Can any conservative answer this?

You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

And you think Clinton will help the little guy?

Check out this link about one of Clintons best buddies:

Then google how Mr. Buffetts NetJets used a loophole to reduce his tax burdon by a cool half a billion.

No one believes Clinton will do a damn thing to the rich with Buffett in the Lincoln bedroom.

If you do, your an idiot.
Even if Trump pays NOT a cent in federal tax for himself, he still pays millions in taxes. Any idiot who thinks any corporation, or any large business owner pays no tax even if they pay none at all for their personal income knows nothing at all about the financial system of this country, or who pays all of the taxes that are collected by the treasury.

Ditto for the "47%".
You assume that:
1. The tax code that he used actually needs to be changed.
2. You somehow tie that to his supporters belief that he will look out for them but you fail to make a logical connection between the two. There are many ways he can help the average man that don't include taxes.
3. You have no proof except your prejudices against him the it is clear he only looks out for himself. When he was a private citizen and businessman, he was t required to look after anyone but his business.

You asked the question, we conservatives answered it, you don't like the answer well, we can't help you there.
1. Again I've showed you what Trumps site said about taxes. "ensure the rich will pay there fair share","eliminate special interest loopholes". Not my words, but those of his site. So either Trump feels that for super rich people fair share means 0, or he feels only he should be the exception among the super rich and pay 0. And special interest loopholes should be closed except for his type of business. So using that argument makes Trump a liar or self serving.
2. His interest and those of the average American aren't the same, I tie it together because of the ridiculousness of losing almost a billion dollars and still being able to continue, when I've seen friends lose their houses because they couldn't pay their mortgages. And turning now to a businessman of his morality for a solution.
This shows his unwillingness to cut the ties between him and his business
Before anyone recites Trump’s “America is more important than the Trump Organization” shtick, take a look at what he has done during his candidacy: Repeatedly, he has shown that he is more concerned about his company than he is with either his campaign or the international economy. When a majority in the U.K. voted in favor of leaving the European Union, the value of the pound collapsed. On that day, Trump was in Turnberry, Scotland, presiding over the opening ceremony for a new Trump golf course.

Asked about the vote to leave, known as Brexit, Trump spoke not of the global economic chaos set off by the event, but of the benefits to his golf resort. “When the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry,” he said.
One of dozens of examples when he chooses his business over the role as a potential president.

1. He only paid zero when he lost almost a billion dollars. Sorry, you have no logical connection between reality and what you are posting.
2. False comparison. Because he is a smart businessman who takes risks and can lose but still recover is not negated by your friends who cannot do the same. The fact that they look to him for help is natural and smart. If he can do it, it inspires others. He is in fact, if he does what he says, someone who can help the average guy.
3. In case you haven't figured it out, he isn't POTUS yet. If he doesn't get elected, he still has a business. Is he supposed to let it go to hell while he runs for office? You cannot logically make the conclusion you are trying to make.

1. Really???
Donald Trump claimed $916 million in losses from his businesses in 1995, including losses from earlier that were carried forward. Thus, he did not pay taxes that year, and probably did not for many years thereafter. Trump also did not pay federal income taxes in 1978, 1979, or1984, and most likely did not in 1991 or 1993.

That is the sum total of what we know about Trump’s income tax payments. So only seems to include quite a lot of years.
2. Lol. It's like a sardine asking a shark for help. His contempt for the average man is well documented and only half-heartedly denied by Trump himself.Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors

3. I've asked this in almost every post to you. Please make your case, why you think he will change his allegiance as POTUS? He clearly doesn't want to give control of it away even when he is POTUS. What will make him stop favouring or even actively work against his business interest. What incentive you think he will have to do that?
You assume that:
1. The tax code that he used actually needs to be changed.
2. You somehow tie that to his supporters belief that he will look out for them but you fail to make a logical connection between the two. There are many ways he can help the average man that don't include taxes.
3. You have no proof except your prejudices against him the it is clear he only looks out for himself. When he was a private citizen and businessman, he was t required to look after anyone but his business.

You asked the question, we conservatives answered it, you don't like the answer well, we can't help you there.
1. Again I've showed you what Trumps site said about taxes. "ensure the rich will pay there fair share","eliminate special interest loopholes". Not my words, but those of his site. So either Trump feels that for super rich people fair share means 0, or he feels only he should be the exception among the super rich and pay 0. And special interest loopholes should be closed except for his type of business. So using that argument makes Trump a liar or self serving.
2. His interest and those of the average American aren't the same, I tie it together because of the ridiculousness of losing almost a billion dollars and still being able to continue, when I've seen friends lose their houses because they couldn't pay their mortgages. And turning now to a businessman of his morality for a solution.
This shows his unwillingness to cut the ties between him and his business
Before anyone recites Trump’s “America is more important than the Trump Organization” shtick, take a look at what he has done during his candidacy: Repeatedly, he has shown that he is more concerned about his company than he is with either his campaign or the international economy. When a majority in the U.K. voted in favor of leaving the European Union, the value of the pound collapsed. On that day, Trump was in Turnberry, Scotland, presiding over the opening ceremony for a new Trump golf course.

Asked about the vote to leave, known as Brexit, Trump spoke not of the global economic chaos set off by the event, but of the benefits to his golf resort. “When the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry,” he said.
One of dozens of examples when he chooses his business over the role as a potential president.

1. He only paid zero when he lost almost a billion dollars. Sorry, you have no logical connection between reality and what you are posting.
2. False comparison. Because he is a smart businessman who takes risks and can lose but still recover is not negated by your friends who cannot do the same. The fact that they look to him for help is natural and smart. If he can do it, it inspires others. He is in fact, if he does what he says, someone who can help the average guy.
3. In case you haven't figured it out, he isn't POTUS yet. If he doesn't get elected, he still has a business. Is he supposed to let it go to hell while he runs for office? You cannot logically make the conclusion you are trying to make.

1. Really???
Donald Trump claimed $916 million in losses from his businesses in 1995, including losses from earlier that were carried forward. Thus, he did not pay taxes that year, and probably did not for many years thereafter. Trump also did not pay federal income taxes in 1978, 1979, or1984, and most likely did not in 1991 or 1993.

That is the sum total of what we know about Trump’s income tax payments. So only seems to include quite a lot of years.
2. Lol. It's like a sardine asking a shark for help. His contempt for the average man is well documented and only half-heartedly denied by Trump himself.Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors

3. I've asked this in almost every post to you. Please make your case, why you think he will change his allegiance as POTUS? He clearly doesn't want to give control of it away even when he is POTUS. What will make him stop favouring or even actively work against his business interest. What incentive you think he will have to do that?

1. is irrelevant.

2. is your unsupported opinion.

3. and 3 I have already answered. His motivation as President will be different than his motivation as CEO.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
Where do you get your information? Do you prepare Trump's taxes? Are you in the inner circle and blowing the whistle?
I actually got it from Trump himself and it is confirmed again by this latest report. Its around the 50 second mark.

I do notice you haven't answered either of my questions.

So let me get this're trying to convince us you'd gladly over pay if you were in Trumps position?

I would gladly pay something.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
Where do you get your information? Do you prepare Trump's taxes? Are you in the inner circle and blowing the whistle?
I actually got it from Trump himself and it is confirmed again by this latest report. Its around the 50 second mark.

I do notice you haven't answered either of my questions.

So let me get this're trying to convince us you'd gladly over pay if you were in Trumps position?

I would gladly pay something.

So your saying you'd just give away money for no reason other than you're so kind hearted?:lol:
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
Where do you get your information? Do you prepare Trump's taxes? Are you in the inner circle and blowing the whistle?
I actually got it from Trump himself and it is confirmed again by this latest report. Its around the 50 second mark.

I do notice you haven't answered either of my questions.

So let me get this're trying to convince us you'd gladly over pay if you were in Trumps position?

I would gladly pay something.

Buffet keeps implying he should overpay, but given the chance he fights it tooth and nail. Clintons best buddy!
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

Everyone who pays taxes does what they can to lower them.

The attempt by the left to pretend otherwise is just more dishonesty.

The motivations of a President are very different from the motivations of a CEO.

Your pretense to not understand that is not credible. You are playing gotcha games that don't stand up to any thought.
Answered this one too.
1.My assumptions aren't taking out of thin air. For instance it has been documented that Trump has used donor money to line his own pockets.5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign. I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal but it's pretty clearly unethical and gives a clear indication that at least as a candidate he sees his loyalty in the first place still to his business and not to the donors. What makes you think this will change?

You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

Everyone who pays taxes does what they can to lower them.

The attempt by the left to pretend otherwise is just more dishonesty.

The motivations of a President are very different from the motivations of a CEO.

Your pretense to not understand that is not credible. You are playing gotcha games that don't stand up to any thought.
Answered this one too.
1.My assumptions aren't taking out of thin air. For instance it has been documented that Trump has used donor money to line his own pockets.5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign. I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal but it's pretty clearly unethical and gives a clear indication that at least as a candidate he sees his loyalty in the first place still to his business and not to the donors. What makes you think this will change?

YOu did not address my point about everyone tries to lower their taxes.

Your linked article is the worst type of partisan pap, that only a hard core coolaid drinker would consider supporting evidence.

Technically, it did address my point about motivations changing, but it's claims were absurd. Complaining the Trump pays for Tacos at his own restaurant is hardly a serious argument.

I think that a President Trump will want to be re-elected and will want to go down in history as a successful president, that will be more important than money.
I actually have addressed that point a few times before in this OP,just not to you personally. I don't, not even for a second claim that paying as little taxes as possible is not something that everybody shares. What I claim is that then claiming you will change those laws ,rings hollow the premise of this post. You are right the tacos are ridiculous. Using an aging yet with horrible fuel efficiency isn't, buying your own book isn't either, or tripling the rent you charge your OWN campaign once you stop being self funded. Ethically it seems to me that candidate Trump should try to spend his donor money is frugaly as possible but this is clearly not the case.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.

You can't get a refund of other people's money, dope.
A refund, by definition, is returning what you already payed.

Semantics dope. A helluva lot of people get back more than they put in.

No they don't. That's not even possible, dope.
Deductions and exemptions only lower your taxable income. The refund is the difference between taxes paid on the gross and the taxes on the adjusted or net income.

It's not semantics at all. You fools really don't understand it at all. :laugh2:
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
Where do you get your information? Do you prepare Trump's taxes? Are you in the inner circle and blowing the whistle?
I actually got it from Trump himself and it is confirmed again by this latest report. Its around the 50 second mark.

I do notice you haven't answered either of my questions.

So let me get this're trying to convince us you'd gladly over pay if you were in Trumps position?

I would gladly pay something.

So your saying you'd just give away money for no reason other than you're so kind hearted?:lol:

More like patriotic.
Not give away. Pay something or at least give a nice chunk to charity.
You assume that:
1. The tax code that he used actually needs to be changed.
2. You somehow tie that to his supporters belief that he will look out for them but you fail to make a logical connection between the two. There are many ways he can help the average man that don't include taxes.
3. You have no proof except your prejudices against him the it is clear he only looks out for himself. When he was a private citizen and businessman, he was t required to look after anyone but his business.

You asked the question, we conservatives answered it, you don't like the answer well, we can't help you there.
1. Again I've showed you what Trumps site said about taxes. "ensure the rich will pay there fair share","eliminate special interest loopholes". Not my words, but those of his site. So either Trump feels that for super rich people fair share means 0, or he feels only he should be the exception among the super rich and pay 0. And special interest loopholes should be closed except for his type of business. So using that argument makes Trump a liar or self serving.
2. His interest and those of the average American aren't the same, I tie it together because of the ridiculousness of losing almost a billion dollars and still being able to continue, when I've seen friends lose their houses because they couldn't pay their mortgages. And turning now to a businessman of his morality for a solution.
This shows his unwillingness to cut the ties between him and his business
Before anyone recites Trump’s “America is more important than the Trump Organization” shtick, take a look at what he has done during his candidacy: Repeatedly, he has shown that he is more concerned about his company than he is with either his campaign or the international economy. When a majority in the U.K. voted in favor of leaving the European Union, the value of the pound collapsed. On that day, Trump was in Turnberry, Scotland, presiding over the opening ceremony for a new Trump golf course.

Asked about the vote to leave, known as Brexit, Trump spoke not of the global economic chaos set off by the event, but of the benefits to his golf resort. “When the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry,” he said.
One of dozens of examples when he chooses his business over the role as a potential president.

1. He only paid zero when he lost almost a billion dollars. Sorry, you have no logical connection between reality and what you are posting.
2. False comparison. Because he is a smart businessman who takes risks and can lose but still recover is not negated by your friends who cannot do the same. The fact that they look to him for help is natural and smart. If he can do it, it inspires others. He is in fact, if he does what he says, someone who can help the average guy.
3. In case you haven't figured it out, he isn't POTUS yet. If he doesn't get elected, he still has a business. Is he supposed to let it go to hell while he runs for office? You cannot logically make the conclusion you are trying to make.

1. Really???
Donald Trump claimed $916 million in losses from his businesses in 1995, including losses from earlier that were carried forward. Thus, he did not pay taxes that year, and probably did not for many years thereafter. Trump also did not pay federal income taxes in 1978, 1979, or1984, and most likely did not in 1991 or 1993.

That is the sum total of what we know about Trump’s income tax payments. So only seems to include quite a lot of years.
2. Lol. It's like a sardine asking a shark for help. His contempt for the average man is well documented and only half-heartedly denied by Trump himself.Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors

3. I've asked this in almost every post to you. Please make your case, why you think he will change his allegiance as POTUS? He clearly doesn't want to give control of it away even when he is POTUS. What will make him stop favouring or even actively work against his business interest. What incentive you think he will have to do that?

1. is irrelevant.

2. is your unsupported opinion.

3. and 3 I have already answered. His motivation as President will be different than his motivation as CEO.

1. Is the premise of the OP
2. It's my opinion, but unsupported? I give links, including youtube videos, Even Trumps quotes himself. The ability of Trump and apparently his supporters to deny, truly is a sight to see. This is Trump verbatim during the debate and before.
‘I love to hold back and negotiate when people don’t do good work,’” he told the paper. “ ‘If they do a good job, I won’t cut them at all. . . . It’s probably 1,000 to one where I pay.’”

But at the debate he went on to make another point. “First of all, they did get paid a lot,” he said. “But I take advantage of the laws of the nation because I’m running a company. My obligation right now is to do well for myself, my family, my employees, for my companies. And that’s what I do.”
3.Talk about an UNSUPPORTED opinion. I can and have supported my opinion why I believe he will put his business first. Still waiting for anyone to support their opinion that he will stop doing that if he becomes president.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.

You can't get a refund of other people's money, dope.
A refund, by definition, is returning what you already payed.

Semantics dope. A helluva lot of people get back more than they put in.

No they don't. That's not even possible, dope.
Deductions and exemptions only lower your taxable income. The refund is the difference between taxes paid on the gross and the taxes on the adjusted or net income.

It's not semantics at all. You fools really don't understand it at all. :laugh2:

No they don't. That's not even possible, dope.

Were you born stupid, or was your brain injury something that happened later?
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.

Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.


Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

There is the EITC.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

When you send in your tax return, some people owe, some people "get a refund".
Sometimes the refund gives you some or all of the taxes you paid.
With the EITC, it is possible for your refund to include all the taxes you paid plus additional money you did not pay.

In very few cases among the lowest income earners who qualify.

Do you really want to compare them to Trump?
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.

You can't get a refund of other people's money, dope.
A refund, by definition, is returning what you already payed.

Whatever. A single Mom with two kids who worked and paid in around one thousand dollars can receive a depost into her account from the IRS for around $7,000.00. She certainly didn't pay in the $7,000 and the federal government makes no money of its own so who's money is she receiving? She's getting someone else's money.

What job do you only pay in $1,000?

The EITC is not $8,000.
You assume that:
1. The tax code that he used actually needs to be changed.
2. You somehow tie that to his supporters belief that he will look out for them but you fail to make a logical connection between the two. There are many ways he can help the average man that don't include taxes.
3. You have no proof except your prejudices against him the it is clear he only looks out for himself. When he was a private citizen and businessman, he was t required to look after anyone but his business.

You asked the question, we conservatives answered it, you don't like the answer well, we can't help you there.
1. Again I've showed you what Trumps site said about taxes. "ensure the rich will pay there fair share","eliminate special interest loopholes". Not my words, but those of his site. So either Trump feels that for super rich people fair share means 0, or he feels only he should be the exception among the super rich and pay 0. And special interest loopholes should be closed except for his type of business. So using that argument makes Trump a liar or self serving.
2. His interest and those of the average American aren't the same, I tie it together because of the ridiculousness of losing almost a billion dollars and still being able to continue, when I've seen friends lose their houses because they couldn't pay their mortgages. And turning now to a businessman of his morality for a solution.
This shows his unwillingness to cut the ties between him and his business
Before anyone recites Trump’s “America is more important than the Trump Organization” shtick, take a look at what he has done during his candidacy: Repeatedly, he has shown that he is more concerned about his company than he is with either his campaign or the international economy. When a majority in the U.K. voted in favor of leaving the European Union, the value of the pound collapsed. On that day, Trump was in Turnberry, Scotland, presiding over the opening ceremony for a new Trump golf course.

Asked about the vote to leave, known as Brexit, Trump spoke not of the global economic chaos set off by the event, but of the benefits to his golf resort. “When the pound goes down, more people are coming to Turnberry,” he said.
One of dozens of examples when he chooses his business over the role as a potential president.

1. He only paid zero when he lost almost a billion dollars. Sorry, you have no logical connection between reality and what you are posting.
2. False comparison. Because he is a smart businessman who takes risks and can lose but still recover is not negated by your friends who cannot do the same. The fact that they look to him for help is natural and smart. If he can do it, it inspires others. He is in fact, if he does what he says, someone who can help the average guy.
3. In case you haven't figured it out, he isn't POTUS yet. If he doesn't get elected, he still has a business. Is he supposed to let it go to hell while he runs for office? You cannot logically make the conclusion you are trying to make.

1. Really???
Donald Trump claimed $916 million in losses from his businesses in 1995, including losses from earlier that were carried forward. Thus, he did not pay taxes that year, and probably did not for many years thereafter. Trump also did not pay federal income taxes in 1978, 1979, or1984, and most likely did not in 1991 or 1993.

That is the sum total of what we know about Trump’s income tax payments. So only seems to include quite a lot of years.
2. Lol. It's like a sardine asking a shark for help. His contempt for the average man is well documented and only half-heartedly denied by Trump himself.Why U.S. Law Makes It Easy for Donald Trump To Stiff Contractors

3. I've asked this in almost every post to you. Please make your case, why you think he will change his allegiance as POTUS? He clearly doesn't want to give control of it away even when he is POTUS. What will make him stop favouring or even actively work against his business interest. What incentive you think he will have to do that?

1. Did you pay more taxes than you actually owed? Why should he? Unless you are saying he owed taxes and didn't pay the which is highly doubtful since he gets audited every year. You start again with a false assumption and try to make truth out of it. Again you fail.
2. His so called contempt is cherry picked out of context and has nothing to do with now. Do I think he will do anything for me? Idk. I do know that Hillary will do many bad things to me. You ask why Trumps people think he will, perhaps they don't think he will but compared to Hillary, he's their best bet.
3. Ask all you want to and my answer will always be the same. You are coming from the absolutely false assumption that what is good for his business is bad for everyone else.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.

You can't get a refund of other people's money, dope.
A refund, by definition, is returning what you already payed.

Semantics dope. A helluva lot of people get back more than they put in.

No they don't. That's not even possible, dope.
Deductions and exemptions only lower your taxable income. The refund is the difference between taxes paid on the gross and the taxes on the adjusted or net income.

It's not semantics at all. You fools really don't understand it at all. :laugh2:

And you are ignorant and naive.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.

Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.


Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

There is the EITC.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

When you send in your tax return, some people owe, some people "get a refund".
Sometimes the refund gives you some or all of the taxes you paid.
With the EITC, it is possible for your refund to include all the taxes you paid plus additional money you did not pay.

In very few cases among the lowest income earners who qualify.

Do you really want to compare them to Trump?

Hmmm, changing you story now.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.

Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.


Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

Firstly, if you paid no tax, there is nothing to refund.

There is the EITC.

Second, you can't get a refund of, "someone else's money".

When you send in your tax return, some people owe, some people "get a refund".
Sometimes the refund gives you some or all of the taxes you paid.
With the EITC, it is possible for your refund to include all the taxes you paid plus additional money you did not pay.

In very few cases among the lowest income earners who qualify.

Do you really want to compare them to Trump?

In very few cases among the lowest income earners who qualify.

In lots of cases. Millions.

Do you really want to compare them to Trump?

I'm not comparing anyone to Trump. Just pointing out your error.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.

You can't get a refund of other people's money, dope.
A refund, by definition, is returning what you already payed.

Whatever. A single Mom with two kids who worked and paid in around one thousand dollars can receive a depost into her account from the IRS for around $7,000.00. She certainly didn't pay in the $7,000 and the federal government makes no money of its own so who's money is she receiving? She's getting someone else's money.

What job do you only pay in $1,000?

The EITC is not $8,000.

Maximum Credit Amounts
The maximum amount of credit for Tax Year 2016 is:

  • $6,269 with three or more qualifying children
2016 EITC Income Limits, Maximum Credit Amounts and Tax Law Updates

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