Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

The people who propagate the whole Holocaust saga and draft laws designed to punish and/or intimidate those that question the official narative are the ones who feed the deniers' agenda. I mean, when you establish a status quo that essentially sanctions the examination of any period of history bar one particular event, you're waving a red rag at a bull. It breeds suspicion. You then compound that suspicion when you punish anyone who dares disseminate an alternative to the official narrative.

Personally speaking I believe that the Holocaust did happen, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the figures covering the death toll have been exaggerated by those who stand to gain from such a numerical inflation. But I also think that it's high time we moved-on from the Holocaust.

I don't know whether the numbers cited are accurate or not. I didn't count them and I depend on recorded history for such information as does everybody else living these days.

I strongly disagree that we should move on from the Holocaust any more than we should move on from Pearl Harbor or the bombing of Britain or the insanity of war in general. Unless we remain aware of what horrors humankind is capable of inflicting on people, and the forces that drive and allow them to do it, we only set ourselves up for more of the same.

the 6 million figure was an est of the number of jews on the continent when the war began. myself i thinks much much higher IMO
the problem these deniers have is to many witness's

Did you know that "victims of holocaust" include:

1. Those European Jews who were killed during WW2 by all means, not only by burning;
2. Those European Jews who died of natural causes;
3. Those European Jews who migrated out of Europe (they were alive, just no longer lived in Europe);
4. Those European Jews who were not of Judaistic persuasion; were counted as part of Jewish population of Europe prior to WW2, but not counted as "Jews" after WW2 when zionists insisted on their definition of "Jewishness"?

yes i do, your point???
The people who propagate the whole Holocaust saga and draft laws designed to punish and/or intimidate those that question the official narative are the ones who feed the deniers' agenda. I mean, when you establish a status quo that essentially sanctions the examination of any period of history bar one particular event, you're waving a red rag at a bull. It breeds suspicion. You then compound that suspicion when you punish anyone who dares disseminate an alternative to the official narrative.

Personally speaking I believe that the Holocaust did happen, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the figures covering the death toll have been exaggerated by those who stand to gain from such a numerical inflation. But I also think that it's high time we moved-on from the Holocaust.

I don't know whether the numbers cited are accurate or not. I didn't count them and I depend on recorded history for such information as does everybody else living these days.

I strongly disagree that we should move on from the Holocaust any more than we should move on from Pearl Harbor or the bombing of Britain or the insanity of war in general. Unless we remain aware of what horrors humankind is capable of inflicting on people, and the forces that drive and allow them to do it, we only set ourselves up for more of the same.

Forgive me if I've lead you to believe otherwise, but I'm not suggesting that we just 'drop' the Holocaust and refuse to acknowledge it. Denying the right to remember these events is, in my opinion, tantamount to denying those who refuse to accept the standard narrative of the Holocaust their right to do so.

I don't know what the case is in the States, but in parts of Europe the Holocaust's legacy has manifested itself in the form of an emotional hostage crisis. It's thrust in the faces of people who weren't in any way, shape or form complicit in the suffering endured by those who perished in (or survived) the death camps. And perpetuating the "never again" message subliminally implies that there are still people who are to blame. In the increasing absence of actual camp guards and leading figures in the Third Reich, those on the receiving end of that message over seventy years after the event can be forgiven for believing it's aimed at them. And that breeds further resentment.
So a paper published by a half Jew, with a Jewish executive director, says the numbers of Jews who suffered during WWII -that have been slowly admitted to have been inflated over for decades, even involving a changing of the plaque at the very camp in question to reflect the Jews' revision of their own lies- are now supposedly higher than ever? This based on the claims of a museum designed to vilify our WWII enemy and distract from America's crimes by creating a German boogie man. A museum whose director was a member of the American Jewish Committee

Evidence of the Holocaust has been found in archives all over Europe. That would have to be one hell of a conspiracy to produce that much paperwork. What you're seeing isn't a plot, but a demonstration of German efficiency and documentation. The Nazis condemned themselves by their own hand.

Uh-huh, and for decades every reliable source and respectable historian has admitted that the original numbers were inflated, thereby devaluing the lives of those who suffered, for political aims. Now a small cadre of leftist Jews who are known to be of dubious honesty (eg: the NYT) and something to gain (funding and attention for the museums) are claiming the numbers are bigger than ever... and you swallow their claims without the slightest skepticism or expectation of actual evidence to support their claims.


The Heretical Press Links Page

Ah, yes - Varelse has such an UNBIASED source: the red cross with the Nazi swastika in a circle at its center is emblematic of what, exactly? "Aryan Unity" and "Islamic Nationalists" (NOI) are two of the links touted on the page I've cited....
No more or less biased or interested than the source in the OP.

Germany's parliament passed legislation in 1985, making it a crime to deny the extermination of the Jews. In 1994, the law was tightened. Now, anyone who publicly endorses, denies or plays down the genocide against the Jews faces a maximum penalty of five years in jail and no less than the imposition of a fine.

"It affects the agitator who claims the Jews prey on the German people, that they invented the Holocaust for that purpose, that foreigners should all be thrown out and that the discussion should finally be over with," Benz said. "He must be punished because he engages in incitement of the masses, because he slanders the memory of those murdered, because he slanders our fellow citizens."

Austria imposes even tougher penalties for such offences. Historian and Holocaust-denier David Irving, who was recently arrested there, faces up to 20 years in jail.

The only reason to make it illegal to ask questions, is if the answers would be too inconvenient for the official story. Kinda like why Manning's acts were criminal- the information was potentially harmful.

Where there prison work camps in nazi germany - Yes

Where jews rounded up and put in them - Yes

Did many of them die from over work, starvation, and disease - Yes

Were they extermination camps with gas chambers - No
Did abuses occur? Yes, just like in Andersonville or Abu Graihb

Is war hell? yes

Was Hitler dumb enough to wipe out the source of forced labor that kept the war machines going? No

Did anyone in Europe or the US give two shits about the Jews? no

Did David Ben Gurion or organized Jewry around the world care about the lives of those Jews- let alone Roma and others- who died? No

Were numbers inflated for political purposes? yes

Is it long past time for an honest evaluation of the facts without all the political bullshit, by parties that are as disinterested possible? Yes

Do inflating the numbers to make the events bad enough devalue the lives of those who died because you feel their deaths don't mean enough without a few million more dead? Yes

The incontrovertible evidence of Nuremberg guts your reputation for integrity.

Like Hoess' torture 'confession' and jewish soap and lamp shades, which were later admitted to have been fabrications? :eusa_eh:

We all know how great the 1944 version of photoshop was...
Good enough for Stalin to make many people disappear from photos after they were purged or place a pile of corpses into another photo.
Remember the news reel of Hitler doing the "jig" dance in Paris after the Germans defeated the French?

It was shown all over the world as evidence that he was a crazy man.

But many years later it was revealed to be a hoax.

So yes, they had the technology to fake pictures in the 1940's......... :cool:

Said fakes are easily detected using modern technology.
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:
We're Americans. It's different when we do it. That's how Nationalism works.
Did you know that "victims of holocaust" include:

1. Those European Jews who were killed during WW2 by all means, not only by burning;
2. Those European Jews who died of natural causes;
3. Those European Jews who migrated out of Europe (they were alive, just no longer lived in Europe);
4. Those European Jews who were not of Judaistic persuasion; were counted as part of Jewish population of Europe prior to WW2, but not counted as "Jews" after WW2 when zionists insisted on their definition of "Jewishness"?

yes i do, your point???

My point is: do Jews have the right to deny non-Jews their inclusion into the "victims of holocaust"? Are Jews "holocaust deniers"?

if your being loaded on a cattle and sent to a death camp do you have time to worry about non jews??? and your saying jews are deniers. well ???
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:

JFK. don't forget JFK. ever hear of wounded knee???
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What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.
Even sadder was the fact that a WW2 Memorial in Washington was not built until April 29, 2004 almost 11 years AFTER the Holocaust Museum opened on April 22, 1993.
Why did the US government give more value to building the Holocaust Museum than the WW2 Memorial in Washington?
The people who propagate the whole Holocaust saga and draft laws designed to punish and/or intimidate those that question the official narative are the ones who feed the deniers' agenda. I mean, when you establish a status quo that essentially sanctions the examination of any period of history bar one particular event, you're waving a red rag at a bull. It breeds suspicion. You then compound that suspicion when you punish anyone who dares disseminate an alternative to the official narrative.

Personally speaking I believe that the Holocaust did happen, though it wouldn't surprise me in the least if the figures covering the death toll have been exaggerated by those who stand to gain from such a numerical inflation. But I also think that it's high time we moved-on from the Holocaust.

I don't know whether the numbers cited are accurate or not. I didn't count them and I depend on recorded history for such information as does everybody else living these days.

I strongly disagree that we should move on from the Holocaust any more than we should move on from Pearl Harbor or the bombing of Britain or the insanity of war in general. Unless we remain aware of what horrors humankind is capable of inflicting on people, and the forces that drive and allow them to do it, we only set ourselves up for more of the same.

Forgive me if I've lead you to believe otherwise, but I'm not suggesting that we just 'drop' the Holocaust and refuse to acknowledge it. Denying the right to remember these events is, in my opinion, tantamount to denying those who refuse to accept the standard narrative of the Holocaust their right to do so.

I don't know what the case is in the States, but in parts of Europe the Holocaust's legacy has manifested itself in the form of an emotional hostage crisis. It's thrust in the faces of people who weren't in any way, shape or form complicit in the suffering endured by those who perished in (or survived) the death camps. And perpetuating the "never again" message subliminally implies that there are still people who are to blame. In the increasing absence of actual camp guards and leading figures in the Third Reich, those on the receiving end of that message over seventy years after the event can be forgiven for believing it's aimed at them. And that breeds further resentment.

This is the same kind of lame, idiotic excuse that single-toothed, sister-marrying, sheet-wearing racists try to use when they feel frustrated over the fact that decent society doesn't embrace their running around the trailer park in nothing but their Confederate flag underwear screaming the N word and barking nonsense about history they don't understand. There are several of them that frequent this site. You know who you are.
if your being loaded on a cattle and sent to a death camp do you have time to worry about non jews??? and your saying jews are deniers. well ???

Are you of an opinion that that was the fate of Jews exclusively?????!!!!!!!!!

What about non-Jews who were in the same camps as Jews given the same treatment?

jump in a cattle car and take the ride, then ask me
What disturbes me is that the so called holocaust is such a big deal in the U.S. and every city has a Holocaust Museum although it took place during a war in Europe.

Yet the American Indian suffered a much worse fate and there are basically no museums in most cities to recognize their almost total genocide........... :doubt:

Are transparent attempts at misdirection like this outlined in your little deniers handbook? Try not to be so clumsy about it next time.
Are you of an opinion that that was the fate of Jews exclusively?????!!!!!!!!!

What about non-Jews who were in the same camps as Jews given the same treatment?

jump in a cattle car and take the ride, then ask me

You did not answer the question:

What about non-Jews who were in the same camps as Jews given the same treatment?

I won't till you take the ride
Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? A resounding NO. Point is, there was a holocaust. It did happen. Saying it didn't won't solve a damn thing, nor asking how many or how less than originally said were such and such amount. It happened. And none of the atrocities committed in this world out weigh the other. All are just as horrendous.
I won't till you take the ride

In other words, you agree with the Jews who deny non-Jews the right to be considered "victims of holocaust".

But you don't know how to explain your position of a "holocaust denier", thus your ridiculous suggestion that someone who dare to ask you questions should "take a ride" into the concentration camp.

jump in

Does it matter in the grand scheme of things? A resounding NO. Point is, there was a holocaust. It did happen. Saying it didn't won't solve a damn thing, nor asking how many or how less than originally said were such and such amount. It happened. And none of the atrocities committed in this world out weigh the other. All are just as horrendous.

It happened exclusively to Jews?!

Is that your position?

And if not, why only Jews are considered "victims"?! On what grounds?

what's your point???
In other words, you agree with the Jews who deny non-Jews the right to be considered "victims of holocaust".

But you don't know how to explain your position of a "holocaust denier", thus your ridiculous suggestion that someone who dare to ask you questions should "take a ride" into the concentration camp.

jump in


As I said, you are a "holocaust denier".

but of course. that's why I have so many jewish friends:eusa_whistle:
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