Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Well the U.S. military and press was there too, and there are no such coercive laws in the United States. People are permitted to question, deny, disbelieve, or whatever they wish to do here. But those who were there are quite certain that the Holocaust was real, the ovens were real, the extermination happened, and none will accept a different version of that.

The countries that criminalize Holocaust denial do so on the grounds that such tends to incite violence against Jews. And in all such countries, the government assigns the rights to the people, including what they may have the right to speak. They do not have a Constitution that recognizes the unalienable rights of the people that already exist and is intended to protect them.
Millions of Americans deny the Warren Commissions report about the Kennedy assassination.

Maybe we should send those people to prison also?.

It makes as much sense as sending people to prison for denying the Holohoax

having trouble staying on topic jew hater???
What does "holocaust denier" mean?

Is it a person who denies that tens of millions were killed during WW2, or is it a person who denies Jewish monopoly on suffering during WW2?

In this case, it is Sunni (and a few others) denying that the Nazis intentionally tried to exterminate the Jews via gassing or other methods. Some disbelieve the ovens. Some disbelieve there were German extermination camps at all.

Those of us who know history, know that all that happened, and not only to the Jews but to mental patients, homosexuals, gypsies, political opponents, and any others the Nazi regime considered undesirable.
the infamous Nazi gas van. they loaded inmates in then connected a hose from from the exhaust to the back then drove around for hours. but very inefficient and time consuming

About as realistic as the Mobile Weapons Vans that Colon Powell showed the UN and claimed Saddam possessed........... :cuckoo:

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Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

just answered your own question moron

When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Kennedy Assassination?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Moon Landing?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Watergate?

The only place that would have any reason to outlaw such would be the US where such laws would clearly violate the 1st Amendment. It would mean exactly jack in Austria.
The question should be whether modern day equivalents of Goebbels and Sutreicher, such as Sunni Man and Desperado, be silenced? They are willingly and willfully and knowingly defending mass murderers guilty of industrialized mass murder. They are doing it by deceit and because of hate. If SM and D were alive and doing this in the early 1940s, they too would be tried for crimes against humanity, and rightfully so.

They and their hate and their deceit are protected only by seven decades and our civilized decency.

Show me where I denied anything? Show me where I defended anyone?
All I did was question the logistics of guarding that many camps and question the need for laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust.
Why do these questions bother you so?
The question should be whether modern day equivalents of Goebbels and Sutreicher, such as Sunni Man and Desperado, be silenced? They are willingly and willfully and knowingly defending mass murderers guilty of industrialized mass murder. They are doing it by deceit and because of hate. If SM and D were alive and doing this in the early 1940s, they too would be tried for crimes against humanity, and rightfully so.

They and their hate and their deceit are protected only by seven decades and our civilized decency.

Show me where I denied anything? Show me where I defended anyone?
All I did was question the logistics of guarding that many camps and question the need for laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust.
Why do these questions bother you so?

The questions reveal a misshapen mind, such as yours, that threatens the welfare of humanity. There is no question The Holocaust occurred as evidenced at Nuremberg. Your questions disturb us because they reveal creatures such as yourself exist.
Remember the news reel of Hitler doing the "jig" dance in Paris after the Germans defeated the French?

It was shown all over the world as evidence that he was a crazy man.

But many years later it was revealed to be a hoax.

So yes, they had the technology to fake pictures in the 1940's......... :cool:
What does "holocaust denier" mean?

Is it a person who denies that tens of millions were killed during WW2, or is it a person who denies Jewish monopoly on suffering during WW2?

Those of us who know history, know that all that happened, and not only to the Jews but to mental patients, homosexuals, gypsies, political opponents, and any others the Nazi regime considered undesirable.

You forgot to include black people and Slavs in your list...

That's why I am asking, what does "holocaust denier" mean? As it stands, Jews deny "holocaust" to non-Jews. Does it mean that Jews are "holocaust deniers"?

You need to learn how to frame questions. The one above is a failure.

Some, not all, Jews argue that 'burnt offering' (holocaust) should belong to the Jewish victims of industrialized mass murder. They do not deny that untold numbers of non-Jews died as a result of Nazi industrialized mass murder.
Remember the news reel of Hitler doing the "jig" dance in Paris after the Germans defeated the French?

It was shown all over the world as evidence that he was a crazy man.

But many years later it was revealed to be a hoax.

So yes, they had the technology to fake pictures in the 1940's......... :cool:

#91 above :cool:
The question should be whether modern day equivalents of Goebbels and Sutreicher, such as Sunni Man and Desperado, be silenced? They are willingly and willfully and knowingly defending mass murderers guilty of industrialized mass murder. They are doing it by deceit and because of hate. If SM and D were alive and doing this in the early 1940s, they too would be tried for crimes against humanity, and rightfully so.

They and their hate and their deceit are protected only by seven decades and our civilized decency.

Show me where I denied anything? Show me where I defended anyone?
All I did was question the logistics of guarding that many camps and question the need for laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust.
Why do these questions bother you so?

The questions reveal a misshapen mind, such as yours, that threatens the welfare of humanity. There is no question The Holocaust occurred as evidenced at Nuremberg. Your questions disturb us because they reveal creatures such as yourself exist.

wow cool ..... nice to know that my " misshapen mind" can threaten the welfare of humanity. :)
I will grant you that a holocaust occurred during WW2, but it was not limited to one religious group.
It should also be heart warming for others to know that creatures such as myself exist, otherwise the world would be filled with creatures like yourself.
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Show me where I denied anything? Show me where I defended anyone?
All I did was question the logistics of guarding that many camps and question the need for laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust.
Why do these questions bother you so?

The questions reveal a misshapen mind, such as yours, that threatens the welfare of humanity. There is no question The Holocaust occurred as evidenced at Nuremberg. Your questions disturb us because they reveal creatures such as yourself exist.

wow cool ..... nice to know that my " misshapen mind" can threaten the welfare of humanity. :)
I will grant you that a holocaust occurred during WW2, but it was not limited to one religious group.
It should also be heart warming for others to know that creatures such as myself exist, otherwise the world would be filled with creature like yourself.

#90 above
The questions reveal a misshapen mind, such as yours, that threatens the welfare of humanity. There is no question The Holocaust occurred as evidenced at Nuremberg. Your questions disturb us because they reveal creatures such as yourself exist.

wow cool ..... nice to know that my " misshapen mind" can threaten the welfare of humanity. :)
I will grant you that a holocaust occurred during WW2, but it was not limited to one religious group.
It should also be heart warming for others to know that creatures such as myself exist, otherwise the world would be filled with creature like yourself.

#90 above

Good answer, it was already in my quote. I bet you think you are so clever too.
Doing some research to find more questions I can ask that will send you up a wall.
Remember the news reel of Hitler doing the "jig" dance in Paris after the Germans defeated the French?

It was shown all over the world as evidence that he was a crazy man.

But many years later it was revealed to be a hoax.

So yes, they had the technology to fake pictures in the 1940's......... :cool:

I filmed that
The people who propagate the whole Holocaust saga and draft laws designed to punish and/or intimidate those that question the official narative are the ones who feed the deniers' agenda. I mean, when you establish a status quo that essentially sanctions the examination of any period of history bar one particular event, you're waving a red rag at a bull. It breeds suspicion. You then compound that suspicion when you punish anyone who dares disseminate an alternative to the official narrative.

Personally speaking I believe that the Holocaust did happen, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the figures covering the death toll have been exaggerated by those who stand to gain from such a numerical inflation. But I also think that it's high time we moved-on from the Holocaust.
Remember the news reel of Hitler doing the "jig" dance in Paris after the Germans defeated the French?

It was shown all over the world as evidence that he was a crazy man.

But many years later it was revealed to be a hoax.

So yes, they had the technology to fake pictures in the 1940's......... :cool:

Certainly they had the capability to loop footage back then, which is what a Canadian producer did with that clip. And yes, it was used dishonestly.

And of course they had the ability to stage a photo back then. Ability to photoshop it like can be done now, not so much.

They didn't have the ability to infuse the memories of my friend who arrive with the 47th Regiment at Dachau and other eye witness accounts by people who were imprisoned there or who arrived to help with the liberation. The reason there were still so many decomposing bodies in the camp and in the boxcars at the camp was because the Germans had run out of coal for the ovens and were awaiting a new shipment.

The camp was overcrowded because in advance of the Allied armies, the Germans had been frantically transferring prisoners from sub camps to Dachau.

The horrors there were real, however much the Holocaust deniers want them not to be.
The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:
The mythical "6 million" figure of the so called holocaust has become a sacred number in the collective consciousness of the western nations.

But in reality, the number is more like two hundred thousand people at the most......... :cool:

the numbers are real. your the myth
The people who propagate the whole Holocaust saga and draft laws designed to punish and/or intimidate those that question the official narative are the ones who feed the deniers' agenda. I mean, when you establish a status quo that essentially sanctions the examination of any period of history bar one particular event, you're waving a red rag at a bull. It breeds suspicion. You then compound that suspicion when you punish anyone who dares disseminate an alternative to the official narrative.

Personally speaking I believe that the Holocaust did happen, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the figures covering the death toll have been exaggerated by those who stand to gain from such a numerical inflation. But I also think that it's high time we moved-on from the Holocaust.

I don't know whether the numbers cited are accurate or not. I didn't count them and I depend on recorded history for such information as does everybody else living these days.

I strongly disagree that we should move on from the Holocaust any more than we should move on from Pearl Harbor or the bombing of Britain or the insanity of war in general. Unless we remain aware of what horrors humankind is capable of inflicting on people, and the forces that drive and allow them to do it, we only set ourselves up for more of the same.

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