Calling John Kerry! Iran just spit in your face

Bibi just cancelled a visit to the White House

CF is this for true?

It's above 32 F here and I'm ready to break out the coppertone and go up the road after losing Duke. Trying to brave this. But if you are telling me I have a nuclear war on the horizon I might reconsider taking the time out for a walk.

who is duke?

Duke was my canine friend that I lost last week. I got shit faced for days on end. Did you miss what we did? Off to Valhalla and with fireworks. Losing him was very hard. I don't like many people. But this is why this place is a great place to gather.

I may agree or disagree with many but personally I think we have an awesome crew here. I meet people like you. Or Stratford. Or Pogo. Or CF. I could name so many.

I say the USMB posters are truly the best on the net.
must I google? did he give a reason?

Nope, he didn't even give Obama the courtesy of a call either

Netanyahu says declined to meet Obama due to U.S. election campaign
what a hypocrite

could you expand on your "hypocrite" comment OGGIE----to whom does it refer?
netanyahu was happy to use the congress for his own election prop but won't meet a president that isn't running because of the election?

according to the article-----the trip was supposed to be for a meeting of
some jewish organization------ Obama was expecting a visit too?
He issues an invitation? you got some link? The "election prop" thing
Netanyahu says he declined to meet Obama due to U.S. election campaign
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he had declined a proposed meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in order to steer clear of the U.S. presidential election campaign, as Vice President Joe Biden began a two-day visit to Israel.

that'd make him a hypocrite. but we all already knew the guy was an asshole not to be trusted, why should we be surprised he's a hypocrite, too?
Bibi just cancelled a visit to the White House

CF is this for true?

It's above 32 F here and I'm ready to break out the coppertone and go up the road after losing Duke. Trying to brave this. But if you are telling me I have a nuclear war on the horizon I might reconsider taking the time out for a walk.

who is duke?

Duke was my canine friend that I lost last week. I got shit faced for days on end. Did you miss what we did? Off to Valhalla and with fireworks. Losing him was very hard. I don't like many people. But this is why this place is a great place to gather.

I may agree or disagree with many but personally I think we have an awesome crew here. I meet people like you. Or Stratford. Or Pogo. Or CF. I could name so many.

I say the USMB posters are truly the best on the net.

yes,, we are....... a happy family-------no strife ------just love and affection
About Us

“How stands the city on this winter night? More prosperous, more secure, and happier than it was eight years ago. But more than that: After 200 years, two centuries, she still stands strong and true on the granite ridge, and her glow has held steady no matter what storm. And she’s still a beacon, still a magnet for all who must have freedom, for all the pilgrims from all the lost places who are hurtling through the darkness, toward home.”

—Ronald Reagan, Farewell Address, January 11, 1989

The Washington Free Beacon is a privately owned, for-profit online newspaper that began publication on February 7, 2012. Dedicated to uncovering the stories that the powers that be hope will never see the light of day, the Free Beacon produces in-depth investigative reporting on a wide range of issues, including public policy, government affairs, international security, and media. Whether it’s exposing cronyism, finding out just who is shaping our domestic and foreign policy and why, or highlighting the threats to American security and peace in a dangerous world, the Free Beacon is committed to serving the public interest by reporting news and information that is not being fully covered by other news organizations.

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Nope, he didn't even give Obama the courtesy of a call either

Netanyahu says declined to meet Obama due to U.S. election campaign
what a hypocrite

could you expand on your "hypocrite" comment OGGIE----to whom does it refer?
netanyahu was happy to use the congress for his own election prop but won't meet a president that isn't running because of the election?

according to the article-----the trip was supposed to be for a meeting of
some jewish organization------ Obama was expecting a visit too?
He issues an invitation? you got some link? The "election prop" thing
Netanyahu says he declined to meet Obama due to U.S. election campaign
TEL AVIV (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Tuesday he had declined a proposed meeting with U.S. President Barack Obama in order to steer clear of the U.S. presidential election campaign, as Vice President Joe Biden began a two-day visit to Israel.

that'd make him a hypocrite. but we all already knew the guy was an asshole not to be trusted, why should we be surprised he's a hypocrite, too?

not really------campaign going on in Israel now in which muslimah sluts are pulling
knives out from under their stinking rags and sticking them into people------for which
they are paid by Iran-------there is no question that people over there are annoyed
at Obama for SUCKING UP to the Iranians
Full story:
Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test

March 8, 2016 12:40 pm

Iran on Tuesday again threatened to walk away from the nuclear agreement reached last year with global powers, hours after the country breached international agreements by test-firing ballistic missiles.

Iran’s most recent ballistic missile test, which violates current U.N. Security Council resolutions, comes a day after the international community’s nuclear watchdog organization disclosed that it is prohibited by the nuclear agreement from publicly reporting on potential violations by Iran.

Iranian leaders now say that they are poised to walk away from the deal if the United States and other global powers fail to advance the Islamic Republic’s “national interests.”

“If our interests are not met under the nuclear deal, there will be no reason for us to continue,” Abbas Araqchi, Iran’s deputy foreign minister,warnedduring remarks delivered to a group of Iranian officials in Tehran.

“If other parties decide, they could easily violate the deal,” Araqchi was quoted as saying by Iran’s state-controlled media. “However, they know this will come with costs.”

Araqchi appeared to allude to the United States possibly leveling new economic sanctions as a result of the missile test. The Obama administration moved forward with new sanctions earlier this year as aresult of the country’s previous missile tests.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R., Calif.) warned that the nuclear agreement has done little to moderate Iran’s rogue behavior.

“Far from pushing Iran to a more moderate engagement with its neighbors, this nuclear deal is enabling Iran’s aggression and terrorist activities,” McCarthy said in a statement. “Sanctions relief is fueling Iran’s proxies from Yemen to Iraq to Syria to Lebanon. Meanwhile, Khamenei and the Iranian regime are acting with impunity because they know President Obama will not hold them accountable and risk the public destruction of his nuclear deal, the cornerstone of the president’s foreign policy legacy.”

Iran Threatens to Walk Away From Nuke Deal After New Missile Test
Bibi just cancelled a visit to the White House

CF is this for true?

It's above 32 F here and I'm ready to break out the coppertone and go up the road after losing Duke. Trying to brave this. But if you are telling me I have a nuclear war on the horizon I might reconsider taking the time out for a walk.

who is duke?

Duke was my canine friend that I lost last week. I got shit faced for days on end. Did you miss what we did? Off to Valhalla and with fireworks. Losing him was very hard. I don't like many people. But this is why this place is a great place to gather.

I may agree or disagree with many but personally I think we have an awesome crew here. I meet people like you. Or Stratford. Or Pogo. Or CF. I could name so many.

I say the USMB posters are truly the best on the net.
I am so sorry, TD. Been there. It is so hard to lose a pet.
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?

radioactive S'mores?--------you will be needing a supply of graham crackers?
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?

radioactive S'mores?--------you will be needing a supply of graham crackers?
If your offering, I'm in...
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?

radioactive S'mores?--------you will be needing a supply of graham crackers?
If your offering, I'm in...

sure-----the radioactivity will not degrade the delightful TASTE
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?

radioactive S'mores?--------you will be needing a supply of graham crackers?
If your offering, I'm in...

sure-----the radioactivity will not degrade the delightful TASTE
Not at all. Can't think of a better way to go, than to have chocolate and marshmallow all over my gleeful face.
who would send John Kerry of all people to make a deal with Iran's leaders.
Oh, come on now, you gotta give ol' John his due. He did serve in Vietnam after all...:booze:
Seriously though, I am somewhat suprised it took this long. How long until they announce they have launched a nuke at us? Oh, wait, we will know when the eastern seaboard lights up like a christmas tree. I'm going to get some marshmallows and Hershey's bars. Who's in?

radioactive S'mores?--------you will be needing a supply of graham crackers?
If your offering, I'm in...

sure-----the radioactivity will not degrade the delightful TASTE
Not at all. Can't think of a better way to go, than to have chocolate and marshmallow all over my gleeful face.

In all seriousness though, is anyone accually suprised by this? Other than those empty suits in OUR White House? I mean really, I don't keep up on foreign relations as much as I would like, but even I saw this coming. Hell my wife did too, and she couldn't find the ME on a map of the ME (no offense dear).
In all seriousness though, is anyone accually suprised by this? Other than those empty suits in OUR White House? I mean really, I don't keep up on foreign relations as much as I would like, but even I saw this coming. Hell my wife did too, and she couldn't find the ME on a map of the ME (no offense dear).

haven's you ever seen the old JAY LENO tonight show JAY-WALKS feature???
In all seriousness though, is anyone accually suprised by this? Other than those empty suits in OUR White House? I mean really, I don't keep up on foreign relations as much as I would like, but even I saw this coming. Hell my wife did too, and she couldn't find the ME on a map of the ME (no offense dear).

haven's you ever seen the old JAY LENO tonight show JAY-WALKS feature???
Nope, don't watch late-night stuff.
In all seriousness though, is anyone accually suprised by this? Other than those empty suits in OUR White House? I mean really, I don't keep up on foreign relations as much as I would like, but even I saw this coming. Hell my wife did too, and she couldn't find the ME on a map of the ME (no offense dear).

haven's you ever seen the old JAY LENO tonight show JAY-WALKS feature???
Nope, don't watch late-night stuff.

oh-----sorry you missed it------Jay Leno would got OUT into the world and
ask-------young adults-----like college student types------very simple questions
on current events -----or facts about the world-----REALLY SIMPLE stuff-----not
a quiz show-----just a casual walk about town. ----------it would have been hilarious
if it were not so tragic

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