calling all diabetics.....

well how are you doing? with it all? i am on metformin....

500 mg 2x a day...makes me fart like there is no is so embarrassing....

do you do the low carb? i have been doing that....i am a skeleton with a gut...nice look

and of course the latest news is....

bayer may stop producing the a1c now test.....which i like cause its cheaper than the lab and gives results in 5 mintues

my last a1c was 5.1....and my readings are pretty good but this damn thing can explode on fast and sometimes no matter what ya do

You can try perhaps the slow-release form of Metformin, which is kinder on the bowels.

i was thinking about asking for the er met but i am adjusting....i know when to eat and when to be alone now.....sometimes it blows up....

Until you get prescribed the slow release Metformin perhaps Google which foods are likely to produce wind and cut back on them. Seriously the slow release is just as effective but with less of a bad effect on the bowel. Don't be afraid to ask for the Metformin to be changed to the slow release one.
thanks sweets i will ....i go back next month...i will see what i can do about the er

the mental math is the hardest thing for me...last night i hit 117 at i lay there...going over what i have eaten.....why is it so high...blah blah blah...that is what is so hard to explain to my friends..that i can have a sweet if i have a protein and carb before...but i cant just eat the sweet alone...i try to explain saving carbs and all...but then one day at a fair where they had the sticks of mini husband ask me if i had saved enough carbs to have one...the saving carbs is just a one meal thing...he got the impression i could save the up for the day....i explained it dont work that cant be good for a week and then blow it out and not pay for it....

has anyone looked into laser for the feet? i saw the ad at the foot doctors yesterday...that laser will help foot pain?
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.

o i am pretty good...last a1c was 5.1...and i normally have a fbg of under a 30/14/7 days averages are all under a or knowing when to only the a1c will tell...

i normally test a few times a hour after eating..that is my spike
thanks sweets i will ....i go back next month...i will see what i can do about the er

the mental math is the hardest thing for me...last night i hit 117 at i lay there...going over what i have eaten.....why is it so high...blah blah blah...that is what is so hard to explain to my friends..that i can have a sweet if i have a protein and carb before...but i cant just eat the sweet alone...i try to explain saving carbs and all...but then one day at a fair where they had the sticks of mini husband ask me if i had saved enough carbs to have one...the saving carbs is just a one meal thing...he got the impression i could save the up for the day....i explained it dont work that cant be good for a week and then blow it out and not pay for it....

has anyone looked into laser for the feet? i saw the ad at the foot doctors yesterday...that laser will help foot pain?

you are seeing a Podiatrist right?....
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.

you dont have to give up Bread and Pasta......
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.

o i am pretty good...last a1c was 5.1...and i normally have a fbg of under a 30/14/7 days averages are all under a or knowing when to only the a1c will tell...

i normally test a few times a hour after eating..that is my spike

It sounds like you have it under control.
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

It doesn't sound like you will have to go on insulin but if you do, insulin is organic treatment and much less scary than some of the medication out there.

Take your Metformin with your first bite of food in the morning and evening meals. It will help with digestive problems.

You seem to be doing really well.
i lost 85 lbs....but it took a spartan diet to do it...i am low carb as much as possible..the only pasta i eat is that dreamfield stuff for diabetics...or low carbs...i just try to find the lowest carb bread i can

i have not passed out in one month and 24 days....that is low blood pressure

Bones, have you ever tried spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta? My wife has celiac and can't eat gluten and I'm diabetic. We find it a good sub for us.
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

While I would prefer NOT to have diabetes at all, I'm much happier being a type 1 on insulin than a type 2. Why? Type 2's "need" to be super regimented in diet, meds and exercise. On my insulin pump, it approximates what a pancreas does naturally. It allows me to skip meals if I want, have a snack, have a splurge meal, etc. I simply take more insulin depending on my carb load to keep my BG leveled out. You can't do that with an oral medication.
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

While I would prefer NOT to have diabetes at all, I'm much happier being a type 1 on insulin than a type 2. Why? Type 2's "need" to be super regimented in diet, meds and exercise. On my insulin pump, it approximates what a pancreas does naturally. It allows me to skip meals if I want, have a snack, have a splurge meal, etc. I simply take more insulin depending on my carb load to keep my BG leveled out. You can't do that with an oral medication.

lol i work with a type 1...she eats whatever and just adjusts her shot...

i wish the cure for t1 comes soon...i always feel for the kids...its so hard on them and their parents...

no you cant just pop another metformin and go...people who try that normally have serious liver problems...

it was a t1 who came in after the doctor told me i was diabetic and talked to me...she was going...look i have all my toes..i work..i am married with kids...she was the only person who really gave me any hope when i was told..but like someone said..medical advances are being made daily...

my husband wants me to undergo a by pass and be 'cured' the diet after the by pass is just as bad

the biggest adjustment for those around me...has been my weight loss...i was a foodie...i go into places i use to go and they send out plates of food that i didnt order...chef compliments and lets see if we can kill time it was a plate of advocados and brie cheese....then after dinner....marshmellow stuffed chocolate frogs....

i saw a friend i hadnt seen in a few months...he knew of i was walking away...he calls a whole sammie..go on try it...people are still asking hubby and friends if i am dying or what? one of my male friends decided he would stop the questions by telling everyone i had relapsed into a 300 dollar a day coke habit...
and i am trying to avoid wearing skinny legged jeans...i look like lip from shameless in them...
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

While I would prefer NOT to have diabetes at all, I'm much happier being a type 1 on insulin than a type 2. Why? Type 2's "need" to be super regimented in diet, meds and exercise. On my insulin pump, it approximates what a pancreas does naturally. It allows me to skip meals if I want, have a snack, have a splurge meal, etc. I simply take more insulin depending on my carb load to keep my BG leveled out. You can't do that with an oral medication.

lol i work with a type 1...she eats whatever and just adjusts her shot...

i wish the cure for t1 comes soon...i always feel for the kids...its so hard on them and their parents...

no you cant just pop another metformin and go...people who try that normally have serious liver problems...

it was a t1 who came in after the doctor told me i was diabetic and talked to me...she was going...look i have all my toes..i work..i am married with kids...she was the only person who really gave me any hope when i was told..but like someone said..medical advances are being made daily...

my husband wants me to undergo a by pass and be 'cured' the diet after the by pass is just as bad

the biggest adjustment for those around me...has been my weight loss...i was a foodie...i go into places i use to go and they send out plates of food that i didnt order...chef compliments and lets see if we can kill time it was a plate of advocados and brie cheese....then after dinner....marshmellow stuffed chocolate frogs....

i saw a friend i hadnt seen in a few months...he knew of i was walking away...he calls a whole sammie..go on try it...people are still asking hubby and friends if i am dying or what? one of my male friends decided he would stop the questions by telling everyone i had relapsed into a 300 dollar a day coke habit...
and i am trying to avoid wearing skinny legged jeans...i look like lip from shameless in them...

Hang in there. Even though I can just pump more insulin, eating healthy is still the best option regardless. I've known I've been diabetic for 39 years now. No telling how long before that. I'm a twin and was a normal sized kid up until 5th grade when I ballooned up in weight. I found out I was diabetic my senior year of high school. I still have both feet, all my toes and both my eyes. That being said, I've had a fair amount of laser done on my eyes and I've lost a lot of nerve sensation in my feet. 100 years ago, being diabetic was a death sentence. Today, it is manageable and someone like me who is 56 and 40 years a diabetic is still alive and kicking and living a normal life.
i am terrified of going on all t2's have to do that....? or not

No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.

you dont have to give up Bread and Pasta......

You can control the carbs and protein in both if make your own. Neither is difficult and its not as time consuming as one would think.

There was a time when bread was called the Staff of Life but what is on the shelf at the grocery store is garbage.
Low carb is always good. Do the sprouted grain breads once in a while.
I do the Spirulina tabs regularly, big help. [MENTION=23424]syrenn[/MENTION] tipped me off to both Krull Oil caps and Cinnamon capsules. I find the cinnamon does more for lowering blood sugar than Metformin. Yeah, I'm on 500 mg, twice a day. Along with Lisonipril 30 mg, once a day.

I found out the hard way I has Diabetes Type 2. I had a broken tooth and some other stuff going on, in my mouth, so I set up an appointment at NYU Dental Clinic, after the strange reaction i had from my regular Dentist.

They found my Blood Pressure was way up, 159/ 105, ;) and sent me to their nursing unit. I got diagnosed with Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes both in the same day. Blood Sugar was at 307, peaked at 357 the next Morning. A1C came back at 15.1%. This was 1/31/2013. That explained a lot about the blurry vision and frequent pit stops. ;) They tried to put me on Insulin, I refused. By mid March, My A1C was down to 7.6% ish. Last check in August, was 6.1%. I'm still dropping. BS 30 Day avg is about 104, now. My lows go into the 80's. I do space on my meals , and prefer it that way. Super Foods, Spinach, Asparagus, ..... Veggies, am so burnt out on salads. :( :lol:
i lost 85 lbs....but it took a spartan diet to do it...i am low carb as much as possible..the only pasta i eat is that dreamfield stuff for diabetics...or low carbs...i just try to find the lowest carb bread i can

i have not passed out in one month and 24 days....that is low blood pressure

Bones, have you ever tried spaghetti squash as a substitute for pasta? My wife has celiac and can't eat gluten and I'm diabetic. We find it a good sub for us.

i have and it is a great if they would only cultivate some Rigatoni Squash....
No, the good news is that you can prolong that from happening and maybe never have to. It's up to you and how you control your diet. Your days of fast food, bread, pasta and other carbs should be over. Get used to it. You have to make a huge change. Somehow you have to learn to make a diet of the kinds of foods you can eat without raising your daily blood sugar interesting and satisfying. You will crave carbs, but have to win that battle. If you do this, you will be able to treat yourself on occasion to something special that you crave, but only on occasion and only after you have accomplished the lowering of your daily sugar to normal for multiple days over a period of weeks. Get one of those carb counter books and begin to educate yourself about some of the foods that will cause your sugar to go up the least.

you dont have to give up Bread and Pasta......

You can control the carbs and protein in both if make your own. Neither is difficult and its not as time consuming as one would think.

There was a time when bread was called the Staff of Life but what is on the shelf at the grocery store is garbage.

not all of it.....there are some real descent Whole grain ones starting to show up.....i was told if you want bread......keep it to 2 slices a day and make sure its has at least these numbers......

per 2 slices,
-- 150 calories or less

-- 3 g total fat or less

-- 1.5 g saturated fat or less

-- 0 g trans fat

-- 30 g carb or less

-- 300 mg sodium or less

-- At least 2 g fiber
Another thing, how is your weight? If you are a normal weight ok, but if overweight often losing weight will reduce the blood sugars, perhaps even getting rid of the diabetes, although it is wise to keep checking of course.

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