Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

The Nazis didn't want to massacre Jews (or anyone else) on wholescale, save perhaps the crippled and diseased. Forced labor was critical to Germany's wart machine and economy, making the laborers a commodity that was not to be wasted. Germany wanted the Jews in Palestine (or anywhere else that wasn't Germany). it was the Jews who wanted the Jews massacred, saw to it they dies, and prevented their safe relocation.

That semiliterate screed is the result of too many drugs and too much Stormfront.
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." Carry on.
So it was the Jews fault? Wow.
Organized Jewry felt it an acceptable sacrifice. I refer you to the comments of David Ben Gurion- better half the Jews in Germany die than they all escape to the UK.

If, as you claim, the "Nazis didn't want to massacre Jews (or anyone else) on wholescale," what was the sacrifice "organized Jewry" was risking?
When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.

What are they trying to hide??.......... :cool:

Here in America we have no laws which forbid Holocaust Denial. The Internet affords you the opportunity to mingle with like-minded Nazis. The certainty of ridicule and ostracization, perhaps even by your own family and friends, keeps you from doing so publicly. Most Americans just don't like Nazis.
Denial of certain aspects of the so called holocaust is not an indication of affiliation or support of nazism........... :cool:

Yup, of course it is. Placed in context with clear cheer leading for radical jihad, any Holocaust denial identifies those willingly and knowingly and voluntarily opposed to the principles of the U. S. Constitution.

Holocaust denial and the start of the new week are not a combination for me to be concerned with. I leave you all to it. :lol:
"Organized" Jewry? What a very strange expression!

World Zionist Organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

World Zionist Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

First Zionist Congress - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

American Israel Public Affairs Committee - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So it was the Jews fault? Wow.
Organized Jewry felt it an acceptable sacrifice. I refer you to the comments of David Ben Gurion- better half the Jews in Germany die than they all escape to the UK.

If, as you claim, the "Nazis didn't want to massacre Jews (or anyone else) on wholescale," what was the sacrifice "organized Jewry" was risking?
Germany tried encouraging- then forcing- Jews to leave under peaceful terms. Those who were part Jew could even serve in the military during the war, with the Fuhrer's signature, and earn a place in the new Reich.

Organized Jewry saw to it that Jews from Germany were not accepted by any nation and pushed Germany toward forceful removal of Jews in order to serve the Jewish narrative of eternal victimization and serve the Zionist agenda- which they did, as evidenced by the fact that today they can carry out ethnic cleansing in the name of racial nationalism- the same thing Germany did- and you idiots rush to their defense.
They did make one mistake- JudenStaat really means 'Jew State', not 'Jews' State'

The only reason Hitler didn't accept the Zionists offer of alliance was his preexisting alliance with several Muslim nations, who he thought would feel betrayed is he allied with the Jews as well.

Just remember...

without IBM, the holocaust would not have been possible.

Or Ford...

Also, Fanta exists because Coca-Cola wanted to sell soda to Nazis

[ame=]Nazi Nexus: America's Corporate Connections to Hitler's Holocaust: Edwin Black: 9780914153092: Books[/ame]

[ame=]IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance Between Nazi Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation-Expanded Edition: Edwin Black: 9780914153276: Books[/ame]
OK, so you want to cite a math teacher as an authoritative author on a topic in history. I'm under-impressed.
great Denier clips​

[ame=]November 1945 German hanging - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Execution of Ion Antonescu 1946 - YouTube[/ame]

ill post as many as i can find. now this is entertainment !!!​
Moscow Trials - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is footage of soviet show trials and executions, also. Doesn't prove anything other than a show trial happened and accused were killed.

I noticed you never addressed the nuremburg show trials and the 'evidence' that's been admitted to have been false- jewish soap, anyone?
If, as you claim, the "Nazis didn't want to massacre Jews (or anyone else) on wholescale," what was the sacrifice "organized Jewry" was risking?
Germany tried encouraging- then forcing- Jews to leave under peaceful terms. Those who were part Jew could even serve in the military during the war, with the Fuhrer's signature, and earn a place in the new Reich.

Organized Jewry saw to it that Jews from Germany were not accepted by any nation and pushed Germany toward forceful removal of Jews in order to serve the Jewish narrative of eternal victimization and serve the Zionist agenda- which they did, as evidenced by the fact that today they can carry out ethnic cleansing in the name of racial nationalism- the same thing Germany did- and you idiots rush to their defense.
They did make one mistake- JudenStaat really means 'Jew State', not 'Jews' State'

You are a veritable fountain of Nazi POV. The opinion piece above from someone named William James Martin contains false translations of Ben Gurion quotes and no citations. Your opinions are based on baseless Nazi BS. In other words, worthless BS from like-minded Nazis. Woohoo! :puke:
What's that?

A National Socialist?
Zionism, Jewish nationalist movement that has had as its goal the creation and support of a Jewish national state
Zionism (nationalistic movement) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia
A kibbutz (Hebrew: קִבּוּץ / קיבוץ, lit. "gathering, clustering"; plural kibbutzim) is a collective community in Israel that was traditionally based on agriculture. Today, farming has been partly supplanted by other economic branches, including industrial plants and high-tech enterprises.[1] Kibbutzim began as utopian communities, a combination of socialism and Zionism.
Kibbutz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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