Campus libs wanted MLK quote removed from campus memorial building

MLKs quote is 100% contradictory to affirmative action. That's why libs are quietly now removing Kings words.
They found out MLK was a republican.
Yes, his father, MLK, was a Republican. MLK Jr claimed to be non-partisan, but his economic and political and social views increasing leaned left until the day he was shot.
They found out MLK was a republican.
Yes, his father, MLK, was a Republican. MLK Jr claimed to be non-partisan, but his economic and political and social views increasing leaned left until the day he was shot.
He opposed affirmative action.
For you? Undoubtedly. :lol:
You really need to stop letting little yellow faces handle your comebacks. It actually makes you appear to do the impossible: be more childish.
The I Have A Dream speech was given in 1954 on the floor of the Senate by black Republican Archibald Carey. It should be correctly attributed.
They found out MLK was a republican.
Yes, his father, MLK, was a Republican. MLK Jr claimed to be non-partisan, but his economic and political and social views increasing leaned left until the day he was shot.
He opposed affirmative action.
For you? Undoubtedly. :lol:
You really need to stop letting little yellow faces handle your comebacks. It actually makes you appear to do the impossible: be more childish.
. Liberals are idiots. MLK was all about race, not gender identity. If Bruce Jenner ever says something cool and quote-worthy, then the gender benders can carve it on one of their buildings.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream…”

is the LAST thing the Liberals want to!
U of Oregon Students Debated Removing MLK Quote from Wall Because It Wasn’t Inclusive Enough, by Katherine Timpf, National Review

It says nothing about discrimination based on gender identity!

Student leaders at the University of Oregon considered removing a famous Martin Luther King Jr. quote from a wall on its student center on the grounds that it was just not inclusive enough — because it talked only about racial discrimination and not discrimination based on stuff like gender identity.

The quote has been displayed at the Erb Memorial Union (which is currently being renovated) since 1985. It’s probably something that you’ve heard before — “I have a dream that my four little children that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. I have a dream . . .” — without even thinking that it might be problematic.

But that’s because you’re just not as smart or culturally aware as these kids. “Diversity is so much more than race,” sophomore Mia Ashley told the Daily Emerald, the school’s official student newspaper.

“Obviously race still plays a big role,” she continued. “But there are people who identify differently in gender and all sorts of things like that.” According to the Emerald, the students ultimately decided not to change the quote, but “that decision was not made without some hard thought by the Student Union Board.”

Oh, and it gets worse: The entire reason that quote was put there in the first place was to replace another quote that students had found offensive — one that called the university “leader in the quest for the good life for all men” — which is obviously, you know, sexist as hell.

Now, I personally don’t get triggered by seeing the word “men” anywhere. But hey, what do I know? After all, I had no idea that the “I Have a Dream” speech was actually kind of transphobic. I guess you learn something new every day.


It's bad enough when these students go after Confederate flags and heroes, and Presidents from the past who owned slaves, and Spanish explorers and missionaries like Christopher Columbus and Father Serra.

Now, in an act that can be compared to cannibalism, the agitators are eating their own: Martin Luther King, Jr. because he didn't think to include the oppressed non-gender freaks in his famous speech.

At some point, we need to stop these assholes. And if you're a liberal supporting this garbage, that makes you part of the problem.

IT has bad words in....content of character and judged.....both concepts are upsetting to todays microadults

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