calling all diabetics.....

I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.

LOL at all of you Type 2's who think 120 is high. ;) As a Type 1, 120 is my target BG. If I get down around 80, I get the shakes, sweats and can't focus.

i am told 130 is a decent number.....but hopefully be lower....
i refuse to go on statins

My wife and I see the same endocrinologist. Me for diabetes, here for thyroid. I take Zocor and have the cholesterol readings of a teenager. My wife has "bad" numbers and fights the doctor at every visit because she refuses to take statins. You have to weigh the risk to the benefit and that is different for each and every person.

my reading are real low too....i take the smallest dose they make for Zocor.....i take a CoQ-10 supplement to make up for the depletion of it that statins cause....
i dont feel much difference...sometimes i get sweaty....but that is normally a low....i hit the 70s sometimes...the lowest i have gone is 65....and i didnt feel weird at all...just was getting ready to board a ferry and tested before getting on...needed food...first...according to meter...

i always test am/pm....most the time i will try to hit a meal before and after....esp if i have something new...

i am sick of being watched all the time...the passing out thing...has freaked the hubby out...esp since i had gone and got an ekg and was cleared and then passed out that night...
we are at that standoff..where i am saying....hey no worries havent passed out in nearly 7 weeks.....he is looking at me all the damned time waiting on me to hit the ground...he trys to hold my hand...i told him if he was holding my hand and i hit the deck he most likely would cause me to break something...just let me fall...

are you passing out from the low's?
do yall keep logs...i do...not as much as i did at first but still the numbers and comments...they had me on this damn oatmeal...i finally just put in my food log that i would rather die of clorestoral than eat another bite of that shit....i wonder how that will go over on review lol

depending on the meter..... you can hook it up to your computer and it will log and make graphs for you.
Type 2 on Metformin.

I did a juice diet for a month, no carbs and blood sugar went down to 90
they think i am passing out due to low blood pressure...seems when i stand blood pressure drops like a rock...i find it annoying ...i have to be careful about things like getting out on rocks more dancing near the edge for me

i thought juices were too oj...i just drink water...
they think i am passing out due to low blood pressure...seems when i stand blood pressure drops like a rock...i find it annoying ...i have to be careful about things like getting out on rocks more dancing near the edge for me

i thought juices were too oj...i just drink water...

I think fruit juiced may be ok, but I haven't tried it. Obviously fruit in moderation because it is high in sugar. Vegetables juiced may be better, again in moderation. Do you drink sufficient water for your weight and height and activity?
they think i am passing out due to low blood pressure...seems when i stand blood pressure drops like a rock...i find it annoying ...i have to be careful about things like getting out on rocks more dancing near the edge for me

i thought juices were too oj...i just drink water...

have they made a determination to which it is bones? Low pressure will do it... so will a low blood sugar count.
I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.

LOL at all of you Type 2's who think 120 is high. ;) As a Type 1, 120 is my target BG. If I get down around 80, I get the shakes, sweats and can't focus.

Doctors are clueless pukebags. They spew whatever shit the industry tells l them to. Remember when 120/80 was a good BP? Now they start suggesting drugs when you hit 100/70.
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well how are you doing? with it all? i am on metformin....

500 mg 2x a day...makes me fart like there is no is so embarrassing....

do you do the low carb? i have been doing that....i am a skeleton with a gut...nice look

and of course the latest news is....

bayer may stop producing the a1c now test.....which i like cause its cheaper than the lab and gives results in 5 mintues

my last a1c was 5.1....and my readings are pretty good but this damn thing can explode on fast and sometimes no matter what ya do

Been Type 2 for about a year.
i think I've taken my Metformin 10 times since then.
I drink nothing but Mountain Dew and Sweet Tea, but just about any time I prick my finger I'm between 110 and 140

Gave up trying to worry about it
well how are you doing? with it all? i am on metformin....

500 mg 2x a day...makes me fart like there is no is so embarrassing....

do you do the low carb? i have been doing that....i am a skeleton with a gut...nice look

and of course the latest news is....

bayer may stop producing the a1c now test.....which i like cause its cheaper than the lab and gives results in 5 mintues

my last a1c was 5.1....and my readings are pretty good but this damn thing can explode on fast and sometimes no matter what ya do

Been Type 2 for about a year.
i think I've taken my Metformin 10 times since then.
I drink nothing but Mountain Dew and Sweet Tea, but just about any time I prick my finger I'm between 110 and 140

Gave up trying to worry about it


i hope both of those things are diet drinks.
well how are you doing? with it all? i am on metformin....

500 mg 2x a day...makes me fart like there is no is so embarrassing....

do you do the low carb? i have been doing that....i am a skeleton with a gut...nice look

and of course the latest news is....

bayer may stop producing the a1c now test.....which i like cause its cheaper than the lab and gives results in 5 mintues

my last a1c was 5.1....and my readings are pretty good but this damn thing can explode on fast and sometimes no matter what ya do

Been Type 2 for about a year.
i think I've taken my Metformin 10 times since then.
I drink nothing but Mountain Dew and Sweet Tea, but just about any time I prick my finger I'm between 110 and 140

Gave up trying to worry about it


i hope both of those things are diet drinks.

I'm thinking with all the cooking I've been doing I've lost 15-20 pounds, if that hasn't helped reel it in some.
I seriously never get a number higher than 150, with no control measures taken
I've already said how my sis is type 1. She's had a couple of fainting spells, her blood pressure is good, blood sugar fluctuates high then low, it's a balancing act. She's on insulin she works out everyday, her weight is about 100 lbs if that. Her doc told her the reason she was fainting was her kidney function. Her husband had to carry her in the house during one episode, she said all she saw was flashes of bright light, she couldn't see to walk, then she passed out.

Just want to be sure you had that checked and to see whether you take blood pressure medicine. Some of it contains a diuretic which you may not need seeing as how you are very compliant.
I despise metformin and stopped taking it.
Half of my waking day was spent on the crapper, or seemed like it.
Now I control my blood sugar by diet.
I get really grumpy when it is a little high, over 120, so I use that as my gauge.

LOL at all of you Type 2's who think 120 is high. ;) As a Type 1, 120 is my target BG. If I get down around 80, I get the shakes, sweats and can't focus.

Doctors are clueless pukebags. They spew whatever shit the industry tells l them to. Remember when 120/80 was a good BP? Now they start suggesting drugs when you hit 100/70.

not talking about Blood Pressure.....Blood sugar.....

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