Zone1 Calling/accusing other members "groomer"

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You seem very angry and disappointed. I am sure there is another board where you can accuse other posters of being Pedos to your heart's content. 8Chan perhaps?
I'm angry, like any person who had been molested as a child would be watching you dishonest clowns doing everything in your power to support it.

You keep claiming I'm calling people pedos, yet I have never come as close to as direct an accusation as the malignant narcissist has done with me.
Give it up. You've decided enabling is against rules also

Grab a Merriam and look up enabling.

You tripped all all over yourself

Leave children alone
I used to think Aye was a good person.

I didn't realize she is as treacherous as she is. She has totally betrayed what she said she was going to do.
I havent been promoting it. I have said that it might be a useful tool in age appropriate settings.
Its aimed at teenagers and young adults. That seems fine to me.
You see this is where your witch burning persona takes over. You lack basic integrity and twist anything that is said to fit your diseased mind.
You accused me of supporting rape gangs but have never provided any evidence. you are just low grade trash.
View attachment 754222
And this is an example of what SHOULD be discussed but can’t because someone will be accused of being a pedo.

There was a start at DISCUSSION, but we all got side tracked.

Gender Queer, the book causing the most dispute, recommended ages 12-18.

Without having actually read it, going by what is on the internet it is extremely graphically illustrated (comic book style) and with a lot of explicit language.

Is this a suitable for school libraries?
For 12 yr olds? (12 to 18 is a huge age range in terms of development)
What literary or educational does it have?
How do parents feel about it?
If kids are already exposed to this sort of stuff via the internet, then does it matter?
Are there other books that tackle the issues facing non straight teens in amore thoughtful and less graphic manner that could be provided instead?

These are things that SHOULD be discussed but CAN’T be discussed attempting to do so leads to accusations of pedo and grooming that derail or inhibit any conversation.
And this is an example of what SHOULD be discussed but can’t because someone will be accused of being a pedo.

There was a start at DISCUSSION, but we all got side tracked.

Gender Queer, the book causing the most dispute, recommended ages 12-18.

Without having actually read it, going by what is on the internet it is extremely graphically illustrated (comic book style) and with a lot of explicit language.

Is this a suitable for school libraries?
For 12 yr olds? (12 to 18 is a huge age range in terms of development)
What literary or educational does it have?
How do parents feel about it?
If kids are already exposed to this sort of stuff via the internet, then does it matter?
Are there other books that tackle the issues facing non straight teens in amore thoughtful and less graphic manner that could be provided instead?

These are things that SHOULD be discussed but CAN’T be discussed attempting to do so leads to accusations of pedo and grooming that derail or inhibit any conversation.
And the blame for ending discussions are the mods trying to control speech.
I'm actually rather surprised that this thread is still open lol I was sure by last night it would be closed after we all started saying that this policy is bull since it's all about censorship and protection. Not about whether or not we can call people pedophiles as it's gone WAY past that point for me.
And this is an example of what SHOULD be discussed but can’t because someone will be accused of being a pedo.

There was a start at DISCUSSION, but we all got side tracked.

Gender Queer, the book causing the most dispute, recommended ages 12-18.

Without having actually read it, going by what is on the internet it is extremely graphically illustrated (comic book style) and with a lot of explicit language.

Is this a suitable for school libraries?
For 12 yr olds? (12 to 18 is a huge age range in terms of development)
What literary or educational does it have?
How do parents feel about it?
If kids are already exposed to this sort of stuff via the internet, then does it matter?
Are there other books that tackle the issues facing non straight teens in amore thoughtful and less graphic manner that could be provided instead?

These are things that SHOULD be discussed but CAN’T be discussed attempting to do so leads to accusations of pedo and grooming that derail or inhibit any conversation.

Set the Rules ... Set the Narrative ... Tell everyone what they should be thinking ... And Bam ...
You got it made ... Turn it from a Discussion Board into an Echo Chamber ... Easy to Police anyways ... :auiqs.jpg:

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