Cam Newton loses endorsement over sexist comments

Harry Reid once said that the only reason Obama won was because he was light skinned and did not have a negro dialect.
He is one of the leading leaders in the Dim party. Was that racist?
Obama is not the topic of this thread. Think.
He just found out how much it costs for a guy in his position to say whatever pops into his head.
If Dannon was smart they'd keep him on on the condition he do a commercial where he says something sexist and stupid like that and a woman in the commercial dumps a tub of Dannon Yogurt on his head.
Cam Newton Apologizes for Sexist Remarks

It appears that Cam Newton has lost his endorsement from Dannon Yogurt because of his sexist comments.

Is this punishment enough for Cam? This public shaming and societal repercussions associated with it fascinates me to no end. There are no real rules or laws to follow, it seems rather piece meal based upon the offense, who is saying it, and what race they are or sex they are when saying it.

For example, the famous story of an NBA owner who lost his NBA team merely because he was caught saying racist things on what he thought was a private line. Before this he has received an award from the NAACP on racial issues. He even apologized for his comments, yet it was not good enough. He had to have his team taken from him

Now enter Cam Newton. He publically says sexist things, apologizes, and keeps his job even though he lost an endorsement.

Is this fair? Would it have been different if Cam had owned the team? Would have been run out of town and manipulated to give up his team like the NBA owner? If Cam had been white, would he have lost his job or should he have lost his job?

Give the guy a break! If what he said is sexist then I don't know what sexist means. Snowflakes abound!

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