calling all diabetics.....

Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....
Thank God, the first lady is speaking out about eating better.

Oh yes! Without one would have ever known how important a healthy diet is! :rolleyes:
Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....
Thank God, the first lady is speaking out about eating better.

hopefully parents will get their kids eating a better breakfast...
Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....
Thank God, the first lady is speaking out about eating better.

Oh yes! Without one would have ever known how important a healthy diet is! :rolleyes:

hey it cant hurt.....i wish many more would rally against all the sugar being fed to kids every day.....when i was a kid there was maybe 5-6 sugared there is a whole fucking aisle of them at the market....
o hell we had coke for breakfast.....

but its not enough..refined and processed foods are what is killing americans more than this way
I have a situation that the Doctors cant explain,maybe you guys have seen or heard of it.
Went to the docs for a pre-screen for a hip replacement. My blood sugar was 547.
The nurse got a shocked look on her face and asked if I felt alright.
Told her Yeah I feel OK. They immediately put me on insulin which I continued to take for about three weeks twice a day.
Here's the weird part. I started noticing that my sugar levels were getting way to low so I started to back off on the insulin.
To make a long story short,my diabetes has almost disappeared.
I now take one 1000mg Glumetza a day.
And yes it gets even weirder. I dont really watch my sugar intake anymore because the Glumetza keeps it totally under control. Well I forgot to bring my Glumetza on a camping/fishing trip so I didnt take it for two days and I didnt worry about my sugar intake.
Lo and behold my sugar level stayed around 90/100 the whole time.
Docs are totally baffled and said they have never seen this happen.
My family has no history of diabetes and I'm about 15 lbs overweight and reasonably active.
My sugar levels will still occasionally get up to around 150 but with no rhyme or reason.

Anyone else heard of this?
I have a situation that the Doctors cant explain,maybe you guys have seen or heard of it.
Went to the docs for a pre-screen for a hip replacement. My blood sugar was 547.
The nurse got a shocked look on her face and asked if I felt alright.
Told her Yeah I feel OK. They immediately put me on insulin which I continued to take for about three weeks twice a day.
Here's the weird part. I started noticing that my sugar levels were getting way to low so I started to back off on the insulin.
To make a long story short,my diabetes has almost disappeared.
I now take one 1000mg Glumetza a day.
And yes it gets even weirder. I dont really watch my sugar intake anymore because the Glumetza keeps it totally under control. Well I forgot to bring my Glumetza on a camping/fishing trip so I didnt take it for two days and I didnt worry about my sugar intake.
Lo and behold my sugar level stayed around 90/100 the whole time.
Docs are totally baffled and said they have never seen this happen.
My family has no history of diabetes and I'm about 15 lbs overweight and reasonably active.
My sugar levels will still occasionally get up to around 150 but with no rhyme or reason.

Anyone else heard of this?

Nope. That is odd. You could have had a bad test that showed the 547, but taking the insulin to drop it to a normal range would have dangerously bottomed you out which it didn't. You sir, are a medical mystery like the boy with a face of a dog!
and all this water drinking....i try to keep water next to me at all times...64 oz of water a damned have to work get the orderless and colorless prized urine.....and what is with this places that wont leave a pitcher of water on the table?

its easier if you flavor the water..... cucumber, lemon, mint, orange.....
Not a diabetic here, but came close. Long story but was proscribed low dose metformin. After a short period of time one leg blew up twice it's normal size. Panic over it. Stopped that drug immediately without bothering to find out a causation link.

Had a small/not alarming weight issue (blood work didn't look good) due to a condition, drugs/meds, and lifestyle. Fixing it slowly. No diet plan, just lifestyle/eating habit changes. No drastic quick fixes for me. Know too many fatties with yoyo diets and failed quick fixes who have later paid the price.

Balance, moderation, and sensible living go a long way in helping to keep life enjoyable while trying to xlive healthier'

Peace out

good for you!!!

Some just dont take the hint that they need to change their ways if they want to live.
question have your eyes fared over the years?....

question does that pump work?

I had Type-2 for 10 years before the cataracts began to develop. Thank goodness a doc removed my lenses and replaced them with silicon ones. Gave me 20/20 vision - only problem, I now have to use reading glasses.


A quick scan gives all sorts of results @ lens replacement surgery - Bing
I had Type-2 for 10 years before the cataracts began to develop. Thank goodness a doc removed my lenses and replaced them with silicon ones. Gave me 20/20 vision - only problem, I now have to use reading glasses.


A quick scan gives all sorts of results @ lens replacement surgery - Bing

What is the Difference Between Silicon and Silicone?

Although it may appear that the words silicon and silicone can be used interchangeably, there are some significant differences between them. Silicon is a natural chemical element found in great abundance on Earth, primarily as a major component of common sand. Silicon is generally found in a crystalline form. Silicone is a man-made substance derived from silicon and other chemicals, and it may be a liquid or a rubber-like plastic polymer.......
so what kind of meters are you folks using?....i use a one touch Ultra 2.....but am searching for a newer model...
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i use true strips.....i can get them for about 9 bucks for 50 off ebay and so far i havent had any trouble....just check exp dates...i am thinking of going to the wal mart where the test strips are always 9 bucks...i hate walmart but damn they are good for supplies...

i use copilot health management for a log..its can get the meter to match it and it will do it from meter...i am too cheap
let's discuss the spouses:

i have one..and this has been hard for him...he is a total control freak...the type that walks into a room and has to change something...the light has to be turned off if has scared him to death...for months all he would let me eat was kale and sf jello...i still had high numbers at the first i wasnt allowed to eat anything that had sugar or taste...he even started cooking so he could control that too....

10 months in....he has adjusted...he reminds me to, test, etc..the thing i do that annoys the hell out of him..i will use the same lancet for

he went out of town last night...just for the night...o gosh...he called ever 2 hours...i just realized this is the first night i was alone...since we found out i was diabetic....i truly believe his concern is more the passing this point..he is afraid i will pass out hurt and be alone...when we are outside...he makes sure i am safely away from the edges...he wants to hold my hand all the time...i am like....look if i pass out and you have my arm like this you are gonna break my damned arm or yours...he thinks since i lost weight it wont be a problem...hello its all dead weight....
o damn....the phone just rings....its rolled up in the bedding where i slept on the sleeper sofa last night...and i didnt get to it in time to id...shows it sweet i call back...he is on his way it seems is my biggest answering the son has already blown up and given me the 'answer the phone' speech....

now out to do the farm chores
i am a grazer....7 am, 9:30 am...11:30 am...2:30 pm....5:30 pm...7 Pm and a small snack before bed....i am either eating or thinking about eating...

i like fruit...the secret to fruit is portions...i get the lil snapper packs of pears..they are the perfect size for diabetics who eat fruits..bagged apples are small ...i am always trying to limit carbs....i always go for the lowest carb i can find...

chickens and ducks are one thing.....i would never had cows or goats....brrrrr its too cold already for that early morning millking

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