Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

a muzzie inspecting nazi troops......hmmm wonder what his name is :eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle:

Lehi (Hebrew pronunciation: [ˈleχi]; Hebrew: לח"י – לוחמי חרות ישראל* Lohamei Herut Israel - Lehi, "Fighters for the Freedom of Israel - Lehi"), commonly referred to in English as the Stern Gang,[8] was a militant Zionist group founded by Avraham ("Yair") Stern in the British Mandate of Palestine.[9] Its avowed aim was forcibly evicting the British authorities from Palestine, allowing unrestricted immigration of Jews and the formation of a Jewish state. It was initially called the National Military Organization in Israel,[10] upon being founded in August 1940, but was renamed Lehi one month later.[11] Lehi split from the Irgun in 1940. Stern declared that he incorporated elements of both the left and the right[2]
During World War II, Lehi initially sought alliance with Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany, offering to fight alongside them against the British in return for the transfer of all Jews from Nazi-occupied Europe to Palestine.[2] On the belief that Nazi Germany was a lesser enemy of the Jews than Britain, Lehi twice attempted to form an alliance with the Nazis.[2]
Lehi (group) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.[38] It offered assistance in transferring the Jews of Europe to Palestine, in return for Germany's help in expelling Britain from Mandatory Palestine.[citation needed] Late in 1940, Lehi representative Naftali Lubenchik went to Beirut to meet German official Werner Otto von Hentig (who also was involved with the Haavara or Transfer Agreement, which had been transferring German Jews and their funds to Palestine since 1933)
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[ame=]Nazi Collaborators - The Grand Mufti - Part 1 - YouTube[/ame]
"Bradley later wrote about the day: "The smell of death overwhelmed us." Patton, whose reputation for toughness was legendary, was overcome. He refused to enter a room where the bodies of naked men who had starved to death were piled, saying "he would get sick if he did so," Eisenhower reported."

"Bradley later wrote about the day: "The smell of death overwhelmed us." Patton, whose reputation for toughness was legendary, was overcome. He refused to enter a room where the bodies of naked men who had starved to death were piled, saying "he would get sick if he did so," Eisenhower reported."


so you admit there was a holocaust. bow slowly and leave
1. "...researchers at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum began the grim task of documenting all the ghettos, slave labor sites, concentration camps and killing factories that the Nazis set up throughout Europe.

2. What they have found so far has shocked even scholars steeped in the history of the Holocaust

3. The researchers have cataloged some 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps throughout Europe, spanning German-controlled areas from France to Russia and Germany itself, during Hitler’s reign of brutality from 1933 to 1945.

4. “The numbers are so much higher than what we originally thought,” Hartmut Berghoff, director of the institute, said in an interview after learning of the new data.

5. “We knew before how horrible life in the camps and ghettos was,” he said, “but the numbers are unbelievable.”

6. ...camps include not only “killing centers” but also thousands of forced labor camps, where prisoners manufactured war supplies; prisoner-of-war camps; sites euphemistically named “care” centers, where pregnant women were forced to have abortions or their babies were killed after birth; and brothels, where women were coerced into having sex with German military personnel.

7. Auschwitz and a handful of other concentration camps have come to symbolize the Nazi killing machine in the public consciousness. Likewise, the Nazi system for imprisoning Jewish families in hometown ghettos has become associated with a single site — the Warsaw Ghetto, famous for the 1943 uprising. But these sites, infamous though they are, represent only a minuscule fraction of the entire German network, the new research makes painfully clear.

8. ...wartime Europe into black clusters of death, torture and slavery — centered in Germany and Poland, but reaching in all directions.

9. ...estimate that 15 million to 20 million people died or were imprisoned in the sites that they have identified as part of a multivolume encyclopedia.

10. ...documenting the entire scale for the first time, studying where they were located, how they were run, and what their purpose was."

It is horrific news. It just keeps getting worse. Thanks for posting this thread. It is too important to miss. - Jeremiah
"Bradley later wrote about the day: "The smell of death overwhelmed us." Patton, whose reputation for toughness was legendary, was overcome. He refused to enter a room where the bodies of naked men who had starved to death were piled, saying "he would get sick if he did so," Eisenhower reported."


How do you feel, Sunni man, knowing the grand mufti of Islam was Hitlers closest friend and confidante? Does it embarrass you? Does it embarrass you that the world knows Islam holds Mein Kampf as the second most important book in Islam after the Qu'ran? Does the idealogy of Islam which calls for the deaths of all Christians and Jews who do not bow to Islam to be executed disturb you?

How do you reconcile your desire to go to heaven one day with following a religion that is most assuredly guaranteed to keep you out? Any idea? - Jeremiah
so you admit there was a holocaust. bow slowly and leave
I have always said there were work camps and many prisoners died from over work and starvation.

But there wasn't any gas chambers or mass exterminations.

Plus, neither Eisenhower, Patton, or Bradley, ever mentioned gas chambers or something called the holocaust.......... :cool:
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Mel Merlmestein won a lawsuit proving there was gas chambers and was paid damages for the lie that they didn't exist. You obviously missed that bit of history, Sunni Man.

Do you find it difficult to keep it under wraps what your religion has planned for a future holocaust against the Jews this time? Or is that not a concern for you? I'm wondering what happens when you realise it is satan you've been bowing down 5 times a day to rather than the One True God who created this universe and calls the Jews and Christians His Children. Suicide won't be an option, you know. - Jeremiah
A-B was nothing more or less than another case of Andersonville. Malnutrition and disease due in large part to Allied bombing of supply lines and the same abuses by individuals that popped up at Abu-Graihb or any other prison led to horrific scenes of death and suffering.

That, however, does not a systematic extermination make.
For those of you who do not understand the importance of the Jewish homeland Israel to the Jews? Take a closer look at these photographs. Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auchswitz. Therefore the Jews who now live there will never give it up. The cost was too high. THEY WILL NEVER GIVE UP THEIR HOMELAND NOR SHOULD THEY. LONG LIVE ISRAEL. - Jeremiah

As Sure as the Lord Lives, let all who bless the Jews and Israel today be blessed mightily and all those who curse Israel and the Jews today be under a curse. Mightily. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ let it be done even today. Amen. - Jeremiah
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Zionism originated before WWII.

For those of you who do not understand the importance of the Jewish homeland Israel to the Jews? Take a closer look at these photographs. Israel was birthed out of the ovens of Auchswitz.

The First Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני הראשון*) was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1960) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897

Enough of your Jewish propaganda. The facts prove your lies for what they are.
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Eisenhower was so disgusted by this he refused to show up at the surrender. instead sending a staff member


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