Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

just answered your own question moron

When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Kennedy Assassination?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Moon Landing?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Watergate?

No such law exists in the US - so it's useless and worthless to speculate about it.
Some, not all, Jews argue that 'burnt offering' (holocaust) should belong to the Jewish victims of industrialized mass murder. They do not deny that untold numbers of non-Jews died as a result of Nazi industrialized mass murder.

Correct me if I am wrong, but the official number of "holocaust victims" stands at 6 million.

All 6 million were BURNT???!!!

Than, how would you explain that those SHOT in Baby Yar (USSR) were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those killed as a result of BOMBINGS were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those who MIGRATED out of Europe were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

I am not playing fool's games with you, kiddo. #91 above. You are done here.
The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:

the numbers are real. your the myth

Yes, the number is real. Numbers always are. The trick is in how the numbers are made.

In this case, "victims of holocaust" include:

1. Those European Jews who were killed during WW2 by all means, not only by burning;
2. Those European Jews who died of natural causes;
3. Those European Jews who migrated out of Europe (they were alive, just no longer lived in Europe);
4. Those European Jews who were not of Judaistic persuasion; were counted as part of Jewish population of Europe prior to WW2, but not counted as "Jews" after WW2 when zionists insisted on their definition of "Jewishness".

#91 above
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:

This is the only profound, worthwhile comment you have made in months if not years.

When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.

What are they trying to hide??.......... :cool:

We're attempting to have that 'dialogue' now - but you're throwing up idiotic smokescreen BS like the above and rejecting the huge mounds of evidence supporting 'the official account'
Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? A resounding NO. Point is, there was a holocaust. It did happen. Saying it didn't won't solve a damn thing, nor asking how many or how less than originally said were such and such amount. It happened. And none of the atrocities committed in this world out weigh the other. All are just as horrendous.

It happened exclusively to Jews?!

Is that your position?

And if not, why only Jews are considered "victims"?! On what grounds?

Your point does not matter.
The official account is (1) the Holocuaust occured, (2) millions upon millions died, (3) Jews and non-Jews, and (4) deniers get no respect because they deserve none.
Correct me if I am wrong, but the official number of "holocaust victims" stands at 6 million.

All 6 million were BURNT???!!!

Than, how would you explain that those SHOT in Baby Yar (USSR) were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those killed as a result of BOMBINGS were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those who MIGRATED out of Europe were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

I am not playing fool's games with you, kiddo. #91 above. You are done here.

And I am not playing games with you.

I asked you few very straight forward questions, please answer them!

the official number of "holocaust victims" stands at 6 million.

All 6 million were BURNT???!!!

Than, how would you explain that those SHOT in Baby Yar (USSR) were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those killed as a result of BOMBINGS were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

How would you explain that those who MIGRATED out of Europe were included into the "victims of holocaust"?

Your questions remain immaterial because their inaccuracies demean the incredibly evil immensity of the Holocaust.
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:

This is the only profound, worthwhile comment you have made in months if not years.


Interesting point. Perhaps it's because the US efforts to commit genocide were much more successful since they included *cultural* genocide of kidnapping NA children into government schools, and/or adopting them into white Christian families? So that there were few NA groups left with enough people to organize and try to fund such memorials?

Another factor might be that it was the US Government - and not enemies of it! - which was the author of NA suffering?

And the whole 'pan-NA' movement isn't very old, and still concerned with securing rights of those NA peoples still living.

Another factor would be that the 1/3 of Jews worldwide who were targeted for murder by the Germans had relatives in the US who had only one way to memorialize them.

And yet another factor might be that US Jews felt safe enough, full citizens of this nation, that they believed such memorials would still be available to visit in a couple of hundred years - UNlike countless Jewish communities all across Europe.....

I have two friends who are NA and Jewish: I think I'll ask them the same question, and see what insight they may have into 'internal' cultural reasons. One of 'em's a retired prof of cultural anthropology and I think he would know better than most.
I can best answer you this way, as I responded to a colleague about folks like you: "Our survival does depend on the goodness of others, and that goodness is buttressed by the Rule of Law. One of the great horrors of the Nazi era remains the rewriting and revising of German law to accomplish the goals of extinguishing their ,enemies,. That unfortunately defines the policy of many involved in the Holocaust denial conspiracy today." Such as you, the Deniers, are the enemies of the good in humanity.
I can best answer you this way, as I responded to a colleague about folks like you: .

I did not ask you to give me your opinion about my persona.

I asked you to answer few questions which you failed to do. OK'... I understand that your brain cooked by your propaganda refuses to think.

But answer me at least this simple one: why do you and the official "holocaust" ideologists deny non-Jews the right to be counted as "victims of holocaust"?

Your question has no meaning in terms of the truthful enormity of the Holocaust.

Here is what you cut off so that we have it all in context: "I can best answer you this way, as I responded to a colleague about folks like you: "Our survival does depend on the goodness of others, and that goodness is buttressed by the Rule of Law. One of the great horrors of the Nazi era remains the rewriting and revising of German law to accomplish the goals of extinguishing their ,enemies,. That unfortunately defines the policy of many involved in the Holocaust denial conspiracy today." Such as you, the Deniers, are the enemies of the good in humanity."
It always amuses me that so many American citizens get all worked up over an alleged historical event that basically has nothing to do with our nation........... :cool:

alleged historical event

It always amuses me that so many American citizens get all worked up over an alleged historical event that basically has nothing to do with our nation........... :cool:

Your statement is why you are considered a no information tool of a stupid philosophy. :cool:
It always amuses me that so many American citizens get all worked up over an alleged historical event that basically has nothing to do with our nation........... :cool:

A statement like that proves that you are:

1) a hateful idiot

2) an immoral cur

3) not really an American at all
It always amuses me that so many American citizens get all worked up over an alleged historical event that basically has nothing to do with our nation........... :cool:

Your statement is why you are considered a no information tool of a stupid philosophy. :cool:
I am an American citizen born and raised.

Pay my taxes, vote in elections, active in the community, coached school sports, give money to charities, etc.

So why pass judgement on me as a human being based on my belief, or disbelief, on one historical event?

Isn't that a very intolerant and bigoted way to judge people? ......... :cool:
It always amuses me that so many American citizens get all worked up over an alleged historical event that basically has nothing to do with our nation........... :cool:

Your statement is why you are considered a no information tool of a stupid philosophy. :cool:
I am an American citizen born and raised.

Pay my taxes, vote in elections, active in the community, coached school sports, give money to charities, etc.

So why pass judgement on me as a human being based on my belief, or disbelief, on one historical event?

Isn't that a very intolerant and bigoted way to judge people? ......... :cool:


its playing just for you
Why do you and the official "holocaust" ideologists deny non-Jews the right to be counted as "victims of holocaust"?

Here is what you cut off so that we have it all in context: "I can best answer you this way, as I responded to a colleague about folks like you: "Our survival does depend on the goodness of others, and that goodness is buttressed by the Rule of Law. One of the great horrors of the Nazi era remains the rewriting and revising of German law to accomplish the goals of extinguishing their ,enemies,. That unfortunately defines the policy of many involved in the Holocaust denial conspiracy today." Such as you, the Deniers, are the enemies of the good in humanity."

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