Can a sane, rational person actually believe President Obama is a true communist/Marxist?


Dec 10, 2014
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
I have trouble believing a rational, objective person can actually believe the Obama Administration is as communist/Marxist as Lenin's Bolsheviks in 1917 or Fidel Castro's revolutionaries in 1959.

Contemporary partisan rhetoric is now so replete with absolutism and hyperbole that it has virtually no credibility at this point. The media division pimps get folks all fired up and then you hear stuff like this. Problem is, people say and hear it so often that they really begin to believe it.

Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
When are you morons gonna find that bear that shits in the woods? Damn.
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
When are you morons gonna find that bear that shits in the woods? Damn.

Note to OP - he's right ^^^.

Don't expect the RW nutters to respond with facts. All they've got is name calling, the most mindless racism you'll see outside a KKK meeting and lots and lots of lies. Sadly, they don't do it in the woods. They do it right here.

To guard against the death of your own brain cells, my advice is to read the RW crap in small batches .
Does it matter any longer?

Will it matter in the slightest after the new Congress is sworn-in next month?


"Shhhh! Be vewy, vewy quiet. It’s wame duck season!"
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Actually, Obama is more of a Fascist than a Socialist (cf., ObamaCare).
Can a sane, rational person actually believe President Obama actually works in the best interest of the United States?
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
If you're looking for support in your thinking I will not give it to you. obama dreams of my father. His father was a communist.
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.
When are you morons gonna find that bear that shits in the woods? Damn.

Note to OP - he's right ^^^.

Don't expect the RW nutters to respond with facts. All they've got is name calling, the most mindless racism you'll see outside a KKK meeting and lots and lots of lies. Sadly, they don't do it in the woods. They do it right here.

To guard against the death of your own brain cells, my advice is to read the RW crap in small batches .
Three more Katyushas for the Luddster....
I find it amazing that people have ready access to the internet, so if they wanted to, they could look up the definitions of communism, socialism, fascism, or whatever the GOP accuses Obama of.

Sorry..............but I haven't seen a government takeover of ANY business, and we are still free to pretty much live our lives as we see fit for the past 6 years.

I haven't had any government types showing up on my front door, demanding access to my life, nor has the government made me change my lifestyle or habits in any way shape or form.

Do yourselves a favor people, look things up for yourself to see if they're true or not, and look up the definitions of words to see what they actually mean before you accept the crap that the politicians are slinging at you.

It only takes a minute or two, and can help you be better informed so that it is harder to lie to you.
I find it amazing that people have ready access to the internet, so if they wanted to, they could look up the definitions of communism, socialism, fascism, or whatever the GOP accuses Obama of.

Sorry..............but I haven't seen a government takeover of ANY business, and we are still free to pretty much live our lives as we see fit for the past 6 years.

I haven't had any government types showing up on my front door, demanding access to my life, nor has the government made me change my lifestyle or habits in any way shape or form.

Do yourselves a favor people, look things up for yourself to see if they're true or not, and look up the definitions of words to see what they actually mean before you accept the crap that the politicians are slinging at you.

It only takes a minute or two, and can help you be better informed so that it is harder to lie to you.
That wasn't the can be a commie...but not be successful at it.
Can a sane, rational person actually believe Obama when he says 20 times if you like your health plan and your doctor you can keep them, period? Turns out no, he's a liar.
I find it amazing that people have ready access to the internet, so if they wanted to, they could look up the definitions of communism, socialism, fascism, or whatever the GOP accuses Obama of.

Sorry..............but I haven't seen a government takeover of ANY business, and we are still free to pretty much live our lives as we see fit for the past 6 years.

I haven't had any government types showing up on my front door, demanding access to my life, nor has the government made me change my lifestyle or habits in any way shape or form.

Do yourselves a favor people, look things up for yourself to see if they're true or not, and look up the definitions of words to see what they actually mean before you accept the crap that the politicians are slinging at you.

It only takes a minute or two, and can help you be better informed so that it is harder to lie to you.
It's amazing to me how ill informed libs are. obama has been no friend to oil or coal industries and since you are so oblivious you should look up 'obamcare' or the laughable official name 'Affordable Care Act".
According to the definitions laid out in the dictionary and other credible reference material, no....................Obama is not a communist.

Unlike everyone who is screaming that he is, I actually took time to look up the definitions, compare it to what the government is currently doing, and figured out he's not a communist, socialist, or fascist.
Can a sane, rational person actually believe President Obama actually works in the best interest of the United States?

Based on the preferences and statements made by Hussein, there appears to be a destructive nature in his agenda...

1) he wants utilities to go bankrupt..So if somebody wants to build a coal-fired plant they can. It’s just that it will bankrupt them…”
– Barack Obama speaking to San Francisco Chronicle, January 2008
No matter how you rationalize he would rather see utilities go bankrupt rather then compromise and figure out how to lower the costs of EPA compliance rather then ways to put utilities out of business?

2) Hussein said: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket"

3) Hussein said I'd like higher gas prices, just not so quickly"
Embedded media from this media site is no longer available
and backs that belief hiring Energy secretary Chu, who said in 2008... “Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.”

4) Hussein desires to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a year in taxes employing 400,000....
What Hussein said:“I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program.” Barack Obama on single payer in 2003 Physicians for a National Health Program

5) Hussein doesn't like our military and has helped the enemy kill our troops when Hussein said the following:
"troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
Harvard study showed that when words like the above were used,
"Insurgents in Iraq were emboldened by voices in the news media expressing dissent or calling for troop withdrawals from Iraq?

Based words out of his mouth he prefers destruction of utilities, destruction of our gas prices, destruction of 1,300 companies,destruction of our military.

These are not the goals and preferences of presidents in the past and definitely not what most Americans are looking for the future of the USA.

It is irrelevant as to Hussein being a communist/socialist as the real concern is can the USA survive Hussein's preferences?
Or should I assume that it is impossible or nearly impossible for a rational, objective person to believe that the United States under Obama is actually heading for communism and Marxism?

I think it is just a bunch of delusional crackpots and conspiracy-theory nuts who believe that. Almost like believing in a flat Earth.

Maybe you should do a little research on the folks who raised, mentored and educated him, then read his book and see, in his own words, who he sought out to associate with. Then maybe you can answer your own question.

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