Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Sunni -

Nazi records confirm that people were gassed, and confirm the names of people who were gassed.

This has all been on the public record for 10 years now - by which point any tiny shred of doubt the Deniers might have conjured up as finaly swept away.
The zionist jews have associated any discussion of the holocaust with KKK or neo nazis.

Which is just another way to stop any serious discussion about flaws in the official holocaust story.

Saigon, you have also fallen into this trap.......... :cool:
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The ovens the zionists claim was used to burn up the jews were too small to have been used for more that one body at a time.

Dude - I have stood in the gas ovens. I have walked around in them.

My suggestion would be that you go and do the same, and come back to us and tell us how many people could fit in them at once.
Professor Arno J. Mayer, whose Jewish family fled Luxembourg in 1940, wrote in his 1988 book Why Did the Heavens Not Darken

"Sources for the study of the gas chambers are at once rare and unreliable."

"Most of what is known is based on the depositions of Nazi officials and executioners at postwar trials and on the memory of survivors and bystanders. This testimony must be screened carefully, since it can be influenced by subjective factors of great complexity."

"In the meantime, there is no denying the many contradictions, ambiguities, and errors in the existing sources."

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Sunni -

Go and see with your own eyes.

The Nazi files exist, and you can go and look at them.

The gas chambers exist, and you can go and look at them. I have.

Posting nonsense from idiotic blogs does not make a case.
^^^ The allies faked many things concerning the nazis.......this included records and documentation.

No doubt you have documentation from reputable news sources for this allegation, and numerous examples?

The Nazis put people into those camps. The people were sick and underfed - but they were given neither food nor medicine, so many died. So they put more people into those camps. Repeat, repeat, repeat. MILLIONS died.......

And you are insisting that this was NOT deliberate nor organized nor the deaths very much intentional - IN SPITE of mountains of evidence to the contrary.

What you are doing is insisting that the Nazis were the only honest group in all the parties involved in WW2. Sure, they committed war crimes and crimes against humanity on a massive scale - but they NEVER had any official policy of harming anyone because of their ethnicity.

And your continual 'explanation' for all of this keeps boiling down to "It was the 'Zionists' who are responsible"....

Tell me again, which of us has a 'Zio-centric' view of the world???
Sunni, why are you posting hate speech ? Do you think those 'cartoons' are funny?
Gee, a blogstain so disgusting it comes with its own warning label.

And your carefully-selected quote doesn't deny that such gas chambers existed.

Let's put it this way, in order for the Holocaust documentation to have been 'faked' as you have claimed - it would have taken considerable manpower and time to produce so many forged documents. Literally truckloads of them.

Now, where are the tens of thousands of US and other Allied personnel who worked to produce the 'falsified' paper trails you postulate? How is it that hundreds of clerk-typists who had to have been involved have never come forward to protest such an outrage as that, falsifying evidence?

How did the Allied commanders get so many people of so many different nations to all keep such a big project a secret?

Speaking of a 'house of cards'......
The zionist jews have associated any discussion of the holocaust with KKK or neo nazis.

Which is just another way to stop any serious discussion about flaws in the official holocaust story.

Saigon, you have also fallen into this trap.......... :cool:

That 'association' is only logical:

1) Whose actions are being 'defended' here? Nazis.

2) What is the alternative to 'The accused is guilty as charged'? That EVERYONE involved was either part of a conspiracy to falsify the evidence, or the evidence has been 'misunderstood' by ALL previous parties - INCLUDING the participants themselves (guards, officers, German and other civilians, Allied troops and investigators)

3) What is the "REASON" being put forth by 'defenders' for this "conspiracy"? No less than the same 'worldwide Jewish conspiracy to control the world' - which was exactly the "foundation" upon which the anti-Jewish part of the Holocaust was erected.

OF COURSE there are flaws in the account of such events. The people involved are only human and imperfect. Some of them - of ANY 'faction' - may have tried to 'slant' or 'spin' things for certain reasons, and it may not be possible to detect and correct all such 'wrinkles'.

But all of that together does not change the picture of Nazi Germany which was the result of the Nuremburg trials. Because that portrait of Nazi intent and actions was VERY accurate.

That doesn't make the Allied troops executing surrendering Nazi soldiers 'right', NO.
Too many people around who were in these terrible camps to even think about a lie about them never being there.
My Polish uncle was in one as a forced labourer and I have no reason to suggest he made it up.
I've met Jews who were in the camps. They were either the best actors in the world or it's true.
Personally, I believe the looks on their faces and my guts.
The holocaust memorial days were an eye opener. Interesting events because the local government would use them to promote understanding between all local groups.
This was before I converted to Islam but local Muslims attended.

The camps were there and millions were killed.
PS - I fully accept the holocaust as true, dislike those who lie to forward their agenda but have equal contempt for those who use it for their selfish ends as the Israeli government does.

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