Zone1 Can American religious organizations assign Reagan the status of a messiah or a prophet?

Two people in world history have done this: the first was the Great Indra, the second was the Great Reagan. The great Indra is canonized among Christians in the form of a Snake Wrestler. Now it's up to the Great Reagan
Stealing weapons to supply prohibited nations in exchange for illegal funding of prohibited operations pretty much contradicts any definition of a great President. Of course, that was just a little of what he "accomplished" in the negative sense.
Funny o.p., really, all the more so as it seems serious.
Reagan = Prophet of Massive Debt & Illegal Immigrants.
All developed countries have debts, all export garbage dumps finance the debt of developed countries. The immigration policy was right because he attracted courageous brave Mexicans to the USA, so that they beat feminists, Britonists and other left-wing fans of the Snake
Stealing weapons to supply prohibited nations in exchange for illegal funding of prohibited operations pretty much contradicts any definition of a great President. Of course, that was just a little of what he "accomplished" in the negative sense.
Funny o.p., really, all the more so as it seems serious.
Does not contradict. The main thing is that he was on the right side of the fighters against Hussein and the Nicaraguan Communists. Laws that were written by leftists and scammers do not matter in the cause of greatness and a Right cause.
Reagan was a divorcee ... served as President openly living in sin with a pagan woman Nancy ... that disqualifies him for sainthood ...

Is that why you like him? ... he set aside his wife and took up with another ... something the heathen are fond of ... that's pretty wicked of you ... Jesus warned us against false prophets ...
Reagan was a divorcee ... served as President openly living in sin with a pagan woman Nancy ... that disqualifies him for sainthood ...

Is that why you like him? ... he set aside his wife and took up with another ... something the heathen are fond of ... that's pretty wicked of you ... Jesus warned us against false prophets ...
There is nothing like this in official sources, I think it is slander.
The word "poganus" means only filthy cults - cults of the forest savages of Europe. This is manipulation. As for polytheism, Christians do not deny polytheism. Christian saints are copies of Zoroastrian Yazigs - gods worthy of veneration. In particular, the Verethragna was a copy of Vritrahan (the winner of the snake Indra). This Yazig became the Christian Saint George
Does every church in the United States have this as a requirement for Sainthood? ... my guts say to agree with you but my liver pointed out that's only true for the Roman Catholic Church ... certainly the Satanic Temple has different criteria ... and I don't think Methodists canonize anyone ...

Reagan's tax code is still letting the rich get by without paying any taxes ...
Reagan's immigration policies seem to be in desperate crisis right now ...
Reagan's closing of the mental hospitals is why we have so much homelessness right now ...
Reagan's wars in Central America are still being fought ...

Reagan did take the blame for advanced weapon sales to Iran ... did you know that Iran is still our enemy? ...

Although America has a fair share of Catholics and a small number of Orthodox, we were founded by Protestants. Many of us are going to say a hearty NO to this sainthood stuff, even for a great president like Reagan.

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