Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!


Sunni Man's bakery ( curb side or home delivery. includes skulls ribs and legs. condiments included. check his weekend specials (bread optional)
Sunni is not worthy of my efforts so let him live in ostrich land with his 78 virgins.
Actually, it's 73 virgins.......... :cool:

Actually it is zero! Heaven is not your whorehouse. It is a place of holy habitation for Almighty God and his followers. Not any of your nonsense. Don't expect to find any sex in hell either. You'll be too busy begging for a drop of water for that false tongue of yours. - Jeremiah
Actually, it's 73 virgins.......... :cool:

Actually it is zero! Heaven is not your whorehouse. It is a place of holy habitation for Almighty God and his followers. Not any of your nonsense. Don't expect to find any sex in hell either. You'll be too busy begging for a drop of water for that false tongue of yours. - Jeremiah

look closley and you'll see his 2 horns and a tail
Despicable hate sites. Where would haters of God be without them? Seriously. Perhaps it is a good thing that people see the despicable true nature of people such as Sunni man. It casts out the misconception that an American Muslim is a civilized one. - Jeremiah
Duh.....When you bake bread over an open fire you create smoke......... :cool:

And no, it wasn't a crematoria

I am not a 'dude'.

Baking in an oven is NOT 'over an open fire'.

The word 'crematoria' is the plural form: singular is 'crematorium'.

And NO - the smoke from baking bread is not heavy, black, greasy and foul-smelling.
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women of the IDF. beautiful but lethal !!!



[ame=]IDF Israel female soldiers - YouTube[/ame]

how many Nazi chicken sluts served???
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Bread? BREAD??? I gotta admit..I am gobsmacked at the idiocy I see from time to time here. Or, if not stupidity, it is flat out refusal to see truth.

Gracie, I do not believe it is idiocy or stupidity. I think they are well aware that they are lying, and *enjoy* their little passive/aggressive thrills.

For a few posters, I've no doubt it's become an attempt to carry on the Nazi 'legacy', trying to bring up the topic as a kind of threat.

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