Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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What about false allegations of pedo?

That's not illegal unless you tell the police about it. Lack of judgement and immoral if they truly aren't one, but nobody can actually do anything about it but get angry in that situation.

But it’s perfect okay to call posters they don’t like. Racist,White Supremicists,Homophobes,Nazi’s,terrorists,Taliban etc…
They love to lord over those who are smarter than they are, more articulate than they are, offer better arguments than they can and are far more knowledgeable than themselves.

For them, it is payback time. "We'll show 'em!!" They just love to hunt in packs.
They love to lord over those who are smarter than they are, more articulate than they are, offer better arguments than they can and are far more knowledgeable than themselves.

For them, it is payback time. "We'll show 'em!!" They just love to hunt in packs.
That’s always been the case. Like I said off board palsies. :)
Isn't that the same thing?
No. Replying to someone and saying "You are a groomer." is far different than replying and giving specifics. Example: "The information I read states that the material you want made available to children in public libraries is par for the course for groomers." Someone could also ask "Do you know the book you want kids to have access to contains pornographic images? How can you say you want a kid to see that?"
What pedos are being protected?

You're going to let me tell you now? Well you asked so you can't do much about it in response. One of them I suspect to be in this thread. Actually two if you count Zinc. But the two others I'm highly suspicious of are Tommy and the something patriot. He always talks about the sexualization of children.
You're going to let me tell you now? Well you asked so you can't do much about it in response. One of them I suspect to be in this thread. Actually two if you count Zinc. But the two others I'm highly suspicious of are Tommy and the something patriot. He always talks about the sexualization of children.
Cite an instance buddy.
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