Campus Knife Stabber: Faisal Mohammed

NO CHRISTIAN EVER committed acts based on their religion like Muslims do based on their religion.
Total bullshit. The Christians praised their God for the slaughter while walking knee-deep in Muslim bodies and and blood. They baptized Muslim babies and then bashed their heads in with rocks, or threw them in the air and sliced them in half with broadswords. The forced Jews to either convert or die. The list goes on and on and that doesn't even include when one side of the faith was slaughtering another! It's history, it can't be denied so don't bother.
And that matters why? Of right, it doesn't.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...

following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.
It doesn't fucking matter. He said EVER, and is well within the range of EVER, eh dipshit?

I guess you missed my post #33.
Yep, and good for you, maybe you are actually learning something but dummy, if you don't do what your holy book says, and they do, which one of you is truly being faithful, you or them?

All Holy Books are subject to interpretation.

The interpretation of my Holy Book entered civilization, decency, modern thinking and reason, with - admittedly - still a long way to go on some aspects.

Their holy book is hopelessly and rigidly and stupidly stuck in the 7th century in all aspects.
Your Holy Book gave us the Dark Ages. The fact that you don't follow it is why we have the modern world. Liberalism and capitalism made Christianity into something human progress could deal with, and the same can be done for Islam, given time.

But don't go beating on the Muslims for what almost no Christian does, following the teachings of their holy book, unless you think following the teachings of holy books is for morons, which it is.

Could you or any of your Muslim buddies give the rest of the world any idea when that "given time" might occur?

The Dark Ages are long gone. And they were Dark Ages in the Muslim world, contemporaneously, as well.

Problem is that all religions are living in the modern world of today, except Muslims who use the benefits of science and knowledge for murder and destruction, a legacy left for them by a so-called prophet who by normal people could be considered nothing less than despicable .

They need their version of John Calvin or Martin Luther to bring them into the 21st century.
Christians still don't live in the 21st century, if they did they wouldn't be Christians, and Islam is 700 years younger and it's taken us most of the last 2,000 years to drag your kind kicking and scream into anything like a modern world so we'll need at least a 200 years to get at them with the only real solution that you yourself reject, liberalism!
NO CHRISTIAN EVER committed acts based on their religion like Muslims do based on their religion.
Total bullshit. The Christians praised their God for the slaughter while walking knee-deep in Muslim bodies and and blood. They baptized Muslim babies and then bashed their heads in with rocks, or threw them in the air and sliced them in half with broadswords. The forced Jews to either convert or die. The list goes on and on and that doesn't even include when one side of the faith was slaughtering another! It's history, it can't be denied so don't bother.
And that matters why? Of right, it doesn't.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...
OH SORRY! What a few people did over 500 years ago is linked to an Islamist stabbing American college kids how?
following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.
1. Wrong, if you say you are believer it's not optional.
2. Correct.

actually, it is optional.... and I don't believe in proselytizing. neither does my religion.

I know... and I don't care what others believe. I just want them to leave everyone else alone.
following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.
1. Wrong, if you say you are believer it's not optional.
2. Correct.

actually, it is optional.... and I don't believe in proselytizing. neither does my religion.

I know... and I don't care what others believe. I just want them to leave everyone else alone.
I have no idea what your religion is but if it isn't Judaism there are damn few that don't try for converts.
I guess you missed my post #33.
Yep, and good for you, maybe you are actually learning something but dummy, if you don't do what your holy book says, and they do, which one of you is truly being faithful, you or them?

All Holy Books are subject to interpretation.

The interpretation of my Holy Book entered civilization, decency, modern thinking and reason, with - admittedly - still a long way to go on some aspects.

Their holy book is hopelessly and rigidly and stupidly stuck in the 7th century in all aspects.
Your Holy Book gave us the Dark Ages. The fact that you don't follow it is why we have the modern world. Liberalism and capitalism made Christianity into something human progress could deal with, and the same can be done for Islam, given time.

But don't go beating on the Muslims for what almost no Christian does, following the teachings of their holy book, unless you think following the teachings of holy books is for morons, which it is.

Could you or any of your Muslim buddies give the rest of the world any idea when that "given time" might occur?

The Dark Ages are long gone. And they were Dark Ages in the Muslim world, contemporaneously, as well.

Problem is that all religions are living in the modern world of today, except Muslims who use the benefits of science and knowledge for murder and destruction, a legacy left for them by a so-called prophet who by normal people could be considered nothing less than despicable .

They need their version of John Calvin or Martin Luther to bring them into the 21st century.
Christians still don't live in the 21st century, if they did they wouldn't be Christians, and Islam is 700 years younger and it's taken us most of the last 2,000 years to drag your kind kicking and scream into anything like a modern world so we'll need at least a 200 years to get at them with the only real solution that you yourself reject, liberalism!
We should all be atheists so we can feel good about the 160 million murdered by their own Godless governments in the past century.
Yep, and good for you, maybe you are actually learning something but dummy, if you don't do what your holy book says, and they do, which one of you is truly being faithful, you or them?

All Holy Books are subject to interpretation.

The interpretation of my Holy Book entered civilization, decency, modern thinking and reason, with - admittedly - still a long way to go on some aspects.

Their holy book is hopelessly and rigidly and stupidly stuck in the 7th century in all aspects.
Your Holy Book gave us the Dark Ages. The fact that you don't follow it is why we have the modern world. Liberalism and capitalism made Christianity into something human progress could deal with, and the same can be done for Islam, given time.

But don't go beating on the Muslims for what almost no Christian does, following the teachings of their holy book, unless you think following the teachings of holy books is for morons, which it is.

Could you or any of your Muslim buddies give the rest of the world any idea when that "given time" might occur?

The Dark Ages are long gone. And they were Dark Ages in the Muslim world, contemporaneously, as well.

Problem is that all religions are living in the modern world of today, except Muslims who use the benefits of science and knowledge for murder and destruction, a legacy left for them by a so-called prophet who by normal people could be considered nothing less than despicable .

They need their version of John Calvin or Martin Luther to bring them into the 21st century.
Christians still don't live in the 21st century, if they did they wouldn't be Christians, and Islam is 700 years younger and it's taken us most of the last 2,000 years to drag your kind kicking and scream into anything like a modern world so we'll need at least a 200 years to get at them with the only real solution that you yourself reject, liberalism!
We should all be atheists so we can feel good about the 160 million murdered by their own Godless governments in the past century.
No, you should all be Agnostics, the only rational position on God or gods.
OH SORRY! What a few people did over 500 years ago is linked to an Islamist stabbing American college kids how?
Yes, it is, because the same evil mentality is in force. You are evil peas in an evil pod, only you think your shit don't stink, and it does.
I'll inform the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century.
following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.
1. Wrong, if you say you are believer it's not optional.
2. Correct.

actually, it is optional.... and I don't believe in proselytizing. neither does my religion.

I know... and I don't care what others believe. I just want them to leave everyone else alone.
I have no idea what your religion is but if it isn't Judaism there are damn few that don't try for converts.

ding ding ding
OH SORRY! What a few people did over 500 years ago is linked to an Islamist stabbing American college kids how?
Yes, it is, because the same evil mentality is in force. You are evil peas in an evil pod, only you think your shit don't stink, and it does.
I'll inform the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century.

no one was "murdered in the name of atheism"

but people are dying all of the time because of religion.
No, you should all be Agnostics, the only rational position on God or gods.[/QUOTE]

I've seen things that would make you curl up in a fetal position and soil your pants.
Funny how you "agnostics" always come running to defend Islamofascism.
Total bullshit. The Christians praised their God for the slaughter while walking knee-deep in Muslim bodies and and blood. They baptized Muslim babies and then bashed their heads in with rocks, or threw them in the air and sliced them in half with broadswords. The forced Jews to either convert or die. The list goes on and on and that doesn't even include when one side of the faith was slaughtering another! It's history, it can't be denied so don't bother.
And that matters why? Of right, it doesn't.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...

following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.

Like Muslims who have the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State of the Levant, etc., and enforce Islam's tenets by the brutest and cruelest force of their so called holy book.

I am sure you and your ilk think that that is not a problem. The problem, according to your ilk is school prayers, crosses, symbols and words that hurt no one.

The Holy Book you and your ilk would just love to ban out of existence was the bases of the document that gives you the right to spew your bile each and every day. Try that in an Islamic country.
OH SORRY! What a few people did over 500 years ago is linked to an Islamist stabbing American college kids how?
Yes, it is, because the same evil mentality is in force. You are evil peas in an evil pod, only you think your shit don't stink, and it does.
I'll inform the 160 million murdered in the name of atheism in the past century.

no one was "murdered in the name of atheism"

but people are dying all of the time because of religion.
You don't know much about modern history either.
Shocker, I know.

Why isn't this being called for what it is, more Islamic Jihad?

Maybe because the last time legit news outlets made that leap was OkC bombings and the bomber turned out to be a white Christian American named Timothy McVeigh.
More of the naive. McVeigh was not a Christian. He was one of you.

"The execution date was reset for June 11, 2001. McVeigh invited California conductor/composer David Woodard to perform pre-requiem Mass music on the eve of his execution. He requested a Catholic chaplain.

McVeigh was raised Roman Catholic.[89] During his childhood, he and his father attended Mass regularly.[90] McVeigh was confirmed at the Good Shepherd Church in Pendleton, New York, in 1985.[91] In a 1996 interview, McVeigh professed belief in "a God", although he said he had "sort of lost touch with" Catholicism and "I never really picked it up, however I do maintain core beliefs."[89] In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[92][93] In June 2001, a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic. However, he took the Last Rites, administered by a priest, just before his execution."
Timothy McVeigh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You were saying?

Thanks for proving us right…

In McVeigh's biography American Terrorist, released in 2002, he stated that he did not believe in a hell and that science is his religion.[92]

a day before the execution, McVeigh wrote a letter to the Buffalo News identifying himself as agnostic.

Any more evidence that you want to use to prove us right?

Way to cherry-pick only the parts to sustain your narrative while dismissing the majorty that don't. Should work for CNN.

Yeah, they "cherry picked' the actual parts that mattered. Funny how that works.
Shocker, I know.

Why isn't this being called for what it is, more Islamic Jihad?
Shot by campus police. The good thing about arming schools. One thing California has done correctly.

Yep a terrorist jihadist.

SHOT by campus cops!! What roid head trigger happy pigs, he didnt have a gun. They should have handled this better. They should be trained more in disarming techniques other than just pull gun and "pew pew pew!!!". They should've found a better way to deescalate this.

Uh huh huh! Cough!!! inner lib peaked out there!
And that matters why? Of right, it doesn't.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...

following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.

Like Muslims who have the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State of the Levant, etc., and enforce Islam's tenets by the brutest and cruelest force of their so called holy book.

I am sure you and your ilk think that that is not a problem. The problem, according to your ilk is school prayers, crosses, symbols and words that hurt no one.

The Holy Book you and your ilk would just love to ban out of existence was the bases of the document that gives you the right to spew your bile each and every day. Try that in an Islamic country.

you don't know what my *ilk* is. and I tend to be toward the right but not neocon wacky on the Mideast.

religion should never be used to conquer people. it's not a difficult thing to say...

are TODAY's Christians the same as the Christians during the crusades? no. but I don't think I ever said they are. should anyone try to spread their religion by force or coercion? ... hell no.
And that matters why? Of right, it doesn't.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...

following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.

Like Muslims who have the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State of the Levant, etc., and enforce Islam's tenets by the brutest and cruelest force of their so called holy book.

I am sure you and your ilk think that that is not a problem. The problem, according to your ilk is school prayers, crosses, symbols and words that hurt no one.

The Holy Book you and your ilk would just love to ban out of existence was the bases of the document that gives you the right to spew your bile each and every day. Try that in an Islamic country.

you don't know what my *ilk* is. and I tend to be toward the right but not neocon wacky on the Mideast.

religion should never be used to conquer people. it's not a difficult thing to say...

are TODAY's Christians the same as the Christians during the crusades? no. but I don't think I ever said they are. should anyone try to spread their religion by force or coercion? ... hell no.
So on a thread about Islamic jihad the first argument raised about what a few people did in the name of Christianity a thousand years ago.
You tell us why it matters what a few people did over a thousand years ago is important today. You're the one bringing it up.
It wasn't over a thousand years ago, you were forcing Jews to convert or die 500 years ago and burning witches more recently than that, and you are supposed to be a religion of peace, that fights bloody 100-year wars with itself!!! Own up to the blood on your hands, the fact that you weren't obeying your holy book, and then get mad at them for doing the exact opposite, obeying their holy book which it turns out is a seriously fucking bad idea for the rest of us.

Get fucking honest about the plank in your eye, then get smart about the fact that obeying a holy book is usually a bad fucking idea and you guys ignore yours like it never even existed...

following a holy book is a matter of personal preference.

it is when people try to insert that book into government or use it to conquer others that the problems arise.

Like Muslims who have the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Islamic State of the Levant, etc., and enforce Islam's tenets by the brutest and cruelest force of their so called holy book.

I am sure you and your ilk think that that is not a problem. The problem, according to your ilk is school prayers, crosses, symbols and words that hurt no one.

The Holy Book you and your ilk would just love to ban out of existence was the bases of the document that gives you the right to spew your bile each and every day. Try that in an Islamic country.

you don't know what my *ilk* is. and I tend to be toward the right but not neocon wacky on the Mideast.

religion should never be used to conquer people. it's not a difficult thing to say...

are TODAY's Christians the same as the Christians during the crusades? no. but I don't think I ever said they are. should anyone try to spread their religion by force or coercion? ... hell no.
So on a thread about Islamic jihad the first argument raised about what a few people did in the name of Christianity a thousand years ago.

my first post was to ask where the proof that the kinife attacks were about jihad is other than the arab name of the perp.

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