Campus Carry of guns on Texas university campuses...1 year in, not problems....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The anti gunners use fear to push their anti Civil Rights agenda......every time a law is passed protecting the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens, the anti gunners claim blood will run in the streets and every disagreement between two people will turn into a shooting.....

And every single time they are wrong...

Fears of permitted concealed handguns prove unfounded: A very quiet first year at public universities in Texas - Crime Prevention Research Center

The University of Texas system has 221,337 students and 100,312 faculty and staff, and there are over 1.2 million permit holders in Texas, but after the first year that concealed handgun permits were allowed on public universities, there have been no problems. From the Austin American-Statesman about the University of Texas:

University of Texas police responded to four gun-related incidents in the past 12 months, but only one — involving a photo shoot for a newspaper — can be tied to the controversial state law permitting students to carry concealed handguns in most campus buildings.

Campus carry went into effect Aug. 1, about two weeks before the fall semester opened at UT. Opponents of Senate Bill 11 feared there would be a rise in gun-related violence at the campus.

But as the one-year anniversary approaches, those concerns have been unfounded. . . .

Only one person carrying a gun on campus was identified in those documents as a student. Huyler Marsh, a graduate student in accounting, posed for a photo for an August story on campus carry in The New York Times. Marsh posed for a photo in a campus library, raising the back of his red plaid shirt to expose a .45-caliber handgun in his waistband. The gun no longer was concealed, triggering a university investigation. UT released a statement saying the dean of students reviewed the incident and spoke with Marsh. . . .
Difference between liberals and conservatives: when conservative push for Constitutional rights, they mean for individuals to reclaim responsibility such as buying their own guns if they want to exercise their right to bear arms.

Not so with the right to health care. Liberals insist on going through govt to push mandates or penalties on all taxpayers, instead of taking responsibility for the cost of enforcing their own rights if they want to exercise and promote that.

Perhaps Democrats should learn from this campus example of empowerment, and create campuses where residents fund and run their own health care. Once they realize the extent of responsibility involved in providing the very "equal rights" they believe in, maybe they'll focus there. Instead of attacking conservatives who believe in the same concept of free market health coops that the Greens promote as the solution to sustainable community based health care.
now they are allowing conceled carry at community college too. I take a couple classes, but I VERY rarely carry, unless Im going to the range right after or before school

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