Calls for sleeping beauty to be banned because prince kisses princess without consent

I can get on board with that. That pervert prince has no business kissing her until she at least wakes up! Wtf is wrong with these fairy tales anyway?
Oh. Happy Halloween !
Meh, let her sleep then.

Movie goers can watch Sleeping Beauty sleep for an hour and a half while lawyers stand around her and haggle about what the proper procedure is to obtain consent to kiss her and awaken her. I'm sure noone would want a refund after that thriller!
What about the guy who used a young ladies long hair to climb up to her bedroom so he could grope her? Was that physical abuse, sexual abuse or both?
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

I guess I would explain that the Prince is her divinely planned husband,
so it is already God's design that they end up as husband and wife.

But this is a fairy tale.
And in real life we don't know if someone really is that right person.

So in real life we meet each other's families, and work out our relationships,
and make sure it is the right relationship and COMMUNICATE
and respect the CONSENT of each other and NEVER ABUSE the relationship.

And reserve romantic and marital relations for just
the person we marry as our spiritual partner.

Here in the fairy tale, the people already "magically knew"
they were the right ones for each other.

If you respect your parents, and each other's parents and families,
and resolve ALL your relations so there is no conflict unresolved
but perfect peace, harmony and closure at all times,
that is like heaven on earth where everything is perfect.
And yes, you can have perfect relations where you know
that you are the right ones for each other. But it still takes lots of work!

It isn't instant or magic as in the fairy tales.
Snow White same thing.
Kinda but there are problems there too.
Anaheim, California: CNN reported today that Walt Disney's new film called "Jet Black", which is the African-American version of "Snow White" has been canceled. All of the 7 dwarfs: Dealer, Stealer, Mugger, Forger, Drive By, Homeboy, and Shank, have refused to sing "Hi Ho, Hi Ho" because they say it offends Black prostitutes. They also say they have absolutely no intention of singing "It's off to work we go."
I he I heard that Bill Cosby was once considered to play Prince Charming.
Though Alex Jones should have said that the chemicals in the water are turning the frogs and fish into hermaphrodites instead of ghey....he was pretty much right.
LMMFAO. Saved to my legendary dropbox "posters" folder. 19 years of nonsense like that.If laughter is the best medicine,
this folder is an overdose
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.
Molestering a girl in her sleep? Obviously the Prince was a Democrat.


I bet you even think you're funny, trollboy

hint...not to anyone wh
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.

no... YOU FAIL.... and when the "source" is insane, it needs to be attacked as does anyone stupid or sick enough to subscribe to it as truth.

get a life. :cuckoo:
Molestering a girl in her sleep? Obviously the Prince was a Democrat.


I bet you even think you're funny, trollboy

hint...not to anyone wh
Calls For ‘Sleeping Beauty’ To Be Banned Because Prince Kisses Princess Without ‘Consent’
A British mother has been criticized after calling for a ban on the fairytale ‘Sleeping Beauty’, arguing that it promotes “inappropriate” sexual behavior.

If people don't think trendy leftist don't have a mental issues let this be the one thing that solidfies that thought. I t doesn't matter where in the world one lives

well, if your insane freaks at infowars say so.

demented. :cuckoo:
You fail. Stop attacking the source and prove the information is incorrect.

no... YOU FAIL.... and when the "source" is insane, it needs to be attacked as does anyone stupid or sick enough to subscribe to it as truth.

get a life. :cuckoo:
Wrong. You fail. Your argument is ad hom and therefore invalid.

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