calling all diabetics.....

Type 2 on Metformin.

I did a juice diet for a month, no carbs and blood sugar went down to 90

thats interesting.....Fruit Juices are not recommended....absorbs into the blood stream to fast.....was your Doctor ok with this Frank?....
Fruit juices are very high in carbs.

they also absorb directly into the blood stream spiking your sugar.....eating the fruit is better....the fiber slows down the digestion.....
well how are you doing? with it all? i am on metformin....

500 mg 2x a day...makes me fart like there is no is so embarrassing....

do you do the low carb? i have been doing that....i am a skeleton with a gut...nice look

and of course the latest news is....

bayer may stop producing the a1c now test.....which i like cause its cheaper than the lab and gives results in 5 mintues

my last a1c was 5.1....and my readings are pretty good but this damn thing can explode on fast and sometimes no matter what ya do

There will be a tomorrow. The gas is temporary. Walk it off(exercise). Just cut back on processed sugars. What I do is eat a lot of dinners with roasted chicken breast meat. Adding protein with carbs is the trick.
o i can live with farting....i assure you....what i hate are the tingling feet..that is why i am up already.....

research shows the more you test..the more likely your a1c will be lower...
and anything saying diabetic costs 2x as much....i use the vasoline foot cream....3 bucks a tube at would think my feet would be baby is not...
and all this water drinking....i try to keep water next to me at all times...64 oz of water a damned have to work get the orderless and colorless prized urine.....and what is with this places that wont leave a pitcher of water on the table?
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

While I would prefer NOT to have diabetes at all, I'm much happier being a type 1 on insulin than a type 2. Why? Type 2's "need" to be super regimented in diet, meds and exercise. On my insulin pump, it approximates what a pancreas does naturally. It allows me to skip meals if I want, have a snack, have a splurge meal, etc. I simply take more insulin depending on my carb load to keep my BG leveled out. You can't do that with an oral medication.

lol i work with a type 1...she eats whatever and just adjusts her shot...

i wish the cure for t1 comes soon...i always feel for the kids...its so hard on them and their parents...

no you cant just pop another metformin and go...people who try that normally have serious liver problems...

it was a t1 who came in after the doctor told me i was diabetic and talked to me...she was going...look i have all my toes..i work..i am married with kids...she was the only person who really gave me any hope when i was told..but like someone said..medical advances are being made daily...

my husband wants me to undergo a by pass and be 'cured' the diet after the by pass is just as bad

the biggest adjustment for those around me...has been my weight loss...i was a foodie...i go into places i use to go and they send out plates of food that i didnt order...chef compliments and lets see if we can kill time it was a plate of advocados and brie cheese....then after dinner....marshmellow stuffed chocolate frogs....

i saw a friend i hadnt seen in a few months...he knew of i was walking away...he calls a whole sammie..go on try it...people are still asking hubby and friends if i am dying or what? one of my male friends decided he would stop the questions by telling everyone i had relapsed into a 300 dollar a day coke habit...
and i am trying to avoid wearing skinny legged jeans...i look like lip from shameless in them...

Very funny.

Sounds like you've had and continue to have a wonderful life.
I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.

LOL at all of you Type 2's who think 120 is high. ;) As a Type 1, 120 is my target BG. If I get down around 80, I get the shakes, sweats and can't focus.

Doctors are clueless pukebags. They spew whatever shit the industry tells l them to. Remember when 120/80 was a good BP? Now they start suggesting drugs when you hit 100/70.

This kind of talk kills people. They aviod doctor's and thei advise until it's too late.

Most every person here is here because doctors helped. :evil:
Not a diabetic here, but came close. Long story but was proscribed low dose metformin. After a short period of time one leg blew up twice it's normal size. Panic over it. Stopped that drug immediately without bothering to find out a causation link.

Had a small/not alarming weight issue (blood work didn't look good) due to a condition, drugs/meds, and lifestyle. Fixing it slowly. No diet plan, just lifestyle/eating habit changes. No drastic quick fixes for me. Know too many fatties with yoyo diets and failed quick fixes who have later paid the price.

Balance, moderation, and sensible living go a long way in helping to keep life enjoyable while trying to xlive healthier'

Peace out
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o i can live with farting....i assure you....what i hate are the tingling feet..that is why i am up already.....

research shows the more you test..the more likely your a1c will be lower...

You already show signs of nerve damage in your feet? :eek: Yikes!

You already know that you are in a serious battle for your life. Good luck. Your doctor or dietician has already given you THE FACTS as to what foods are safe and which are not. DON'T CHEAT! Be smart. You didn't get this way because of one jelly donut a week. Now you get NO donuts. No full strength fruit juices. I add water to everything at least 1:1. Get rid of all sugar and honey in your diet until your blood sugar is 100 or less tested at different times so you get an accurate picture. This is no joke.
o dont pick on me...yes damn it ...the feet were the symptom i could no longer ignore...i am controlling fbg was 100 this am but that was after being up for a couple of hours...huggy i test...more than most...i dont 'budget' test....i normally test an hour after a meal which gives me the highest readings...but yea i know i am fucked with the nerve damage...i wished i had been smarter...there were signs..that i just ignored or passed off to getting older....and i try to eat well...the right combos...and not feet have gotten better...i take alpha lipoic acid 800 mgs a day...multi vitamin and a low dow aspirin at night....
okay hubby .....fbg was 100....i ate a piece of sausage, egg 1 hour later 102....o look at that freudain slip....huggy is nagging like hubby does...i remind him ..its fucking support team not nag team
better perhaps...good for...nope....we pretty much have to eat to our meters..that is what kw is talking about the difference between t1's and t2's....t1's what they want and just bang insulin...with pumps or needles (but theirs is harder lot in the long run normally) while t2's have fucked themselves normally not always....with diet and lifestyle...i am lucky...i am young enough to make the changes...

but i must eat to my meter..which means...i have to eat food that dont raise my blood glucose or blood sugar...its a misnomer that is all about the sugar..its about carbs that are converted quickly into sugar...

the answer always seems to be eat....but then you have to decide what to eat..the combo..its mental math..all the damned bg is high...i got to eat this...its low i got to eat this...its real low...i still cant eat that damned donut lol...1/3 rd of it...maybe...but the whole thing is a level glucose major major lows...

someone said they get grumpy when they are low....i said i didnt...i do...i find myself sitting there thinking...why is this person annoying me..and why am i not killing them....hubby decided a concealed carry was not a good idea for me...

the funniest thing...we are at group discussing issues...when someone mentioned that your temper would be better once your blood glucose is under better control...he says...get your blood sugar in control to help your temper..and paused...a voice comes out of the back of the room .."or you get to go to anger management classes" ....
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Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....
Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....

and its hitting baby boomers a mass tidal wave of t2's....


but my advice to attention...prevention is easier than reversal...we cab get our numbers to normal...we can almost forget we are diabetic till we eat a biscuit or mashed taters or rice...and dont even think about the peach bread pudding with bourbon sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream .....then you will be reminded you are a diabetic
Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....

and its hitting baby boomers a mass tidal wave of t2's....


but my advice to attention...prevention is easier than reversal...we cab get our numbers to normal...we can almost forget we are diabetic till we eat a biscuit or mashed taters or rice...and dont even think about the peach bread pudding with bourbon sauce and a scoop of vanilla ice cream .....then you will be reminded you are a diabetic

But I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. :eusa_dance:
i heard this rumor that they know what causes t1.....a virus that attacks the pancreas

i think they will find a cure soon for t1..or so i hope...i still think t1 is harder to deal just starts so young...and both can be so devastating...and it never seems to make of the guys on the american diabetic board....rides a bike...does all he can with diet..his last a1c was 5.1% ..he was on insulin but hoping to come off or curtail it....he just found out his pancreas has quit completely and he is now on a pump...he has taken it hard...
Is honey bettrr for people than refined sugar?

Refined sugar is the bane of mankind......every morning millions of little kids are getting a bowl of this stuff and are gaining weight.....drinking sugared soda during the day which is like drinking a can of sugar....and getting fatter.....because MANY of those little kids dont spend hours outside running around like it was in my day.....Diabetes is at an all time high....and i believe it is getting higher not lower....
Thank God, the first lady is speaking out about eating better.

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