Can a Catholic Be a Democratic Socialist?

Well, the Pope is a Marxist, so yes.
The Pope may have erroneous views on economics and the environment, but again, they do not matter because he is not here to direct economics and the environment and he is not here to make policy on economics and the environment
He is here to preserve and hand on the Christian faith to the next generation.
You don't know what you are talking about.

I know far more than you do

My boss is very much Catholic, still a very nice guy though. But he says anyone who says they are a Catholic and means it can't be a Democrat because it goes against too many of their core and most sacred beliefs. He says abortion being the biggest one as Jesus doesn't tolerate hurting children and it's murder at once, two big sins.

He is so Catholic he even hates that Catholic people eat fish during lent because modern catholics say "I'm giving up meat for one day" then go eat a fish sandwich which is still meat or say they are giving up beer then go have some wine. He says it's about sacrificing something, to him he doesn't eat for lent and just drinks water. He isn't what he calls most "catholic light". And believes a lot of Catholics who are democrats will go to hell for assisting and supporting people who in general support evil or immoral agendas.
Anyone who went to Catholic School before Vatican 2 became the law knew it was based on discipline of self. People still screwed with each other. The schools and the church did not tolerate any hate to others. The individuals in the school could still have their views. In the end there is a bit more tolerance for other ways of living by a percentage of Catholics. Every Friday during the year was no meat and fish was acceptable until Vatican 2 mandates became the law. It was based on discipline to oneself and the death of Jesus. Jews have their sabbath to those who follow it.
He is correct.

He is talking about Cafeteria Catholics. Sort of like RINO Reublicans.

Cafeteria Catholics pick and choose what beliefs they will accept and which ones they will ignore, like in a cafeteria.
Like you calling a priest father? And stupid bishops and pope?
. . . . It is not mine to judge . . . .

A typical, ignorant mis-quoting of the Bible. It is most certainly up to us to judge.

Ultimate Judgement, for heaven or Hell, is for God alone to judge, and we cannot say that someone is going to hell.

BUT is is our moral duty to make judgement calls on the actions of others. If I see a man raping a woman am I not to make an immediate judgement call, and then proceed to help her? If I see a man beat up and rob a woman am I not to make an immediate judgement call, then maybe serve at a trial as a witness?

People like you are full of crap., The fact that you are here agreeing with a baby-killer affirms that.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

I have every right and duty to judge them as evil.

As for whether or not they go to hell, that is God's judgement.
A typical, ignorant mis-quoting of the Bible. It is most certainly up to us to judge.

Ultimate Judgement, for heaven or Hel, is for God alone to judge, and we cannot say that someone is going to hell.

BUT is is our moral duty to make judgement calls on the actions of others. If I see a man raping a woman am I not to make an immediate judgement call, and then proceed to help her? If I see a man beat up and rob a woman am I not to make an immediate judgement call, then maybe serve at a trial as a witness?

People like you are full of crap., The fact that you are here agreeing with a baby-killer affirms that.

Democrats are the party of Socialism, Sodomy (gay marriage), Infanticide (late term abortion), not allowing Conservative free speech on Youtube and elsewhere, Antifa and BLM Marxist thugs and bullies burning cities, defunding police, Fascist lockdown, voter fraud, and more. Democrats are the enemy of Liberty.

I have every right and duty to judge them as evil.

As for whether or not they go to hell, that is God's judgement.
Revelation 21:22 says there's no temple.
That is a stupid statement.
Its so sad how people like you can see fake news so clearly when it is directed against you, but then are so willing to believe that same fake news when it is aimed at another group.
Pope Francis, The Socialist
In this one, the pope tells Catholics that the pandemic has shown us that capitalism and "trickle down" economics doesn’t work, and wealth must be redistributed.
The pope also contends that businesses should be working to eliminate poverty.
He criticized "empty individualism," which is the natural instinct to consider one’s own self primarily and be self-reliant.
The opposite of individualism is "collectivism," otherwise known as communism.
The pope also said nations need to do more to integrate and accept migrants from poorer countries.

Seems to me that there are plenty of people out there that "think" the Pope is of Marxist qualities. God is God, and religion is a tool of man to keep other men under their power. Just look at what Catholicism did under the Spanish or French.
He is correct.

He is talking about Cafeteria Catholics. Sort of like RINO Reublicans.

Cafeteria Catholics pick and choose what beliefs they will accept and which ones they will ignore, like in a cafeteria.

That's it. I couldn't remember the term he used. I forgot the phrase he quoted about children though, something about woe unto thee that harms the little children. Or something like that.
Scandinavians have a high standard of living, a healthy workforce, highly skilled labor.. I don't think the Catholic church is opposed to that.
The United States of America will never be like Norway, Sweden or Finland because of the mere fact we are a Union of States and another thing many of you forget to realize is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is also a melting pot which mean we come from all over the World…

Now I bet you will not even understand one thing I wrote and will proclaim it can happen when you have no clue how to make all races work together, and just not that the same race from different parts of the World working together to even get close to what Norway, Sweden and Finland has!


Those like you are not truly wanting that form of Government anyway and are shooting for something like China type of Government instead!
The United States of America will never be like Norway, Sweden or Finland because of the mere fact we are a Union of States and another thing many of you forget to realize is the UNITED STATES of AMERICA is also a melting pot which mean we come from all over the World…

Now I bet you will not even understand one thing I wrote and will proclaim it can happen when you have no clue how to make all races work together, and just not that the same race from different parts of the World working together to even get close to what Norway, Sweden and Finland has!


Those like you are not truly wanting that form of Government anyway and are shooting for something like China type of Government instead!
Like China? Don't be ridiculous. The US should look at the history of South America and Spain. Smart countries invest in their people.

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