Calls for Biden’s Impeachment Increase Exponentially – And It’s About to Get a Whole Lot Louder

Not after November there won't be, I figure around 47 tops.....But yeah, still not enough to waste time on.

The gop needs to go after regulatory agency funding in a big way and the coming recession will give them the austerity cover needed to gut them like a fish. :)
Closer to 60 than 47 but
You people just carry on with the stupidity that drives you and entertains me.
Your ignorance and lies will guarantee the Dems expand their hold on both houses, take the govs in GA, TX, FL
And soon send you to the anonymity you so richly deserve.
Well, you hopefully.
If it gets rid of democrats I'm fine with it. A few Russian agents taking advantage of Biden's border with small tactical nukes. American agencies gives them plane and bus tickets to DC, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland. It would be a benefit.

All because of Biden's border and Biden's invader policies.
Joe needs to be impeached once for every thing he fucked up intentionally or by incompetence.

1) Border
2) Afghanistan
3) Quid Pro Quo with Ukraine
4) Being on the CCP payroll
5) Intentionally getting oil prices increased

Just those 5 should take 2 years…
Why should he answer your troll question when you admit you don't read his posts? Think better.

He done already griw up.
Hello. The grammar police have attacked me again.
Youre out of ammo son.

Again, for any impeachment too proceed it must be supported by a crime. Thats where you expose your hatred simply because you want him impeached but there is no crime. Why can't you grasp that?
Youre out of ammo son.
Not if you're educated enough to know contractions, dufus.

Again, for any impeachment too proceed it must be supported by a crime. Thats where you expose your hatred simply because you want him impeached but there is no crime. Why can't you grasp that?
Pay better attention, fool. I haven't weighed in here on impeachment. I do think the repubs will take the House and do just what the dims did: impeach for purely partisan reasons.
If it gets rid of democrats I'm fine with it. A few Russian agents taking advantage of Biden's border with small tactical nukes. American agencies gives them plane and bus tickets to DC, New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Seattle, Portland. It would be a benefit.

All because of Biden's border and Biden's invader policies.
You should go to work wring unbelievable movie scripts that no one with half a brain would fun...


Congressman Lance Carter Gooden is leading an effort to impeach Joe Biden and it’s gaining significant traction.

“The bar was so low to impeach President Trump,” Gooden explains. “And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement.”

“What we’re seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral,” he continued. Americans are witnessing an unprecedented surge at the southern board, which has become so bad that Biden is secretly flying illegal to various U.S. cities in the dead of the night.

To provide some perspective, Americans saw the lowest number of illegal crossings on the southern U.S. border in over 40 years under Trump.

Under Biden, after he lifted Trump’s key “Remain-in-Mexico” policy, the U.S. has suffered the highest number of illegal border crossings in over 60 years.

Trump’s policy forced foreign nationals seeking to enter the U.S. through the southern border — illegally or without proper documentation — to be returned to Mexico.

These individuals will need to wait in Mexico while their legal cases are adjudicated.

Predictably, Democrats ended this policy and open the border, creating a massive disaster.

Gooden responded, “The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we’re seeing [is] they’re filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel.”

“It’s really a travesty. And it’s not what this country should be about,” Gooden added.

As the GOP gains more power and control in Congress from Democrats, it appears there is signficant agreement that Biden is committing an impeachable offense.

Here’s the critical conclusion via Trending Politics:

So, while little can happen now, as Democrats are still in control of the legislature, it’s coming up and calls for impeachment will get louder as the red wave crashes over the Swamp and puts the GOP back in power.

Rep. Gibbs said as much recently, declaring that “When Republicans take back the House, we will take our commitment to the separation of powers, our role as a check and balance to the executive branch, seriously. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire administration is officially on notice.”

The GOP might just have grown enough spine to start treating Democrats as Democrats treated them; we’ll see, but with everyone from Ted Cruz to MGT, Lance Gooden to Bob Gibbs pushing the idea, it’s obviously getting more and more popular


..and there are not 67 Senators who would convict”

No there aren’t, but that didn’t stop the dems from impeaching DJT twice.
All the wannabe Dems are calling for a Bidens impeachment?! Rad, sounds like a bunch of winners!
Not if you're educated enough to know contractions, dufus.

Pay better attention, fool. I haven't weighed in here on impeachment. I do think the repubs will take the House and do just what the dims did: impeach for purely partisan reasons.
Again, there has to be a crime. Why are you ignoring that? Because there is no crime and there will be no impeachment. Suck eggs.
Don't be stupid.
The globalists will push the world as far as they can to achieve their objectives. Riots, the virus and questionable voting practices stole an election. It was planned. Now they are deescalating a bit as they have power again and are doing it to look as innocent as possible. The Ukraine situation is handy for them to deflect and back a corrupted nation with has many people involved in it. The subterfuge money that must pass through that nation must be enormous in quantity.
As proven by the dims, you can trump up any offense to criminal status if you twist your words sufficiently.
What comes around goes around.

Pound sand.
The difference being Trump was found to have conversations with Ukraine. His staff confirmed it, there was apparently a record of it and he spoke of with holding the aid unless he got.
It wasn't Trump up. It was fact and remains so.
I can see you are purely after revenge and wet the same against Biden. You can't because there is no crime.

Your motives are extremely petty and childish.
You'll have to do better than that son.

Congressman Lance Carter Gooden is leading an effort to impeach Joe Biden and it’s gaining significant traction.

“The bar was so low to impeach President Trump,” Gooden explains. “And even if the bar were raised exponentially, I believe that President Biden has met that requirement.”

“What we’re seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral,” he continued. Americans are witnessing an unprecedented surge at the southern board, which has become so bad that Biden is secretly flying illegal to various U.S. cities in the dead of the night.

To provide some perspective, Americans saw the lowest number of illegal crossings on the southern U.S. border in over 40 years under Trump.

Under Biden, after he lifted Trump’s key “Remain-in-Mexico” policy, the U.S. has suffered the highest number of illegal border crossings in over 60 years.

Trump’s policy forced foreign nationals seeking to enter the U.S. through the southern border — illegally or without proper documentation — to be returned to Mexico.

These individuals will need to wait in Mexico while their legal cases are adjudicated.

Predictably, Democrats ended this policy and open the border, creating a massive disaster.

Gooden responded, “The fact that our United States government is putting its own citizens behind those of other nations, and also encouraging human trafficking. And what we’re seeing [is] they’re filling the bank accounts and the cash stashes of the cartel.”

“It’s really a travesty. And it’s not what this country should be about,” Gooden added.

As the GOP gains more power and control in Congress from Democrats, it appears there is signficant agreement that Biden is committing an impeachable offense.

Here’s the critical conclusion via Trending Politics:

So, while little can happen now, as Democrats are still in control of the legislature, it’s coming up and calls for impeachment will get louder as the red wave crashes over the Swamp and puts the GOP back in power.

Rep. Gibbs said as much recently, declaring that “When Republicans take back the House, we will take our commitment to the separation of powers, our role as a check and balance to the executive branch, seriously. President Biden, Vice President Harris, and the entire administration is officially on notice.”

The GOP might just have grown enough spine to start treating Democrats as Democrats treated them; we’ll see, but with everyone from Ted Cruz to MGT, Lance Gooden to Bob Gibbs pushing the idea, it’s obviously getting more and more popular


..and there are not 67 Senators who would convict”

No there aren’t, but that didn’t stop the dems from impeaching DJT twice.
What's needed for impeachment is a House vote of 218-217, and you can impeach a person simply for having scuff marks on their shoes because the House can impeach even if no crimes are committed. Impeachment is whatever the House decides impeachment is.
“What we’re seeing at the border is not just criminal, but it is immoral,” he continued. Americans are witnessing an unprecedented surge at the southern board, which has become so bad that Biden is secretly flying illegal to various U.S. cities in the dead of the night.
Of course your propagandists and their brainless parroting politicians have not told you Trump did the exact same thing.

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