Can Anti-Same Sex M Advocates Address These Facts?

So gays are better at marriage than straights? Lol.

Can they cure cancer too?

Give it time. Gays will soon learn that marriage sucks
So gays are better at marriage than straights? Lol.

Can they cure cancer too?

Give it time. Gays will soon learn that marriage sucks

Well Hollywood might be a bit different without them.

Show tunes and musicals might be different if not nonexistent.

The arts would be really different without them.
Maybe you should start by changing your bigoted attitude yourself first.

Only thing your pointing out is you're an asshole who can't discuss issues without being a prick.

I think kleenex is on sale. How many cases would you like? Stop being such an overly sensitive whiner. If you can't handle it then stop quoting me.

I can handle more then you've ever handled in your life.

I'm just trying to put a mirror up to your face and see if you're aware of your appearance or not.

Guess not.

Stop. Whining.
I've never understood these. There are maybe 5 on the list I can understand, like hospital visitation, but those have been taken care of and are easy to do, they truly aren't issues anymore. All the rest are issues that deal with mutual children, that situation is completely N/A. Take 18 for example. Why would they need a joint insurance plan? Joint insurance is for when your spouse stays home with your children and therefore cannot work.
and those things should be removed from marriage
marriage is a religious ceremony and the government should get out of it
if you want those laws, then get a civil union contract

Wow. Any subject you talk about shows you don't know much of anything. Marriage is not a religious ceremony dumbass. There are a lot of atheist couples who are a testament to that fact.
and typical for the dubmass you are, you completely missed the point
Going off on a tangent again???

I think he meant that marriage should be a religious ceremony.....and that he wants the state to stay out of it....however what it has become is a legal contract that the state levies fees on. The meaning is almost lost.

However who am I to say that SSM couples shouldn't be afforded the same pain and suffering and legal hardship that heteros suffer from.

Marriage is not a religious ceremony and it never has been endemic to any church.

Marriage has always been religious. In modern times it has become more secularized. Most people have a religious wedding and are legally married secondarily.
bent candle is a fucking moron
I bet same sex marriage will result in some same sex divorces.
It will be a travesty.

I'm sure some will. He was trying to claim the stats in the OP are without merit unless the marriage rate is also known. It was a red herring.

Your OP was a red herring.

Great! I look forward to being educated and I'm sure others will appreciate you informing them as well when you explain how the OP is a red herring.
We are all familiar with the claim SSM should not be allowed because it is immoral and will send an atomic wedgie up the nuclear family's fanny. Thus the strongest claim against SSM is for preservation of our Republic. On the question of its moral value: It does not matter. It truly does not. I think it's immoral for Christian churches, who operate tax free, to erect structures in the name of Christ, preach about the Love of God and the call to Sacrifice, then lock the doors to keep the homeless out. Does my indignation based on my moral compass justify robbing those Churches of their rights? No. The Constitution guarantees them the Right to gloriously display their hypocrisy on a regular basis. (this does not apply to all Christian churches, but the majority of US churches are guilty of following Caesar instead of Christ.) The cry of a moral crime without the justification of intrusion is a selfish microphone indeed.

Massachusetts has often been the iconic ridicule of radio pundits and Christian religious groups who claim it is a great example of the product of immorality, and especially in the Same Sex M debate. This demonstrates the fundamental cognitive dissonance of mob mentality. Here is why: MA has long been a leader in respecting and protecting the sanctity of Marriage. We are approaching a 20 year celebration of having the lowest divorce rates of any State in the entire nation:

"Massachusetts and Connecticut rank first and second, respectively, for having the lowest divorce rates in the nation, according to new 1994 divorce data from the National Center for Health Statistics."

That was a time when SSM was being lobbied here. Let's jump a decade and see those numbers:

"The District of Columbia had the lowest reported divorce rate, at 1.7, followed by Massachusetts at 2.2 and Pennsylvania at 2.5."
Divorce Statistics, Marriage Statistics: Divorce Rates in America, Marriage

It was around that time the Constitution chalked up another victory of being a more honest National manifesto. The anti-SSM crowds were ballistic with predictions. Five years later:

Provisional 2008 data from the CDC's National Vital Statistics Report show that after over four years of legal same-sex marriage, the divorce rate in Massachusetts has actually dropped, from 2.3 per thousand residents in 2007 to about 2.0 per thousand in 2008, the lowest rate in the nation—and one that hasn’t been seen since the 1940's.
Low Massachusetts divorce rate another defeat for same-sex marriage opponents

Wow. If that is the type of destruction gays bring to the sanctity of marriage and society I am scared as hell to find out what good it could possibly accomplish.

Iam not citing the data in a claim of causation and saying SSM made divorce rates go down. I am citing it to show the argument of causation put forth by anti-SSM crowds that Same Sex Marriage causes enough harm on society to justify burning portions of the Constitution is simply too damn gay to be true.

I don't think the threat this issue may cause is the destruction of the family...but what it does is cause a slippery-slope condition where eventually anyone can marry anyone or anything.

That is the primary reason for those who are against SSM to fight it.

Course you ask any SSM advocate that question they always way. That isn't possible.

What gall they have!!! Who are they to say that Michael Jackson couldn't marry Macaully Culkin if he had wanted to.

I understand why people get upset when others answer with, "Can't you see how stupid that is?" Well, I'm not going to answer like that "THIS TIME".

where eventually anyone can marry anyone or anything.

What that really is, is insulting. It's difficult for right wingers to understand that gays have feelings of love and family. A conservative may love his wife, so he doesn't understand how a man could love another man the way he loves his wife because, "It's a man", therefore a gay man could love "anything".

This just once again, points out their lack of any kind of compassion or understanding. We all need to be thankful that they have "morals" written down in a book for them to follow.

The "morals" may not be perfect, but at least they are something. Could you imagine what these people would do without the threat of everlasting punishment? They even ask that question, "Without God as punishment, what's to keep you from rape, murder and robbery?" Yes, what indeed? Well, if they have to ask that question, let us hope they never lose their faith. It's pretty obvious what they would do next. They've already told us.
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Marriage has always been religious. In modern times it has become more secularized. Most people have a religious wedding and are legally married secondarily.

Why? Because you say so?

You're talking about history, my viewpoint and your viewpoint of it have no bearing. It is simply a fact that marriage is historically a religious matter.

You are absolutely wrong. Marriage is historically a "POLITICAL" matter. A means of cementing political alliances and concentrating wealth and power. AND THAT IS THE TRUTH.
It shouldn't be about who raises the biggest fuss. I thought we were talking equality for all, not making some more equal then others?

Allowing same sex couples to marry is giving them equality.

No kidding...but then who else is gonna demand equality?

According to you only the people that raise the most hell deserve equality.

Famous line during the civil rights movement, "If not now, WHEN?"

If it were up to the conservatives, we would still have "slaves". After all, Jesus approved.
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So gays are better at marriage than straights? Lol.

Can they cure cancer too?

Give it time. Gays will soon learn that marriage sucks

Well Hollywood might be a bit different without them.

Show tunes and musicals might be different if not nonexistent.

The arts would be really different without them.

Don't forget science, medicine, literature, and architecture.

Do you know there are scientific organizations made up of gays, but I couldn't find a single one made up of conservative Christians, unless you count the Museum of Intelligent Design. They have an "Ark" with an animatronic dinosaur sticking out of the roof".
I've never understood these. There are maybe 5 on the list I can understand, like hospital visitation, but those have been taken care of and are easy to do, they truly aren't issues anymore. All the rest are issues that deal with mutual children, that situation is completely N/A. Take 18 for example. Why would they need a joint insurance plan? Joint insurance is for when your spouse stays home with your children and therefore cannot work.

Gay couples can adopt and/or get sperm/egg donation.

They need to decide whether or not they are gay. Gay people don't have children. Straight people do.

Is that some sort of joke? So if you're attracted to the same sex you'd never want to adopt?

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