Calling all white liberal males !!!

Could it be that traditional roles are changing.....and liberals roll with changes better?

I think it's more like this. Hard-core white liberals are guilt-ridden from being part of a race that has historically been on top for many centuries now.
I think they feel that if they have fewer children, that their racial "superiority" if you will, will eventually be diluted down in the coming decades until there is no longer one race, or at least the white race, on top.

Thing is though, whites in general whether they be liberal or conservative, having fewer kids endangers the world since their replacements will most assuredly kill the west and it's freedoms, and replace it with fundamentalism. Europe for instance is beginning these death throes as we speak, and another couple generations, and an Islamic state will replace the western culture, and it's likely to be filled with less freedoms, and more fundamentalism.
It's a sad future IMO.

Well then......that will end any confusion about your sanity.

Note to self: Remember who the batshit crazy ones are.........
Got a favorite theory as to why?

For starters, liberals are firm believers in abortion. They also typically feel having fewer kids is being responsible to the planet. Women, who are more likely to be Dims, are also then likely to want careers outside the home.
It all adds up to fewer kids than Conservatives.

Odd choice of words. " firm believers" in abortion. You are odd.

To liberals, like global warming, abortion is a religion.
Liberal men are mostly buttfucking faggots therefore no children, it is really that simple.
First of all, supporting choice for women does not equal firm "belief" in abortion. If you can't understand the difference, that's your cognitive failing.
Secondly, your comment "dedicated to ending the white race" is appallingly telling about your view of people and pretty much pegs you as someone not to be encouraged to pontificate any further.
Conservatives have more children because of Christianity and the desire to have large families.
Conservatives have more children because of Christianity and the desire to have large families.

That's certainly a key reason, and why I predict the Dimocrat party will be more conservative in the future.
I base that on the fact that white liberals have few children, and Hispanics who typically have much larger families will be the dominating force in the Dimocrat party in the near future.
When you have more kids, you typically become more conservative, and Hispanics are already more socially conservative than white liberals.
Conservatives have more children because of Christianity and the desire to have large families.

That's certainly a key reason, and why I predict the Dimocrat party will be more conservative in the future.
I base that on the fact that white liberals have few children, and Hispanics who typically have much larger families will be the dominating force in the Dimocrat party in the near future.
When you have more kids, you typically become more conservative, and Hispanics are already more socially conservative than white liberals.

The thing about that...many children of conservatives grow up to resent Christianity and rebel in the form of liberalism. Teapers have pretty much ruined the GOP relationship with hispanics, so they moving to the dark side as well.

In short...Teapers have destroyed conservatism and the GOP. The GOP will decline to nothing if something isn't done about the Teaper movement and the racists who control it.

Serious shit...Teapers suck! They are destroying any hope of going back to traditional family values and conservative ideology. The whole premise of being an asshole to prove your point...doesn't really work.

"And who the fuck are you? Mr sock"

Who do I have to be to call you out on your BS?
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Could it be that traditional roles are changing.....and liberals roll with changes better?

I think it's more like this. Hard-core white liberals are guilt-ridden from being part of a race that has historically been on top for many centuries now.
I think they feel that if they have fewer children, that their racial "superiority" if you will, will eventually be diluted down in the coming decades until there is no longer one race, or at least the white race, on top.

Thing is though, whites in general whether they be liberal or conservative, having fewer kids endangers the world since their replacements will most assuredly kill the west and it's freedoms, and replace it with fundamentalism. Europe for instance is beginning these death throes as we speak, and another couple generations, and an Islamic state will replace the western culture, and it's likely to be filled with less freedoms, and more fundamentalism.
It's a sad future IMO.
What on earth are you smoking? Fewer people means more fundamentalism? Ignorance, poverty and fear breed fundamentalism. Be it in Appalachia, the middle east or south Asia, whenever the conditions allow, fundamentalism is nurtured.

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