, ethnicity, culture, language, dress, or foreign accent. Employers are required to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. Likewise, employees are responsible for reporting harassment at an early stage to prevent its escalation.

Facts About National Origin Discrimination

trump is clearly in violation.

Please explain in less than 25 words how he is in violation.

if he were in the private sector, he would be fired for saying such ignorant racist things to a fellow employee or someone he is a supervisor of.

a few words over, but pretty succinct.

Nothing he said was racist.

who you kiddin'? 'go back to where you came from ' has been the thing to say in re: to pointing out someones' accented english or over abundance of melanin since i was a child & for the gropenfurer to say that makes total sense given the fact that he has arrested development & both thinks & acts like he's still around 10 years old.
Facts About National Origin Discrimination
Whether an individual (or her ancestors) is from China, Russia, or Nigeria, or belongs to an ethnic group, such as Hispanic or Arab, she is entitled to the same employment opportunities as anyone else. EEOC enforces the federal prohibition against national origin discrimination in employment under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, which covers private sector employers with fifteen or more employees, federal government employers, employment agencies, and labor organizations.

About National Origin Discrimination
It is unlawful to discriminate against any employee or job applicant because of the individual's national origin. No one can be denied equal employment opportunity because of birthplace, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics closely associated with an ethnic group. Equal employment opportunity cannot be denied because of marriage or association with persons of a national origin group; membership or association with specific ethnic promotion groups; attendance or participation in schools, churches, temples or mosques generally associated with a national origin group; or a surname associated with a national origin group. Examples of violations covered under Title VII include:

Employment Decisions
Title VII prohibits employment decisions, including those involving recruitment, hiring, promotion, segregation, and firing or layoffs, that have the purpose or effect of discriminating based on national origin.

Title VII prohibits national origin harassment when it is so severe or pervasive that it creates a hostile work environment. A hostile work environment based on national origin can take different forms, including ethnic slurs, workplace graffiti, physical violence, or other offensive conduct directed towards an individual because of birthplace, ethnicity, culture, language, dress, or foreign accent. Employers are required to take appropriate steps to prevent and correct unlawful harassment. Likewise, employees are responsible for reporting harassment at an early stage to prevent its escalation.

trump is clearly in violation.
All this political correctness crap needs to be thrown out the window.

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