Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

Belief in the so called Holocaust is no different than believing in Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster. ...... :cool:

One doesn't 'believe in' documented facts and historical events. The Germans didn't keep detailed records of things which they did not do.

People who wish to deny the Nazi intent of genocide against many groups need to consider why they are attempting to deny what the bulk of German citizens experienced and know as fact.

don't feed the troll
Belief in the so called Holocaust is no different than believing in Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster. ...... :cool:

One doesn't 'believe in' documented facts and historical events. The Germans didn't keep detailed records of things which they did not do.

People who wish to deny the Nazi intent of genocide against many groups need to consider why they are attempting to deny what the bulk of German citizens experienced and know as fact.


Trust but verify this... hilberg&pg=4039,3484482
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אבל מה הקטע בלדבר פה בעברית? ועוד בשגיאות כאלה? גוגל טרנסלייט? חחחחח


אני רוצה לענות את המטומטמים האלה

בעברית גרועה?

לעבוד על דקדוק נכון בבקשה.
Unfortunately, the Nazis were fastidious record keepers, and their own records damn them. To say nothing of the original films showing the camps and corpses. If you look into it, faking film is very hard to do. Faking mdoern day video is of course very easy oweing to the nature of it being all computer code. But faking film is all but impossible.

If the Holocaust was faked, or never happened, ask yourself why the UN then created the modern state of Israel in 1948 if not out of guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen in the first place. To say nothing of asking the modern neo-Nazis if they want another Holocaust. If they say yes, the Holocaust happened. If they say no, but what a great idea. It didn't happen.

Holocaust deniers are simply trying to hurl feces because they have nothing else but their own excrement in their hands, playing with it like children.
Unfortunately, the Nazis were fastidious record keepers, and their own records damn them. To say nothing of the original films showing the camps and corpses. If you look into it, faking film is very hard to do. Faking mdoern day video is of course very easy oweing to the nature of it being all computer code. But faking film is all but impossible.

If the Holocaust was faked, or never happened, ask yourself why the UN then created the modern state of Israel in 1948 if not out of guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen in the first place. To say nothing of asking the modern neo-Nazis if they want another Holocaust. If they say yes, the Holocaust happened. If they say no, but what a great idea. It didn't happen.

Holocaust deniers are simply trying to hurl feces because they have nothing else but their own excrement in their hands, playing with it like children.

What record damns them?

What do the original films show?
Unfortunately, the Nazis were fastidious record keepers, and their own records damn them. To say nothing of the original films showing the camps and corpses. If you look into it, faking film is very hard to do. Faking mdoern day video is of course very easy oweing to the nature of it being all computer code. But faking film is all but impossible.

If the Holocaust was faked, or never happened, ask yourself why the UN then created the modern state of Israel in 1948 if not out of guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen in the first place. To say nothing of asking the modern neo-Nazis if they want another Holocaust. If they say yes, the Holocaust happened. If they say no, but what a great idea. It didn't happen.

Holocaust deniers are simply trying to hurl feces because they have nothing else but their own excrement in their hands, playing with it like children.

What record damns them?

What do the original films show?

Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

The following from Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

1. On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

a. In 1938, Austria had a Jewish population of about 192,000, representing almost 4 percent of the total population. The overwhelming majority of Austrian Jews lived in Vienna,

2. The little town of Amstetten, halfway between Vienna and Linz, on the Ybbs River, which flows into the Danube. In May, 1938, the Amstettner Anzeiger was proud to report that “the town swimming pool and sunbath declares that Jews are banned from entering. Now we only have to get rid of the mosquitoes from our pool for it to become really ideal.” The town had become a Fuhrerstadt! By summer, all 28 of Amstetten’s Jews had been expelled.

3. Amstetten’s location as the main railway hub supplying both Germany and Italy made it a target of Allied bombers. The first bombs fell on November 19, 1944

4. About 25 miles West of Amstetten, on the Danube, was the town of Mauthausen. Prisoners from the concentration camp at Dachau had been sent to build a much larger facility where political prisoners could be held. The state owned Mauthausen expanded, and by 1944, it was grouped with nearby Gusen, as a commercial enterprise.

5. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.

a. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

6. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

a. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.

b. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.

7. Slave labor was responsible for construction of Austria’s largest steelworks and Steyr munitons, Puch automobiles, and most businesses in Amstetten.

8. It was a place of inconceivable barbarism whose secrecy liberated its masters into horrific inventiveness. In the camp’s gas chambers, quarries, hospitals, isolation units, and crematoria, in its underground brothel, and on its dissecting tables, a creative degeneracy blossomed.

9. The camp was liberated on May 5, 1945 by the 41st Reconnaissance Squad of the US Eleventh Armored Division. They found 85,000 inmates, and estimated the death toll at 320,000. Among the liberated was Simon Wiesenthal.
Because, the Nazis wanted to keep record for future uses such as exchang Jews for war equipment and they wanted to keep the numbers of people in the concentration camps because hitler wanted to make sure people know who was in it and how much.

Satan's administration: Journey into Nazi death records

The so called Holocaust is a myth foisted on gullible people by the zionist juden in order to extort guilt money from the western nations. ... :cool:

What's it like to be like you Sunni Boy?:cuckoo:

My solution to the Jewish problem.

Would be to round them up world wide and find and island to quarantine them on.

There are several islands in the world that could easily contain the 13 million Jews that currently reside in various nations and Israel.

This way the Jews could build the ultimate Hebrew society they have always dreamed of.

Several gun boats would patrol the waters around the island to prevent any Jews from trying to escape.

This way the Jews could be protected from harm; and the world could finally have peace and security.

Thus a Win = Win for both Jews and Gentiles :thup:
Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

Lol :cuckoo:

The following from Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

a. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

6. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

a. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.

b. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.

7. Slave labor was responsible for construction of Austria’s largest steelworks and Steyr munitons, Puch automobiles, and most businesses in Amstetten.

8. It was a place of inconceivable barbarism whose secrecy liberated its masters into horrific inventiveness. In the camp’s gas chambers, quarries, hospitals, isolation units, and crematoria, in its underground brothel, and on its dissecting tables, a creative degeneracy blossomed.

9. The camp was liberated on May 5, 1945 by the 41st Reconnaissance Squad of the US Eleventh Armored Division. They found 85,000 inmates, and estimated the death toll at 320,000. Among the liberated was Simon Wiesenthal.

1. None of this answers the questions I put to D4E.

2. The 'death toll' varies, "The death toll remains unknown, although most sources place it between 122,766 and 320,000 for the entire complex."

At one time it was said to be 2 million. Encyclopaedia Britannica

Now, the death toll has been revised at bit, well, quite a lot really:

"An estimated 197,464 prisoners passed through the Mauthausen camp system between
August 1938 and May 1945. At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish." Mauthausen

3. Simon Wiesenthal has er, told different versions of his story...but the real shocker is that he was accused of being a Nazi agent :eek: by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, himself of Jewish ancestry:

I really know Mr. Wiesenthal only from secret reports, and they are bad, very nasty. I say this as Federal Chancellor ... And I say that Mr. Wiesenthal had a different relationship with the Gestapo than I did. Yes, and this can be proven. I can't say more [now]. Everything else, I'll say in court.

My relationship with the Gestapo is unambiguous. I was their prisoner, their inmate, and I was interrogated. His relationship was a different one, I can say, and this will come out clearly. It's bad enough what I've already said here. But he can't clear himself by charging me with defaming his honor in the press, as he might wish. It's not that simple, because that would mean a big court case ... A man like this doesn't have the right to pretend to be a moral authority. That's what I say. He doesn't have the right ...

Oh dear, oh dear :eusa_whistle:
Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

Lol :cuckoo:

The following from Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

a. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

6. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

a. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.

b. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.

7. Slave labor was responsible for construction of Austria’s largest steelworks and Steyr munitons, Puch automobiles, and most businesses in Amstetten.

8. It was a place of inconceivable barbarism whose secrecy liberated its masters into horrific inventiveness. In the camp’s gas chambers, quarries, hospitals, isolation units, and crematoria, in its underground brothel, and on its dissecting tables, a creative degeneracy blossomed.

9. The camp was liberated on May 5, 1945 by the 41st Reconnaissance Squad of the US Eleventh Armored Division. They found 85,000 inmates, and estimated the death toll at 320,000. Among the liberated was Simon Wiesenthal.

1. None of this answers the questions I put to D4E.

2. The 'death toll' varies, "The death toll remains unknown, although most sources place it between 122,766 and 320,000 for the entire complex."

At one time it was said to be 2 million. Encyclopaedia Britannica

Now, the death toll has been revised at bit, well, quite a lot really:

"An estimated 197,464 prisoners passed through the Mauthausen camp system between
August 1938 and May 1945. At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish." Mauthausen

3. Simon Wiesenthal has er, told different versions of his story...but the real shocker is that he was accused of being a Nazi agent :eek: by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, himself of Jewish ancestry:

I really know Mr. Wiesenthal only from secret reports, and they are bad, very nasty. I say this as Federal Chancellor ... And I say that Mr. Wiesenthal had a different relationship with the Gestapo than I did. Yes, and this can be proven. I can't say more [now]. Everything else, I'll say in court.

My relationship with the Gestapo is unambiguous. I was their prisoner, their inmate, and I was interrogated. His relationship was a different one, I can say, and this will come out clearly. It's bad enough what I've already said here. But he can't clear himself by charging me with defaming his honor in the press, as he might wish. It's not that simple, because that would mean a big court case ... A man like this doesn't have the right to pretend to be a moral authority. That's what I say. He doesn't have the right ...

Oh dear, oh dear :eusa_whistle:


"In a press conference a short time after the election and Wiesenthal's revelations, Kreisky said Wiesenthal used "the methods of a quasi-political Mafia."[99] Wiesenthal filed a libel lawsuit (in spite of Kreisky being able to declare immunity if he so chose), and when Kreisky later accused Wiesenthal of being an agent of the Gestapo, working with the Judenrat in Lvov, these accusations were incorporated into the lawsuit as well.[100] The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."
Simon Wiesenthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why all these little up and stop making with the big fib: that you are questioning the numbers, or the Holocaust itself.

It's obvious that your bias is anti-Antisemitism.
Argue that.
Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

Lol :cuckoo:
1. None of this answers the questions I put to D4E.

2. The 'death toll' varies, "The death toll remains unknown, although most sources place it between 122,766 and 320,000 for the entire complex."

At one time it was said to be 2 million. Encyclopaedia Britannica

Now, the death toll has been revised at bit, well, quite a lot really:

"An estimated 197,464 prisoners passed through the Mauthausen camp system between
August 1938 and May 1945. At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish." Mauthausen

3. Simon Wiesenthal has er, told different versions of his story...but the real shocker is that he was accused of being a Nazi agent :eek: by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, himself of Jewish ancestry:

I really know Mr. Wiesenthal only from secret reports, and they are bad, very nasty. I say this as Federal Chancellor ... And I say that Mr. Wiesenthal had a different relationship with the Gestapo than I did. Yes, and this can be proven. I can't say more [now]. Everything else, I'll say in court.

My relationship with the Gestapo is unambiguous. I was their prisoner, their inmate, and I was interrogated. His relationship was a different one, I can say, and this will come out clearly. It's bad enough what I've already said here. But he can't clear himself by charging me with defaming his honor in the press, as he might wish. It's not that simple, because that would mean a big court case ... A man like this doesn't have the right to pretend to be a moral authority. That's what I say. He doesn't have the right ...

Oh dear, oh dear :eusa_whistle:


"In a press conference a short time after the election and Wiesenthal's revelations, Kreisky said Wiesenthal used "the methods of a quasi-political Mafia."[99] Wiesenthal filed a libel lawsuit (in spite of Kreisky being able to declare immunity if he so chose), and when Kreisky later accused Wiesenthal of being an agent of the Gestapo, working with the Judenrat in Lvov, these accusations were incorporated into the lawsuit as well.[100] The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."
Simon Wiesenthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why all these little up and stop making with the big fib: that you are questioning the numbers, or the Holocaust itself.

It's obvious that your bias is anti-Antisemitism.
Argue that.

You know its the truth, why you persist in believing nonsense is the real question.

Kreisky had the goods on Wiesenthal, he was a Nazi agent. He admits himself he was well treated by them on several occasions.

The Mauthausen death toll was reduced from 2 million down all the way to 14,000 Jews, quite a drop but you didnt comment :eusa_shifty:

Wiesenthal changed his story several times, why does someone do that :confused:

He told a tall tale about an electrocution chamber in the camp :eusa_liar:

He told a tall tale about people being made into soap :eusa_liar:

He said he captured Eichmann :eusa_liar:

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.)

Now who's telling fibs :lol:
Lol :cuckoo:
1. None of this answers the questions I put to D4E.

2. The 'death toll' varies, "The death toll remains unknown, although most sources place it between 122,766 and 320,000 for the entire complex."

At one time it was said to be 2 million. Encyclopaedia Britannica

Now, the death toll has been revised at bit, well, quite a lot really:

"An estimated 197,464 prisoners passed through the Mauthausen camp system between
August 1938 and May 1945. At least 95,000 died there. More than 14,000 were Jewish." Mauthausen

3. Simon Wiesenthal has er, told different versions of his story...but the real shocker is that he was accused of being a Nazi agent :eek: by Austrian Chancellor Bruno Kreisky, himself of Jewish ancestry:

Oh dear, oh dear :eusa_whistle:


"In a press conference a short time after the election and Wiesenthal's revelations, Kreisky said Wiesenthal used "the methods of a quasi-political Mafia."[99] Wiesenthal filed a libel lawsuit (in spite of Kreisky being able to declare immunity if he so chose), and when Kreisky later accused Wiesenthal of being an agent of the Gestapo, working with the Judenrat in Lvov, these accusations were incorporated into the lawsuit as well.[100] The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."
Simon Wiesenthal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why all these little up and stop making with the big fib: that you are questioning the numbers, or the Holocaust itself.

It's obvious that your bias is anti-Antisemitism.
Argue that.

You know its the truth, why you persist in believing nonsense is the real question.

Kreisky had the goods on Wiesenthal, he was a Nazi agent. He admits himself he was well treated by them on several occasions.

The Mauthausen death toll was reduced from 2 million down all the way to 14,000 Jews, quite a drop but you didnt comment :eusa_shifty:

Wiesenthal changed his story several times, why does someone do that :confused:

He told a tall tale about an electrocution chamber in the camp :eusa_liar:

He told a tall tale about people being made into soap :eusa_liar:

He said he captured Eichmann :eusa_liar:

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.)

Now who's telling fibs :lol:

In don't read well?

"The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."

Now back to my original query.....

...the consensus is exactly what the "Holocaust" suggests it is.

You and my pal Sunni have a thing with Jewish folks.

That's the reason for your post....

It would seem to me to be more interesting for you to explain why you have this animus rather than the usual 'no Holocaust' which has been gone over ad infinitum.

Why that feeling toward millions of folks you've never met?

Is it that jealousy of their success? Influence? Intelligence?

What the dillio?
In don't read well?

"The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."

Now back to my original query.....

...the consensus is exactly what the "Holocaust" suggests it is.

You and my pal Sunni have a thing with Jewish folks.

That's the reason for your post....

It would seem to me to be more interesting for you to explain why you have this animus rather than the usual 'no Holocaust' which has been gone over ad infinitum.

Why that feeling toward millions of folks you've never met?

Is it that jealousy of their success? Influence? Intelligence?

What the dillio?

Finkelstein said that "accepting that Wiesenthal was a showman and a braggart and, yes, even a liar, can live alongside acknowledging the contribution he made".

Thats some hero you have, someone for your kids to look up to :eusa_shifty:

And straight away you're down to the "anti-Semite" mud-fling, the last refuge of the scoundrel :lol:

No answers to my queries:

The Mauthausen death toll was reduced from 2 million down all the way to 14,000 Jews, quite a drop but you didnt comment!

Wiesenthal changed his story several times, why does someone do that?

He told a tall tale about an electrocution chamber in the camp :eusa_liar:

He told a tall tale about people being made into soap :eusa_liar:

He said he captured Eichmann :eusa_liar:

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.)
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In don't read well?

"The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."

Now back to my original query.....

...the consensus is exactly what the "Holocaust" suggests it is.

You and my pal Sunni have a thing with Jewish folks.

That's the reason for your post....

It would seem to me to be more interesting for you to explain why you have this animus rather than the usual 'no Holocaust' which has been gone over ad infinitum.

Why that feeling toward millions of folks you've never met?

Is it that jealousy of their success? Influence? Intelligence?

What the dillio?

Finkelstein said that "accepting that Wiesenthal was a showman and a braggart and, yes, even a liar, can live alongside acknowledging the contribution he made".

Thats some hero you have, someone for your kids to look up to :eusa_shifty:

And straight away you're down to the "anti-Semite" mud-fling, the last refuge of the scoundrel :lol:

No answers to my queries:

The Mauthausen death toll was reduced from 2 million down all the way to 14,000 Jews, quite a drop but you didnt comment!

Wiesenthal changed his story several times, why does someone do that?

He told a tall tale about an electrocution chamber in the camp :eusa_liar:

He told a tall tale about people being made into soap :eusa_liar:

He said he captured Eichmann :eusa_liar:

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.)

"Thats some hero you have, someone for your kids to look up to."

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

If there are two sides to this issue....

....the one that you're championing wore jack-boots.
In don't read well?

"The suit was settled in Wiesenthal's favour in 1989,...."

Now back to my original query.....

...the consensus is exactly what the "Holocaust" suggests it is.

You and my pal Sunni have a thing with Jewish folks.

That's the reason for your post....

It would seem to me to be more interesting for you to explain why you have this animus rather than the usual 'no Holocaust' which has been gone over ad infinitum.

Why that feeling toward millions of folks you've never met?

Is it that jealousy of their success? Influence? Intelligence?

What the dillio?

Finkelstein said that "accepting that Wiesenthal was a showman and a braggart and, yes, even a liar, can live alongside acknowledging the contribution he made".

Thats some hero you have, someone for your kids to look up to :eusa_shifty:

And straight away you're down to the "anti-Semite" mud-fling, the last refuge of the scoundrel :lol:

No answers to my queries:

The Mauthausen death toll was reduced from 2 million down all the way to 14,000 Jews, quite a drop but you didnt comment!

Wiesenthal changed his story several times, why does someone do that?

He told a tall tale about an electrocution chamber in the camp :eusa_liar:

He told a tall tale about people being made into soap :eusa_liar:

He said he captured Eichmann :eusa_liar:

But Isser Harel, the Israeli official who headed the team that seized Eichmann, has declared unequivocally that Wiesenthal had "absolutely nothing" to do with the capture. (Harel is a former head of both the Mossad and Shin Bet, Israel's foreign and domestic security agencies.)

"Thats some hero you have, someone for your kids to look up to."

The concept of irony has spent the entirety of its existence waiting for you to come along and give it meaning.

If there are two sides to this issue....

....the one that you're championing wore jack-boots.

The truth doesn't wear boots, lady :lol:

Btw, how is the holocaust industry going...not too well eh :confused:

On How Actual Survivors Were Cheated by Jewish Organizations:

Haaretz: "The Claims Conference intentionally defrauded Holocaust survivors." (09.25.2008)

Ynet: Where did the Shoah money go? (12.11.2006)
'First Class flights around the world, accommodation at deluxe hotels, dining at fancy restaurants and a series of credit cards, this is how the Claims Conference, which deals with restitution of stolen Jewish property from the Holocaust, operates.'

Haaretz: Survivors' protest makes foreign journalists gasp, security vanish (08.06.2007)
"I want the Germans to know where the money they gave Israel went," he said angrily. "I want the Germans to know that Israel took the money we should have received. I want them to answer one question: Where did our money go?"

AP: Holocaust survivors blast $20 stipend (07.31.2007)
'Survivors have long claimed that European countries treat them far better than Israel, where many elderly survivors live in poverty.'

Jewish Week: Holocaust Cash Went To Shadowy Pal Of Ousted WJC Leader (05.04.2007)
'Israeli finance minister, now being probed for corruption, urged death camp tour group to hire little-known N.Y. consultant; Singer friend Curtis Hoxter can't explain what he did for $709,000.'

Jewish Week: "Survivors Balking At Lawyer's Fee" (03.02.2006)

Shocking revelation in the London Jewish Chronicle. ("The man on the left earns $437,811 a year handling Shoah claims. So why are so many survivors pleading poverty?"; 05.30.2006)

Survivors Protest Holocaust Industry Shakedown (08.29.2000)

Finkelstein: Will The Holocaust Industry Incite Anti-Semitism? (08.11.2000)

Finkelstein: Lessons of Holocaust Compensation (2001)
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More on the "hero" Wiesenthal...

Reckless Charges in Walus Case
One of Wiesenthal's most spectacular cases involved a Polish-born Chicago man named Frank Walus. In a letter dated December 10, 1974, he charged that Walus "delivered Jews to the Gestapo" in Czestochowa and Kielce in Poland during the war. This letter prompted a US government investigation and legal action. [38] The Washington Post dealt with the case in a 1981 article entitled "The Nazi Who Never Was: How a witch hunt by judge, press and investigators branded an innocent man a war criminal." The lengthy piece, which was copyrighted by the American Bar Association, reported: [39]

In January 1977, the United States government accused a Chicagoan named Frank Walus of having committed atrocities in Poland during World War II.

In the following years, this retired factory worker went into debt in order to raise more than $60,000 to defend himself. He sat in a courtroom while eleven Jewish survivors of the Nazi occupation of Poland testified that they saw him murder children, an old woman, a young woman, a hunchback and others ...

Overwhelming evidence shows that Walus was not a Nazi War criminal, that he was not even in Poland during World War II.

... In an atmosphere of hatred and loathing verging on hysteria, the government persecuted an innocent man. In 1974, Simon Wiesenthal, the famous "Nazi hunter" of Vienna, denounced Walus as "a Pole in Chicago who performed duties with the Gestapo in the ghettos of Czestochowa and Kielce and handed over a number of Jews to the Gestapo."

The Chicago weekly newspaper Reader also reported on the case in a detailed 1981 article headlined: "The Persecution of Frank Walus: To Catch a Nazi: The U.S. government wanted a war criminal. So, with the help of Simon Wiesenthal, the Israeli police, the local press and Judge Julius Hoffman, they invented one." [40] The article stated:

... It is logical to assume that the "reports received by Wiesenthal [against Walus] actually were rumors... In other words, Simon Wiesenthal had no evidence against Walus. He denounced him anyway.

While [Judge] Hoffman had the Walus case under advisement, Holocaust aired on television. During the same period, in April 1978, Simon Wiesenthal came to Chicago, where he gave interviews taking credit for the Walus case. "How Nazi-Hunter Helped Find Walus," was the Sun-Times headline on a story by Bob Olmstead. Wiesenthal told Sun-Times Abe Peck that he "has never had a case of mistaken identity." "I know there are thousands of people who wait for my mistake," he said.

It was only after an exhausting legal battle that the man who was vilified and physically attacked as "the butcher of Kielce" was finally able to prove that he had spent the war years as a peaceful farm laborer in Germany. Frank Walus died in August 1994, a broken and bitterly disappointed man.

Wiesenthal's recklessness in the Walus case should have been enough to permanently discredit him as a reliable investigator. But his Teflon reputation survived even this.
Simon Wiesenthal: Bogus 'Nazi Hunter'
The holocaust industry is a shake-down by Jewish organisations and then the survivors are in turn done out of any compensation...

[ame=]The Holocaust Industry- Norman Finkelstein with Michael Coren - YouTube[/ame]
Unfortunately, the Nazis were fastidious record keepers, and their own records damn them. To say nothing of the original films showing the camps and corpses. If you look into it, faking film is very hard to do. Faking mdoern day video is of course very easy oweing to the nature of it being all computer code. But faking film is all but impossible.

If the Holocaust was faked, or never happened, ask yourself why the UN then created the modern state of Israel in 1948 if not out of guilt for allowing the Holocaust to happen in the first place. To say nothing of asking the modern neo-Nazis if they want another Holocaust. If they say yes, the Holocaust happened. If they say no, but what a great idea. It didn't happen.

Holocaust deniers are simply trying to hurl feces because they have nothing else but their own excrement in their hands, playing with it like children.

What record damns them?

What do the original films show?

Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

The following from Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

1. On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

a. In 1938, Austria had a Jewish population of about 192,000, representing almost 4 percent of the total population. The overwhelming majority of Austrian Jews lived in Vienna,

2. The little town of Amstetten, halfway between Vienna and Linz, on the Ybbs River, which flows into the Danube. In May, 1938, the Amstettner Anzeiger was proud to report that “the town swimming pool and sunbath declares that Jews are banned from entering. Now we only have to get rid of the mosquitoes from our pool for it to become really ideal.” The town had become a Fuhrerstadt! By summer, all 28 of Amstetten’s Jews had been expelled.

3. Amstetten’s location as the main railway hub supplying both Germany and Italy made it a target of Allied bombers. The first bombs fell on November 19, 1944

4. About 25 miles West of Amstetten, on the Danube, was the town of Mauthausen. Prisoners from the concentration camp at Dachau had been sent to build a much larger facility where political prisoners could be held. The state owned Mauthausen expanded, and by 1944, it was grouped with nearby Gusen, as a commercial enterprise.

5. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.

a. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

6. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

a. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.

b. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.

7. Slave labor was responsible for construction of Austria’s largest steelworks and Steyr munitons, Puch automobiles, and most businesses in Amstetten.

8. It was a place of inconceivable barbarism whose secrecy liberated its masters into horrific inventiveness. In the camp’s gas chambers, quarries, hospitals, isolation units, and crematoria, in its underground brothel, and on its dissecting tables, a creative degeneracy blossomed.

9. The camp was liberated on May 5, 1945 by the 41st Reconnaissance Squad of the US Eleventh Armored Division. They found 85,000 inmates, and estimated the death toll at 320,000. Among the liberated was Simon Wiesenthal.

Interestingly, the United States knew about the death camps as early as 1942 since it was mentioned in the movie "Casablanca" from '42. The character who arrives with Bogies ex' being a much sought after escapee from one of the camps.
What record damns them?

What do the original films show?

Can you be as stupid as you appear?
Is that even possible?

The following from Stefanie Marsh and Bohan Pancevski, “I’m No Monster.”

1. On March 12, 1938, Hitler’s troops rolled over the border from Germany, into Austria. This was the Anschluss, the annexation of Austria into Greater Germany. Three days later, Hitler entered Vienna, greeted by an enthusiastic crowd of up to one million people. A plebiscite was held in less than a month, and 99.7% of Austrians voted to join the Third Reich.

a. In 1938, Austria had a Jewish population of about 192,000, representing almost 4 percent of the total population. The overwhelming majority of Austrian Jews lived in Vienna,

2. The little town of Amstetten, halfway between Vienna and Linz, on the Ybbs River, which flows into the Danube. In May, 1938, the Amstettner Anzeiger was proud to report that “the town swimming pool and sunbath declares that Jews are banned from entering. Now we only have to get rid of the mosquitoes from our pool for it to become really ideal.” The town had become a Fuhrerstadt! By summer, all 28 of Amstetten’s Jews had been expelled.

3. Amstetten’s location as the main railway hub supplying both Germany and Italy made it a target of Allied bombers. The first bombs fell on November 19, 1944

4. About 25 miles West of Amstetten, on the Danube, was the town of Mauthausen. Prisoners from the concentration camp at Dachau had been sent to build a much larger facility where political prisoners could be held. The state owned Mauthausen expanded, and by 1944, it was grouped with nearby Gusen, as a commercial enterprise.

5. The German mining company DEST, used the prisoners as slave labor, to work in the quarries, or to be hired out to local manufacturers and farmers. The Amstetten railway network came in handy to transport the slaves.

a. The labor supply was inexhaustible…and when a prisoner’s productivity dropped, they would simply be transported to Mauthausen-Gusen and killed.

6. It was a hugely profitable death camp and the only camp designated Grade III (“incorrigible enemies of the Reich ). The motto was ‘Vernichtung durch Arbeit (“Extermination through Work”)

a. Far beyond Jews, the camp included communists, socialists, Polish boy scouts, homosexuals, Romanies, Jehovah’s Witnesses, anarchists, Spanish Republicans who had fled Franco.

b. In 1943, life expectancy in the camps was 6 months; by war’s end it was 3 months.

7. Slave labor was responsible for construction of Austria’s largest steelworks and Steyr munitons, Puch automobiles, and most businesses in Amstetten.

8. It was a place of inconceivable barbarism whose secrecy liberated its masters into horrific inventiveness. In the camp’s gas chambers, quarries, hospitals, isolation units, and crematoria, in its underground brothel, and on its dissecting tables, a creative degeneracy blossomed.

9. The camp was liberated on May 5, 1945 by the 41st Reconnaissance Squad of the US Eleventh Armored Division. They found 85,000 inmates, and estimated the death toll at 320,000. Among the liberated was Simon Wiesenthal.

Interestingly, the United States knew about the death camps as early as 1942 since it was mentioned in the movie "Casablanca" from '42. The character who arrives with Bogies ex' being a much sought after escapee from one of the camps.

Did he say they were turning people into soap?

These stories originated with the propaganda departments of the US and UK so its no wonder they appear in a film, a good way to get the message across.

I like the video of the Jewish woman who remembers being transported to a camp and the train stops to let them have a "shower". She has heard the horror stories and is waiting under the showerhead for the gas to come...and lo and behold is she surprised when out comes nice, warm water (she laughs).
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