Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

I cannot fathom ANYONE denying it ever existed (the holocaust) and much as it may seem a diss, I also cannot fathom that most of the citizenry (german civilians) KNEW although most claim they had no idea.

Do you think Americans knew or cared how their government was treating the Japanese American citizens during WWII? Probably not. And those camps were administered by the military. Now think about if they were administered by a militarized regime. :cool:

Most people do not deny the holocaust existed, that is an angry canard that is exaggerated by Zionist propaganda. What people take issue with are the numbers, and the exclusivity of it being just a Jewish "final" solution. The Nazi's were eugenicists, they were equally opportunity haters.

The fact that a nation fighting a multi-front war against several first world powers, would go out of it's way to purposely waste man power on the extermination of people, when it doesn't suit a purpose is patently absurd. There is credible scientific evidence that it never occurred. And when attempts are made to gather more, all efforts are halted and blocked. The Nazi's wanted to separate them from the population, make sure they did not breed, and work to death anyone that was useful. But to use energy and man power to liquidate undesirables? Clearly people do not know how the efficient German's thought or felt, that would be a waste of man power and resources, it is patently absurd. They would not waste their precious time, energy or resources doing such a thing. They could just wait till they starved to death. Remember, they felt these people were as low as animals. Same way the Jews feel about the Palestinians.

If two notions conflict with each other, obviously one of them is incorrect. Of course a minority class was oppressed, that is how authority dictatorships achieve power. But they do not waste resources maintaining their power by exterminating and committing genocide unless there is a mass movement by an indigenous population. There is no scientific precedent. In this case, the European Jewish population was as assimilated as the local populations. So the local populations could not commit genocide like we have other classical examples.

Many of those other facts that the OP listed? The American military is guilty of much the same things when it "conquers" a nation as well. War is hell.

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Stalin tried to remove all threats to his own power following the revolution, including Trotsky (Jew) and other (primarily Jewish) commissars and Soviets leaders. Such is typical of all such revolutions and violent siezures of power.
There is credible scientific evidence that it never occurred.

Um....not there isn't.

There are some incredibly badly produced blogs and wild theories - but it's nothing a high school student couldn't see through in ten minutes.

They are invariably riddled with obvious factual errors and deceptions, and it would take some serious effort to be taken in by the likes of key Denier Ernst Gauss (who doesn't actually exist!).
Stalin tried to remove all threats to his own power following the revolution, including Trotsky (Jew) and other (primarily Jewish) commissars and Soviets leaders. Such is typical of all such revolutions and violent siezures of power.

Exactly - he purged the Jews.

So, we know Jews had little power and influence under Stalin.

Are we done here?

btw. Yes, if you are going to post nonsense like David Cole (!) which even he now admits were bogus then, yes, you will get neg repped by a lot of people. I give pos rep for good posts on any topic - neg rep for garbage.
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And Hitler purged- well, pretty much everyone he could. What's your point? They were still in the inner circle and responsible for the overthrow of the government. They just lost the round of betrayals that always follows, just like Trotsky- leader of the Red Army (a position of much power and influence).

Every revolution has its own night of long knives. To pretend those people never existed after they were betrayed, sold out, or disposed of, because their existence in unpleasant for your agenda, is dishonest at best.
Varelse -

My point is that:

a) Stalin was anti-Semitic. He purged Jews on more than one occasion, most notably with the Doctor's Purge.

b) Jews held no influence in the Soviet Union during the war years.
Stalin was a megalomaniacal lunatic whose love of power came to mean more to him than any belief or ideology he might have once held, as seems to happen to all tyrants in time.

Commissars remained disproportionately Jewish and foreign, and the fact remains that not only is Communism largely a Jewish invention, but Bolshevism specifically was disproportionately developed and led by Jews. Jews' sense of supremacy infects whatever ideology or system they touch, even when they cast aside almost the entirety of their faith save this sense of supremacy and right to rule. They are a very clannish and tribalistic people.

None of this entire tangent, however, has anything at all to do with the original subject, which is that the numbers of those killed during WWII outside of combat, as a result or warcrimes violence against noncombatants, have been inflated from day One. America and the Soviets wanted to pin all the war's wrongdoing on Germany to distract from their own. The story has been admitted many times to have been alrgely false, with half the 'death camps' (read: everything on the map that fell into Western, rather than Soviet, hands) being reclassified as 'concentration camps', the number at A-B going from 4 to 1.odd million, and numerous other claims (Jewish soap?) being later admitted to be fabrications or gross exaggerations.
not only is Communism largely a Jewish invention

So these guys were all Jewish?

Mao Tse Tung
Fidel Castro

Try and post with a little common sense. There has actually never been a Jewish leader in a communist country.
which is that the numbers of those killed during WWII outside of combat

....have never been seriously disputed.

The Nazis murderded 11 million people. It has always been eleven million.
not only is Communism largely a Jewish invention
So these guys were all Jewish?

Mao Tse Tung
Fidel Castro

Try and post with a little common sense. There has actually never been a Jewish leader in a communist country.

Mao and Castro as founders of communist ideology? Really?

Interesting that you didn't think to include Marx and Engels...
Mao and Castro as founders of communist ideology? Really?

Interesting that you didn't think to include Marx and Engels...

Absolutely - Mao and Castro and all of the other leaders mentioned have been crucial in shaping communism. And I could name a dozen others - none of whom would be Jewish.

Marx aside, Jews have had very little influence or impact on communism.

As I mentioned earlier, Jews flocked to communism at the time of the Russian revolution seeking respite from the viciously anti-Semitic Tsars. Thus they played a key role in communism for perhaps 15 years or so, but other than that - they have not been much involved.

You could make a very strong case that Armenians, Azeris...even Tatars played a bigger role in shaping communism in the 20th century.
So a paper published by a half Jew, with a Jewish executive director, says the numbers of Jews who suffered during WWII -that have been slowly admitted to have been inflated over for decades, even involving a changing of the plaque at the very camp in question to reflect the Jews' revision of their own lies- are now supposedly higher than ever? This based on the claims of a museum designed to vilify our WWII enemy and distract from America's crimes by creating a German boogie man. A museum whose director was a member of the American Jewish Committee

Evidence of the Holocaust has been found in archives all over Europe. That would have to be one hell of a conspiracy to produce that much paperwork. What you're seeing isn't a plot, but a demonstration of German efficiency and documentation. The Nazis condemned themselves by their own hand.
P. Chic -

Great work bringing the nutcase Deniers to this board! Thanks for that!

Au contraire....

I haven't brought them to the board....I brought them from the woodwork.

Let's examine those folks.....why and what.

1. The most obvious motivation is a hatred of Jewish folk....possibly a resentment of success, which fits into a Left-wing worldview.

a. Could be based on some personal disagreement(s)....but I tend to give more credence to the former.

2. I don't believe it to be based on a religious bias.....the Church has shied away from the blood libel.

3. I'm betting that for many, it represents an attempt at a macho 'look at me...I take an unpopular view to a far extreme.'

4. I'm guessing that the abject stupidity of actually denying the facts represents a minority contingent.

But, based on the vehemence of some in the thread....I'm going to put up a "Calling Holocaust Deniers....part deux"

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. I'm betting that for many, it represents an attempt at a macho 'look at me...I take an unpopular view to a far extreme.'

I wonder how many here are actual NAZIs versus how many here are just childish trolls?

I point this out as I've known some authentic NAZIs and they were not complete fucking idiots (evil to be sure, but NOT stupid) as are so many of this board's brownshirted nitwit brigade.

After though...incidently none of the NAZIs I every known denied the holcaust happened.

They were proud of it
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P. Chic -

Are you actually trying to encourage them, or are you doing it accidentally?

Dealing with fascists by dismantling their arguments and overwhelming them with facts and evidence is a worthy pastime - but demands a strong knowledge of history and a precise understanding of what Revisionists actually claim.
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P. Chic -

Are you actually trying to encourage them, or are you doing it accidentally?

Dealing with fascists by dismantling their arguments and overwhelming them with facts and evidence is a worthy pastime - but demands a strong knowledge of history and a precise understanding of what Revisionists actually claim.

Perhaps you're familiar with the "Veronica"....

[ame=]The Matador, Movie Trailer -Documentary- - YouTube[/ame]
The Heretical Press Links Page

Ah, yes - Varelse has such an UNBIASED source: the red cross with the Nazi swastika in a circle at its center is emblematic of what, exactly? "Aryan Unity" and "Islamic Nationalists" (NOI) are two of the links touted on the page I've cited....
Hating 'others' is hating self. There is one race, the human race. The Nazis did not kill 'Jews'. They decided there was a separate group that they identified as Jews and tried to exterminate them as well as others. These were people, human beings. To differentiate them in the same way the Nazis did is to join in Nazi propaganda. The Nazis, with their scientifically proven wrong theories, made ghastly errors that resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent people. The crime is against humanity, of which 'Jews' are a part, not apart from.
And the vermin squeak and mutter in their dark little corners, the vermin deny the creation of their own reason for existence. The deniers are the nazis of the modern era.

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