Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

There is Zero evidence of any human residue or ash piles anywhere on the land around the chimneys.

Another holohoax myth down the toilet.

btw "Duh" doesn't mean dude......Duh :cuckoo:
Why is anyone still debating with these individuals? There is no sense to their argument.
women of the IDF. beautiful but lethal !!!



IDF Israel female soldiers - YouTube

how many Nazi chicken sluts served???

Some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have many WWII books with photos and not a single nazi woman that wasn't twisted & ugly in countenance. Reminds me of these arab women I see now raising their fists shouting death to Jews and praising Hitler. Very disturbing sight. Hatred is ugly.
So a paper published by a half Jew, with a Jewish executive director, says the numbers of Jews who suffered during WWII -that have been slowly admitted to have been inflated over for decades, even involving a changing of the plaque at the very camp in question to reflect the Jews' revision of their own lies- are now supposedly higher than ever? This based on the claims of a museum designed to vilify our WWII enemy and distract from America's crimes by creating a German boogie man. A museum whose director was a member of the American Jewish Committee...


As opposed to a museum designed to glorify our WWII enemies?
Bread? BREAD??? I gotta admit..I am gobsmacked at the idiocy I see from time to time here. Or, if not stupidity, it is flat out refusal to see truth.

Gracie, I do not believe it is idiocy or stupidity. I think they are well aware that they are lying, and *enjoy* their little passive/aggressive thrills.

For a few posters, I've no doubt it's become an attempt to carry on the Nazi 'legacy', trying to bring up the topic as a kind of threat.

Oh, Sunni is enjoying his long spoon and stirring the smelly pot. He even neg'd me because he said I was "special". Unfortunately, he is showing just how special HE is by letting my words get to him. Poor thing. Pity him.
Why is anyone still debating with these individuals? There is no sense to their argument.

It isn't a debate at all. It's trolling and they caught a few fish, myself included. Thanks for the wake up call that they are beneath me and not worthy any more of my time.:clap2:
Bread? BREAD??? I gotta admit..I am gobsmacked at the idiocy I see from time to time here. Or, if not stupidity, it is flat out refusal to see truth.

Gracie, I do not believe it is idiocy or stupidity. I think they are well aware that they are lying, and *enjoy* their little passive/aggressive thrills.

For a few posters, I've no doubt it's become an attempt to carry on the Nazi 'legacy', trying to bring up the topic as a kind of threat.

Right you are, Hunter, and that is why G-d of Israel continues to teach others not to go there by making examples out of people like Sunni Man. This is not over. Not by a longshot.

- Jeremiah
women of the IDF. beautiful but lethal !!!



IDF Israel female soldiers - YouTube

how many Nazi chicken sluts served???

Some of the most beautiful women in the world. I have many WWII books with photos and not a single nazi woman that wasn't twisted & ugly in countenance. Reminds me of these arab women I see now raising their fists shouting death to Jews and praising Hitler. Very disturbing sight. Hatred is ugly.

Skye, by your photographs I can see you are quite beautiful yourself. You have magnificent bone structure. I have a friend over in Europe who is a sculptor. She would find it a real treat to have you as a subject. You are quite beautiful. - Jeremiah
Wirtz was executed for war crimes in 1865..
Was the entirety of the CSA? Did the CSA have a genocidal campaign to exterminate anyone not fitting their racial imaginings?

Was Shermon, for his march to the sea and his right to rape? Did the USA ave a genocidal campaign to exterminate Southerners?

You're making my point for me, oh smart one.

Why would those who went straight to the alleged gas chambers show signs of starvation and typhus?

Burning has always been the most effective way of destroying diseased corpses, as well as the lice and other disease-bearing parasites that infect them. Lice and disease were epidemic among inmates and not uncommon among guards.

Supplies shortages do not a holocaust make. Finding abuses and sick persons like Mengela or the troops at Abu Graihb do not a national system of genocide make, either.

Did the USA have a system of genocide in VietNam? Or were the abuses of sick fucks the abuses of sick fucks in an environment which allowed the worst of them to carry out their own perverse imaginings?

If Americans want to weep over a genocide or ethnic cleansing, try looking at those going on today in Africa or Palestine. Or try admitting your own damn past and place Jackson's photo on the table instead of making Germany out to be the devil to hide Soviet war crimes and distract from your own wrongdoings.
Wirtz was executed for war crimes in 1865..
Was the entirety of the CSA? Did the CSA have a genocidal campaign to exterminate anyone not fitting their racial imaginings?

Was Shermon, for his march to the sea and his right to rape? Did the USA ave a genocidal campaign to exterminate Southerners?

You're making my point for me, oh smart one.

Why would those who went straight to the alleged gas chambers show signs of starvation and typhus?

Burning has always been the most effective way of destroying diseased corpses, as well as the lice and other disease-bearing parasites that infect them. Lice and disease were epidemic among inmates and not uncommon among guards.

Supplies shortages do not a holocaust make. Finding abuses and sick persons like Mengela or the troops at Abu Graihb do not a national system of genocide make, either.

Did the USA have a system of genocide in VietNam? Or were the abuses of sick fucks the abuses of sick fucks in an environment which allowed the worst of them to carry out their own perverse imaginings?

If Americans want to weep over a genocide or ethnic cleansing, try looking at those going on today in Africa or Palestine. Or try admitting your own damn past and place Jackson's photo on the table instead of making Germany out to be the devil to hide Soviet war crimes and distract from your own wrongdoings.

"Your own wrongdoings?" I take that to mean you aren't one of us.
Nobody is making your point for you, because you HAVE no point - except to whitewash deliberate Nazi atrocities.

There is a mountain of documentation of the deliberate intent of Hitler's Nazis to carry out genocide against Jews, Roma, Poles, Russians, the mentally ill, the mentally retarded, invalids and others who were deemed 'lesser'. The killings started before the actual war began, targeting German citizens.

Before the Jews were rounded up for the 'camps', they had been fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, crammed into ghettos with 'no visible means of support' - for months if not years. So of course many of them were ill.

Most of the 'supply shortages' were manufactured by Nazi edicts. There was no 'accident' about the mass starvation.

As for comparing the Nazi obscenities to Sherman's march through Georgia - DON'T. Absolutely no comparison. And incidentally, the South by maintaining slavery DID practice official genocide against blacks and 'mixed race' people.

Let's stay on the topic of what the Nazi 'government' did - deliberately, systematically, and with GLEE! - to whichever human beings they deemed 'unworthy' of being part of their society.

Don't bother making excuses and pretending it wasn't deliberate: there is far too much evidence left behind by the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. Even their testimony from the Nuremberg trials is rife with their arrogance and the pretense that there was nothing wrong with their 'experiments' and all the rest.

There have been a few other regimes which perpetrated ass murder of civilians on such a scale - the Crusades within Europe, the Hundred Years' War, the 'purges' of Stalin, the 'reeducation' campaigns of Pol Pot in Cambodia, a few rampages in assorted sad places in Africa (Idi Amin) - and of course the ongoing genocide in Darfur - which is almost over, as most of the area is now depopulated. Oh, and let's not forget the Rape of Nanking, either...... And the 'Cultural Revolution'.

I suppose you've got the excuses ready for all the rest of those mega-atrocities as well.

Have you personally ever spoken to anyone who was among the troops to liberate any of those Nazi camps? I have. An officer, a chaplain. He had some of the movies the Nazis made of some of their 'experiments'. And yes, he spoke and read German.

There are - or were - literally hundreds of thousands of witnesses to the overwhelming numbers of Nazi atrocities. Everywhere the same pattern. People who never met describing the same procedures in different places. And there are literally mountains of documents and pictures and charts.
"making Germany out to be the devil to hide Soviet war crimes and distract from your own wrongdoings."

The Nazis were the devil. That has nothing to do with the sins of the Soviets. Nobody else has even mentioned them!
Why would those who went straight to the alleged gas chambers show signs of starvation and typhus?

Firstly - because many of those gassed were starving and suffering from typhus at the time they were gassed.

Secondly - there is absolutely no doubt whatsoever tht the Nazi's used gas chambers. German records confirm this, and detail the numbers gassed. All genuine historical sources confirm this, and there is no dispute or controversy regarding those records.

It's strange how many Holocaust deniers seem unaware that Germans kept records, and that those records are available to the public.

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