Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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I'm actually rather surprised that this thread is still open lol I was sure by last night it would be closed after we all started saying that this policy is bull since it's all about censorship and protection. Not about whether or not we can call people pedophiles as it's gone WAY past that point for me.

It is not ok. I'm not rallying about it, because I don't have time to rally about everything I disagree with.

What is the value of that book to a school child? It is about a middle aged man - the narrator - who describes marrying a woman who disgusts him so that he can be close to her fourteen year old daughter who he eventually statutory rapes.

Is whether that is acceptable for him to do that a debatable question? Are there two or more sides to that question? Good topic for an opinion essay with the prompt: Is it a good idea for a fourteen year old girl to have sex with her stepfather? What motivation could a middle aged school administrator have to provide such a book to high school and middle school kids?

No, I don't want it "banned." I just don't see the need for limited library space to be filled with a novel like that, when so many others are more appropriate. Let kids read it on their own, or wait until college when I'm sure their professors will be very fond of it.

Hollywhack sure loves it. They've made two major movie versions of it. I look for a third in which the child actress is actually nude and touches the old dude on camera. Maybe in the European version, and the producer will complain about having to "censor" his work for those American prudes.

Jeremy Irons did an interview about starring in it. He complained that his co-star and love interest in the movie, Dominique Swain, only recognized him from his voicing Uncle Scar in The Lion King, not from his other "important" film work. Well, yeah dude. You played in a movie where you rape a kid. Of course the kid actress playing the kid you rape in the movie is not going to remember you from The French Lieutenant's Woman. She wasn't even born then.
I haven’t read it, but I seem to recall it was on a highschool reading list. The thing with have that on a class reading is in the discussion. Books like these need to be read and discussed, debated, critically examined In an instructive setting. There are a lot of contentious books that fit that category, that people at some point wanted to or still want to ban. In an earlier activist sweep of literature deemed racist, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn got listed. Sure, those books have imagery and language that we today find offensive but they also have good literary value. Read them, with an understanding of the era in which they were written and then discuss them. Don’t ban them.
Even with proof?

There is far too much 'trial by internet' or 'trial by media' these days. And there is far too much defamation of people going on by those who think their opinion and perception is proof enough to smear somebody in public. The politics of personal destruction, cancel culture, and other uglies that have become common for our society now--people trying to destroy people that oppose them or disagree with them or hold opinions we don't hold--may be the biggest threat to our way of life in America yet.

Your perceptions and beliefs may indeed be spot on and, if they are, the target of your contempt may deserve the worst that can be bestowed upon him. But you do not have the authority to take the law into your own hands.

If you have proof you should take it to the legal authorities and let them deal with it. None of us should assume the right to be judge and jury of another. And because of that we should not use any kind of public forum to accuse each other of committing crimes that are punishable by force of law.
Oh boohoo what's the worst that can happen if you don't file a police report on somebody you can't prove is an actual literal pedophile?

I know, the censorship is truly shocking.
What about false allegations of pedo?
Says the idiot that lobs insults about the Taliban at other posters.

You such a snowflake and coward that using the word “ groomer” in a discussion about sexualizing children triggers you to the point it must be banned?

Gotta wonder why grooming upsets leftists
I think I did report it. I'm not sure. She would probably just delete it from the mod board,anyway.

Nothing came of it. Her power only increased. Aye told me she was going to do one thing by bringing a little balance into the discussion and then did an absolute complete about face.
If we delete something from the mod board, it will show as deleted and visible to the other mods. I know think I have some kind of insane power, but I don’t think you realize how it actually is. We all see everything. Every mod action, deletion, thread move etc.
Says the idiot that lobs insults about the Taliban at other posters.

You such a snowflake and coward that using the word “ groomer” in a discussion about sexualizing children triggers you to the point it must be banned?
I'm surprised in Aye because I thought she was a good person, but these people actually get off on knowing the effect they are having on people who have experienced varying levels of childhood sexual abuse, themselves.
Look. There are plenty of assholes out there. But make it personal for a moment.

Let’s assume that some scumbag motherfucker wishes to defame me. Or you.

So, their unknown real life person goes to his (or her) keyboard. And hiding behind their username, they accuse some other member (say me or you) of being a pedophile or a groomer or a sexual deviant hurting poor baby lambs.

I would be irked. But my real life identity wouldn’t actually be hurt.

For the smooth sailing of this Board, I get why management wouldn’t want us to smear even our anonymous usernames. But still, if some Asshole lying turdbucket lies about me to defame me in such a manner, it is very unlikely impact my real life.
I'm surprised in Aye because I thought she was a good person, but these people actually get off on knowing the effect they are having on people who have experienced varying levels of childhood sexual abuse, themselves.
Well. They certainly didn’t give a shit when I was being harassed with accusations of incest. So I’m not exactly surprised.
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