Can Americans perform abortions of Government?

I don't recall any backpack. Why do you assume it had explosives in it. She was lifted up. Men there picked her up. I have been by that window myself so know it can't be easily got into by a tiny woman. She was murdered and you do not care.
None of that makes any sense (as usual for this lunatic). Yes. She was wearing a backpack

Yes in the middle of a riot it COULD have contained a bomb. That’s how police are trained

Now go take your meds and go to bed think the election was stolen from you and you did nothing except post messages on a message board.

You’re the textbook definition of an impotent coward.
The election was not stolen from me. I nor electrea own elections. But the fraud that Biden won lingers on.
None of that makes any sense (as usual for this lunatic). Yes. She was wearing a backpack

Yes in the middle of a riot it COULD have contained a bomb. That’s how police are trained

Now go take your meds and go to bed
Lesh, you bring pleasure to my kicking your ass. Honestly you plead to have your ass kicked.
I saw again my video and of course she wore a backpack. But some turd claims she could have a bomb in it. And you believed him? And you go by could have? It could have had reading material in it you dummy. No meds you take can help you.
140 cops were injured that day you moron

Dozens hospitalized
Did you see how the cops were dressed stupid? They were wearing garb to protect them. Name 3 cops that were hospitalized!! Silence will happen.
Most animals are killers (including humans). None deserve to be taken out back and shot you fucking idiot.
This was very very long ago when she was much younger. She has a super good record since she got elected to the state congress. I did not mention deserve. She did not want a dog that killed stock. Stock she ended up paying the owner for. The dog came to her vicious. She shot it and that cured it's vicious nature. Look stupid, get her book. She talks about this in chapter 6 I believe.
Where did Robert W slink off to?
I accept your surrender.
It was fun PROVING you wrong,

Something you have YET to do with me.
Regardless of your baseless claims.
You did not prove she carried explosives.
Life threatening procedures like Abortions aren't even done by medical doctors. Abortions are performed by technicians who might as well be killing cattle. Philadelphia, Pa. routinely inspected pizza parlors for health code violations but for some reason the parlors that were set up for killing unborn humans weren't subject to inspection. When a woman was reported dead in Dr. Gosnell's house of horrors the reality of unrestricted abortions was (briefly) brought to public attention.
Life threatening procedures like Abortions aren't even done by medical doctors. Abortions are performed by technicians who might as well be killing cattle. Philadelphia, Pa. routinely inspected pizza parlors for health code violations but for some reason the parlors that were set up for killing unborn humans weren't subject to inspection. When a woman was reported dead in Dr. Gosnell's house of horrors the reality of unrestricted abortions was (briefly) brought to public attention.
Actually most abortions are pharmacological at this point.

And guess what, the total number has risen since Dobbs.
Gee, an 80+ year old man (allegedly) has been reduced to saying the word "fag face" on the internet to a complete stranger.

Did you see your life being so useless when you were a child?
I deliver in kind what which is shot at me.

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