Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Zyklon B is just part of the bizarre Holohoax fantasy that's believed by gullible people........ :cool:
Where there prison work camps in nazi germany - Yes

Where jews rounded up and put in them - Yes

Did many of them die from over work, starvation, and disease - Yes

Were they extermination camps with gas chambers - No

You have flatly lied.

The incontrovertible evidence of Nuremberg guts your reputation for integrity.

You are one of the squeaker vermin living in the corners and shadows, and you are known as such. :cool:
Quite odd.........

Eisenhower’s "Crusade in Europe" is a book of 559 pages.

Churchill’s "Second World War" totals 4,448 pages.

De Gaulle’s three-volume "Mémoires de guerre" is 2,054 pages.

Which altogether totals 7,061 pages of memoirs from the allied leaders during WWll .

Yet there is not one single sentence that mentions "gas chambers" or 6 million jews.

Maybe all 3 forgot.....or else it didn't happen......... :cool:
Where there prison work camps in nazi germany - Yes

Where jews rounded up and put in them - Yes

Did many of them die from over work, starvation, and disease - Yes

Were they extermination camps with gas chambers - No

The testimony of those who were there. . . .
The testimony of those who liberated them. . . .
The photographic evidence. . . .
The testimony from some Germans who were there. . . .
The evidence from the German's own record keeping system. . . .

All are such compelling evidence of the existence of the extermination camps that the most dedicated Holocaust denier cannot overcome.
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Perhaps if the victims had believed it was a hoax, they would not have died.
Three authors did not mention something, so it didn't happen.

What category of logic is that?
Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?
Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

just answered your own question moron
Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

Because of vermin in the shadows who squeak, "It never happened." :cool:
Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

Because there are hate filled people out there that try to convince us to ignore what we see and believe them when they say the Nazis never murdered people systematically. :cool:
Question: If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail and is irrefutable.

Then why do most countries in Europe and Canada have laws sending people to prison for 5 years if they deny or question certain aspects of the Holocaust?

just answered your own question moron

When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Kennedy Assassination?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Moon Landing?
What if they had the same laws sending people to prison if they deny or question certain aspects of the Watergate?
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When you have to pass laws forbidding even questioning different aspects of the Holocaust, something is very wrong and should raise red flags all over the place. If the official Holocaust story is 100% perfect in every detail, then there is no reason for any laws that forbid denying or questioning any aspects of the Holocaust.
An open dialect should be encouraged to eliminate any doubts about the facts of the Holocaust.

What are they trying to hide??.......... :cool:
the infamous Nazi gas van. they loaded inmates in then connected a hose from from the exhaust to the back then drove around for hours. but very inefficient and time consuming


the idea moved on to this


a faster, cheaper and more efficient way. used in all major camps
"They" are to trying to expose the hatred of those who deny the undeniable, those who victimize the victimized, those who hate the truth for the sake of hate.

The question should be whether modern day equivalents of Goebbels and Sutreicher, such as Sunni Man and Desperado, be silenced? They are willingly and willfully and knowingly defending mass murderers guilty of industrialized mass murder. They are doing it by deceit and because of hate. If SM and D were alive and doing this in the early 1940s, they too would be tried for crimes against humanity, and rightfully so.

They and their hate and their deceit are protected only by seven decades and our civilized decency.
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Millions of Americans deny the Warren Commissions report about the Kennedy assassination.

Maybe we should send those people to prison also?.

It makes as much sense as sending people to prison for denying the Holohoax
millions of americans deny the warren commissions report about the kennedy assassination.

Maybe we should send those people to prison also?.

It makes as much sense as sending people to prison for denying the holohoax


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