Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Zyklon B

Hydrogen cyanide HCN, prussic acid, is a chemical compound in the form of a powerfully poisonous, volatile colorless liquid with the odor of bitter almonds. Prussic acid is considered a battlefield poison agent. Its action depends on the restraint of cellular respiration as a result of neutralizing the respiratory enzymes. Prussic acid passes through the mucous membranes and the skin, but principally through the lungs, into the blood. It blocks the process by which oxygen is released from red blood corpuscles and the result is a sort of internal asphyxiation. This is accompanied by symptoms of injury to the respiratory system, combined with a feeling of fear, dizziness and vomiting.

Zyklon B was used in Germany before and during the Second World War for disinfection and pest extermination in ships, buildings and machinery. In the Auschwitz concentration camp as well, it was used exclusively for sanitation and pest control until the summer of 1941. After the end of August 1941, Zyklon was used in the camp, first experimentally and then routinely, as an agent of mass annihilation. Zyklon B consisted of diatomite, in the form of granules the size of fine peas, saturated with prussic acid. In view of its volatility and the associated risk of accidental poisoning, it was supplied to the camp in sealed metal canisters.

The Zyklon used at Auschwitz concentration camp was produced by a firm called Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung mbH), with headquarters in Frankfurt am Main and forming a part of IG Farbenidustrie AG.


Two German firms, Tesch/Stabenow and Degesch, produced Cyclone B gas after they acquired the patent from Farben. Tesch supplied two tons a month, and Degesch three quarters of a ton. The firms that produced the gas already had extensive experience in fumigation.

"In short, this industry used very powerful gases to exterminate rodents and insects in enclosed spaces; that it should now have become involved in an operation to kill off Jews by the hundreds of thousands is not mere accident." (Hilberg, Commandant, 567)

Sunni -

Can you explain why you do not consider the German camp records to be convincing - when they so obviously could not be faked?

Are you aware that even Holocaudt Denier David Irving admitted that "at least" 4 million Jews were murdered?

no he can't and never will

It always amazes me when these issues come down to blind faith - contradicted by entire truck loads of facts.

Anyone today can go and stand in the original gas chambers and see for themselves. Anyone can go and look at the original German camp files.

Its funny how no Denier wants to.
In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring.

"The structural integrity of these "gas chambers" is also extremely faulty. These rooms have ordinary doors and windows which are not hermetically sealed! There are large gaps between the floors and doors. If the Germans had attempted to gas anyone in these rooms, they would have died themselves, as the gas would have leaked and contaminated the entire area. Also, no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. There are no provisions to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floors or ceilings. No exhaust stacks have ever existed.

Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered.

The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war."

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?
^^^ Truth hurts you fake Vietnam Vet....... :cool:

what SS unit did alleged daddy belong to???
You need to change your user name to "namscam" ....... :lol:

I believe this belongs to you

In 1991, the Polish government repeated these tests to disprove Leuchter's findings, but they as well found no evidence of any gassings ever occurring.

"The structural integrity of these "gas chambers" is also extremely faulty. These rooms have ordinary doors and windows which are not hermetically sealed! There are large gaps between the floors and doors. If the Germans had attempted to gas anyone in these rooms, they would have died themselves, as the gas would have leaked and contaminated the entire area. Also, no equipment exists to exhaust the air-gas mixture from these buildings. Nothing was made to introduce or distribute the gas throughout the chambers. There are no provisions to prevent condensation of gas on the walls, floors or ceilings. No exhaust stacks have ever existed.

Though six million Jews supposedly died in the gas chambers, not one body has ever been autopsied and found to have died of gas poisoning. We have been shown piles of bodies from World War II, but most of these persons died of typhus or starvation or Allied bombings and a great many of those were murdered Germans, not Jews. Roughly the equivalent of ten football fields should be packed full of gassed bodies to present as evidence, yet not one body has ever been discovered.

The Germans documented everything in meticulous detail from shrubbery to arbors, but no pre-war or wartime plans or documents exist that detail or even mention any gas chambers for reasons of genocide. All documents ever presented were drawn up AFTER the war."

Is the Holocaust a Hoax?

prove it storm trooper
Sunni -

Can you explain why you do not consider the German camp records to be convincing - when they so obviously could not be faked?

Are you aware that even Holocaudt Denier David Irving admitted that "at least" 4 million Jews were murdered?

no he can't and never will

It always amazes me when these issues come down to blind faith - contradicted by entire truck loads of facts.

Anyone today can go and stand in the original gas chambers and see for themselves. Anyone can go and look at the original German camp files.

Its funny how no Denier wants to.

their biggest headache is to many witness's
Swagger, the 'question' is nonsense. The people like David Irving are not 'being smeared by the press': they are being excoriated by the serious scholars and researchers in the field. A 'jury of their peers' continually finds the Irvings and Zundels grossly flawed in their methodology.

It has nothing to do with 'the press' or 'the government'.

There *IS* serious and objective research taking place still.

With all due respect, you haven't even attempted to answer my question.
Just a quick question. How would the non-deniers react if someone or some people who'd been smeared by the press as Holocaust Deniers uncovered and published/circulated evidence in the course of their research that proved more than the official estimate (6m) had perished in the death camps following research that would otherwise have been attributed to an alleged anti-Semitic agenda?

Would their findings be endorsed/cheered by their detractors or dismissed?

If their research was legitimate and based on solid evidence, it would be accepted. Peer review does not require research to be popular - only based on sound academic principles.

There are instances on this happening every year on various topics, including a recent PhD here in Finland which probed the handing over of 8 Jews to the Nazis, a story that had previously been buried. You can imagine how popular the author was after that.

That said, it is almost impossible for Holocaust "revisionism" to meet academic standards.
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fired from their jobs, evicted from their homes, crammed into ghettos with 'no visible means of support' - for months if not years.
Israel policies pushing Palestinians deeper into poverty: U.N.
Palestinians slipping deeper into poverty: U.N. | Reuters
BBC NEWS | Middle East | UN alarm at Palestinian poverty
Financial boycott sends Palestinian poverty numbers soaring, finds UN report | The Electronic Intifada

Most of the 'supply shortages' were manufactured by Nazi edicts

Not the supply shortages in the labor camps. Those resulted from bombings of the camps and rail lines. Naturally, the guards fed themselves first.

the South by maintaining slavery DID practice official genocide against blacks and 'mixed race' people.
Slavery is genocide? Really?

Genocide is "the deliberate and systematic destruction of, in whole or in part, of an ethnic, racial, religious, or national group"​

Now you're trying to demonize slavery- albeit in an idiotic manner. Whose religious text teaches that one should enslave the other races? Or have Jews collectively renounced the Torah?
Even their testimony from the Nuremberg trials
Hoess' incoherent torture 'confession', which conflicts with the official story taught today? Shrunken heads and Jewish soap? The Nuremburg show trials have as much credibility as the Soviet
People who never met describing the same procedures in different places.
Like those lampshades and shrunken heads? :rolleyes:

If your ITS documents are real, why did they not feel safe making them available for public scrutiny until 2006? What took so long?

don't forget the Nazi Monsters boiled babies brains and made soup out of them...
And tossed babies back and forth on their bayonets!

Has Buck v Bell been overturned yet? I don't think Germany has legal forced sterilization for criminals like the US does....
Oh, when the Nazis in the US have killed the Jews, who do you think is next on Duke's list?
What list? Please cite where Duke has proposed or supported violence against anyone.
Sunni, why are you posting hate speech ? Do you think those 'cartoons' are funny?[/QUOTE

King Solomon was the wisest King in all the earth and received his wisdom from G-d. The One True G-d. King Solomons proverb applies here. It is the proverb that states:

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

In this thread the author is informing the board about the holocaust, reminding the world of the results of anti semitism - reminding the world to never forget the atrocities perpretrated against the Hebrew Race. In hearing and seeing this unfold Sunni Man is revealing what is in his heart for the Hebrew Race. He despises them, he hates the Jews so badly that he is seething / chomping at a bit as a horse would do - to lunge into deeply offensive - hurtful words / cartoons / anything he can to bring a greater suffering into the heart of the Jewish reader here. This is the heart of Islam, people. Which is why Islam has no place in our society. It cannot co -exist respectfully with people who are not followers of Islam and cannot rest until it murders all Islam has condemned to death. Jews, Christians, Hindus, Yogis, whoever is not a Muslim. This is the face of Islam. Seeing photographs of Jews starved to death, behind barbed wire will send a radical Muslim into a frenzy every bit as much as blood in the water excites a man eating shark. It is the nature of the beast. - Jeremiah
There *IS* serious and objective research taking place still.
If a serious university historian questions any aspect of the official holocaust story.

He will be immediately vilified as anti-semitic and a nazi.

And will lose his tenure and be fired on the spot....... :cool:

Camel Crap.
There are loony tunes "scholars" - most of whom are not historians - who spew their silliness and still maintain their jobs but America's oldest and largest historical association found the denier's work to be so onerous they issued the following statement:

"The American Historical Association Council strongly deplores the publicly reported attempts to deny the fact of the Holocaust. No serious historian questions that the Holocaust took place."

Deniers are ridiculed and marginalized even within their own peer group.

Perspectives (December 1991): Contents of the December 1991 Issue - American Historical Association
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Varelse -

You are presumably aware of the fact the German camp records are open and available and have been for many years now - and that they confirm the systematic execution of named and numbered Jews entering the camps?

I can't imagine what shred of hope remains for "Revisionism" after that - surely it is game over?
Someone ought to ask Sunni Man why he finds it acceptable to post these cartoons while not finding it acceptable for Europeans to post cartoons of Mohammad in their newspapers. The double standards he holds to are the height of hypocrisy. - Jeremiah
Someone ought to ask Sunni Man why he finds it acceptable to post these cartoons while not finding it acceptable for Europeans to post cartoons of Mohammad in their newspapers. The double standards he holds to are the height of hypocrisy. - Jeremiah

Bravo, Jeremiah - excellent point!

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