Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

There was nothing in that verse about money, Sunni. That was strictly your 'slant' on it. And what you posted about 'avarice/greed' - there is NO WAY that either of those words can be 'massaged' to make them a positive.

It doesn't matter what you 'state' - the very worst of Jew-hating bigots have claimed "it's nothing personal" and so forth..... I remain unconvinced by your protestations and unimpressed with your attempts to 'rebrand' the vile things you've posted as 'positive'. are a tough one to please......... :cool:

You're an easy one to read. :cuckoo:
I meant the Nazis who testified during the trials after the war ended. THEY certainly had no obvious motive to escalate the numbers. As for the records themselves, who knows?
I'm not sure any but those at the top of the bureaucracy would necessarily know the totals beyond their own areas of operation. They might know the party propaganda line...
But given the brutality of the Nazi regime and how harshly they dealt with lawbreakers, I would guess officials did not try to cheat much and risk getting caught.
Do you have evidence that they cracked down on people who lied to make the party sound more effective? My understanding was that it was questioning the Party or its power was the big no-no. I doubt Pol Pot or the Interahamwe had any problem with their people inflating the numbers and telling the undesirables that millions of their kind had been slaughtered and they were next.

Because it's not simply 'those who dispute the versions of events we've all grown-up hearing' - it is "those who refuse to acknowledge the MOUNTAINS of direct evidence for that narrative". It is that "those who refuse to acknowledge" have an agenda - the same elements are consistent from 'denier' to 'denier'. And it is that the agenda which they have in common is a combination of seeking to exonerate/whitewash Nazi evil - and seeking to vilify the (Jewish) victims as 'deserving' of the abuse and genocide.

I am unabashedly a holocaust revisionist; but I have never tried to whitewash nazi crimes, nor is my goal to vilify the jews.

I just want the holocaust to be debated like any other historical event.

And let the truth come out.....regardless of the outcome....... :cool:

Suuuuure, you don't intend to vilify a people of whom you've said "Greed is in their DNA" - is it possible you truly don't understand how vile an insult that was?

Not if you're a Randian

just sayin'

I skimmed the last several pages of idiotic mud-slinging and slap-festing.

If I missed any other real posts or anything directed toward me, I apologize. Just link to it or something and mention my name in bold or something so I see it when I'm here again.
All I came across was unsupported conjecture.

Then you didn't read very well, idiot. What I explained to you is the reality of the situation.

Right, I see. So by your reasoning that mass of empathetic memorial of the Jewish Holocaust you claim stems from Chinese citizens comes from reading about the Holocaust in World History books? .

Once again, read what I wrote, idiot.
Amazing you can quote that scripture and speak about Abrahams seed the way you do. I cannot understand how you will ever be able to explain that to G-d. You are without excuse for your anti semitism. You cannot even plead ignorance!!!!!!!! Do you realise that? - Jeremiah
As I've stated before; I am not anti-semitic.

My problem is with zionists and the terrorist state of Israel............. :cool:

Yet, he has no problem with the wife beaters of Allah.:cool:
This thread seems to be pointless.
Just a slanging match with no actual evidence either way.

namvet sie sind ein jude liebevollen homosexuellen. ..... :eusa_angel:

האדם הסוני הוא יהודי. יש לו אמא יהודייה
Namvet you have become trite and please move along. ... :cool:

האדם הסוני fucks יהודי אימו ואביו. . הוא הומוסקסואל כדי
אבל מה הקטע בלדבר פה בעברית? ועוד בשגיאות כאלה? גוגל טרנסלייט? חחחחח

נולדתי מפגר ואני גר בבית אגוז עם אחרים גרמנים טיפשים hahaha אידיוט מטומטם
אבל מה הקטע בלדבר פה בעברית? ועוד בשגיאות כאלה? גוגל טרנסלייט? חחחחח


אני רוצה לענות את המטומטמים האלה
Belief in the so called Holocaust is no different than believing in Big Foot or the Loch Ness monster. ...... :cool:

One doesn't 'believe in' documented facts and historical events. The Germans didn't keep detailed records of things which they did not do.

People who wish to deny the Nazi intent of genocide against many groups need to consider why they are attempting to deny what the bulk of German citizens experienced and know as fact.

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