calling all diabetics.....

i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

While I would prefer NOT to have diabetes at all, I'm much happier being a type 1 on insulin than a type 2. Why? Type 2's "need" to be super regimented in diet, meds and exercise. On my insulin pump, it approximates what a pancreas does naturally. It allows me to skip meals if I want, have a snack, have a splurge meal, etc. I simply take more insulin depending on my carb load to keep my BG leveled out. You can't do that with an oral medication.

lol i work with a type 1...she eats whatever and just adjusts her shot...

i wish the cure for t1 comes soon...i always feel for the kids...its so hard on them and their parents...

no you cant just pop another metformin and go...people who try that normally have serious liver problems...

it was a t1 who came in after the doctor told me i was diabetic and talked to me...she was going...look i have all my toes..i work..i am married with kids...she was the only person who really gave me any hope when i was told..but like someone said..medical advances are being made daily...

my husband wants me to undergo a by pass and be 'cured' the diet after the by pass is just as bad

the biggest adjustment for those around me...has been my weight loss...i was a foodie...i go into places i use to go and they send out plates of food that i didnt order...chef compliments and lets see if we can kill time it was a plate of advocados and brie cheese....then after dinner....marshmellow stuffed chocolate frogs....

i saw a friend i hadnt seen in a few months...he knew of i was walking away...he calls a whole sammie..go on try it...people are still asking hubby and friends if i am dying or what? one of my male friends decided he would stop the questions by telling everyone i had relapsed into a 300 dollar a day coke habit...
and i am trying to avoid wearing skinny legged jeans...i look like lip from shameless in them...

Hugs, friendo.

mr. boe is a Type I, diagnosed as an adult. The mental adjustment was actually harder than doing the physical things to manage his disease. He went through a period of severe depression, which was very difficult. From talking with others who have been diagnosed with chronic illness, this is pretty common. But it does get better as one works through the emotional recovery process.

The best advice I can give you is to figure out how to use your "tools" to manage the disease so you can live your life in a happy way. Insulin is a great tool - and if your doctor recommends it as an option, it might really help you. Also, using a glucose meter several times a day will help you learn what works and what doesn't for you.
Low carb is always good. Do the sprouted grain breads once in a while.
I do the Spirulina tabs regularly, big help. [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] tipped me off to both Krull Oil caps and Cinnamon capsules. I find the cinnamon does more for lowering blood sugar than Metformin. Yeah, I'm on 500 mg, twice a day. Along with Lisonipril 30 mg, once a day.

I found out the hard way I has Diabetes Type 2. I had a broken tooth and some other stuff going on, in my mouth, so I set up an appointment at NYU Dental Clinic, after the strange reaction i had from my regular Dentist.

They found my Blood Pressure was way up, 159/ 105, ;) and sent me to their nursing unit. I got diagnosed with Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes both in the same day. Blood Sugar was at 307, peaked at 357 the next Morning. A1C came back at 15.1%. This was 1/31/2013. That explained a lot about the blurry vision and frequent pit stops. ;) They tried to put me on Insulin, I refused. By mid March, My A1C was down to 7.6% ish. Last check in August, was 6.1%. I'm still dropping. BS 30 Day avg is about 104, now. My lows go into the 80's. I do space on my meals , and prefer it that way. Super Foods, Spinach, Asparagus, ..... Veggies, am so burnt out on salads. :( :lol:

Krill oil....... lol.

i still think you should ask about adding Tolbutamide into your drugs.....

i still think you should ask about adding Tolbutamide into your drugs.....

Syrenn when you mentioned this drug long ago in another thread i asked my Pharmacist about it.....he said they dont usually use Tolbutamide because it has more adverse side effects than the newer second generation drugs like glyburide and it generally has a shorter duration of action due to its rapid wife's drug book said much the you know someone who takes it?....
You don't want me in this conversation, I don't take care of myself. My weight is 280 and I do not test my blood sugar )

My weight is OVER 280 and I test daily.

Check out this healthy foods to control diabetes - Bing

My wife constantly tries to get me to eat refried beans instead of potatoes and loves to add diced prickly pear cactus leaves in scrambled eggs.

My problem is that I'm also on the blood thinner cumadin and green vegetables reduce its efficacy.

i still think you should ask about adding Tolbutamide into your drugs.....

Syrenn when you mentioned this drug long ago in another thread i asked my Pharmacist about it.....he said they dont usually use Tolbutamide because it has more adverse side effects than the newer second generation drugs like glyburide and it generally has a shorter duration of action due to its rapid wife's drug book said much the you know someone who takes it?....

yes i do know someone who takes it. It works like a charm. It is also prescribed by a DR, one of the best of the best in the field.... and not a pharmacist.
Can't speak to type 2, I'm type 1. Found out when I was 17 and I'm now 56. Technology and treatment have come a long, long way in the past 40 years. I currently use an insulin pump.

question have your eyes fared over the years?....

question does that pump work?

I had Type-2 for 10 years before the cataracts began to develop. Thank goodness a doc removed my lenses and replaced them with silicon ones. Gave me 20/20 vision - only problem, I now have to use reading glasses.
You don't want me in this conversation, I don't take care of myself. My weight is 280 and I do not test my blood sugar )

My weight is OVER 280 and I test daily.

Check out this healthy foods to control diabetes - Bing

My wife constantly tries to get me to eat refried beans instead of potatoes and loves to add diced prickly pear cactus leaves in scrambled eggs.

My problem is that I'm also on the blood thinner cumadin and green vegetables reduce its efficacy.

i switched to Sweet Potatoes over regular.....thats not to say i never touch them.....

i still think you should ask about adding Tolbutamide into your drugs.....

Syrenn when you mentioned this drug long ago in another thread i asked my Pharmacist about it.....he said they dont usually use Tolbutamide because it has more adverse side effects than the newer second generation drugs like glyburide and it generally has a shorter duration of action due to its rapid wife's drug book said much the you know someone who takes it?....

yes i do know someone who takes it. It works like a charm. It is also prescribed by a DR, one of the best of the best in the field.... and not a pharmacist.

well Pharmacist dont prescribe.....but they know about the drugs.....
Can't speak to type 2, I'm type 1. Found out when I was 17 and I'm now 56. Technology and treatment have come a long, long way in the past 40 years. I currently use an insulin pump.

question have your eyes fared over the years?....

question does that pump work?

I had Type-2 for 10 years before the cataracts began to develop. Thank goodness a doc removed my lenses and replaced them with silicon ones. Gave me 20/20 vision - only problem, I now have to use reading glasses.

i am trying to stay off more drugs....i did the cinnimmon for a didnt help me..each to his own it does seem...

how is yalls fbg? i was at 98 this am...
I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.
i dont feel much difference...sometimes i get sweaty....but that is normally a low....i hit the 70s sometimes...the lowest i have gone is 65....and i didnt feel weird at all...just was getting ready to board a ferry and tested before getting on...needed food...first...according to meter...

i always test am/pm....most the time i will try to hit a meal before and after....esp if i have something new...

i am sick of being watched all the time...the passing out thing...has freaked the hubby out...esp since i had gone and got an ekg and was cleared and then passed out that night...
we are at that standoff..where i am saying....hey no worries havent passed out in nearly 7 weeks.....he is looking at me all the damned time waiting on me to hit the ground...he trys to hold my hand...i told him if he was holding my hand and i hit the deck he most likely would cause me to break something...just let me fall...
do yall keep logs...i do...not as much as i did at first but still the numbers and comments...they had me on this damn oatmeal...i finally just put in my food log that i would rather die of clorestoral than eat another bite of that shit....i wonder how that will go over on review lol
I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.

LOL at all of you Type 2's who think 120 is high. ;) As a Type 1, 120 is my target BG. If I get down around 80, I get the shakes, sweats and can't focus.
i refuse to go on statins

My wife and I see the same endocrinologist. Me for diabetes, here for thyroid. I take Zocor and have the cholesterol readings of a teenager. My wife has "bad" numbers and fights the doctor at every visit because she refuses to take statins. You have to weigh the risk to the benefit and that is different for each and every person.
Statins have really bad side effects. Weakness in limbs, sometimes patients can barely walk. Jittery feelings inside, fluttery heartbeats. I would never take them either.

Statin side effects: Weigh the benefits and risks -

Docs push these drugs like they're handing candy out to patients. It's best to try and stay off everything possible but you have to research all of it for yourself and don't take just anything they suggest.

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