Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do. CEO's , before ronnie boy, were never compensated with stock options.
Now they are and it has changed the entire make up of the corporate world.
Look it up and try to look at it in and objective way, if that is to much to ask. I say again. Forget about it.

The deregulation that happened during the reign of ronnie reagan and the misery he projected upon the working class.
Airlines were deregulated, banking was deregulated and made into a quagmire.

Good grief why not go back to the Roman Empire and blame them for something too. Yank the liberal talking points IV out of your arm.
No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=viglink20513-20
Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.
No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=viglink20513-20

No..after the collapse, partitioning and during the reconstruction we'll form a republic again and this time we'll use the constitution as a model and rein in the politicians so they never take control again.
No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=viglink20513-20

No..after the collapse, partitioning and during the reconstruction we'll form a republic again and this time we'll use the constitution as a model and rein in the politicians so they never take control again.

Good luck with that. It didn't work the first time, so what makes you think it will work the second? So long as government exists, evil people will scheme to get control of it and expand it's powers. Paper documents are no obstacle to the ruthless and the power hungry.
No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

Wrong. The word "plutocracy" didn't even exist in the 18th Century. That's a bogus claim conceived by Marxist propagandists. The Founding Fathers fought to get rid of the aristocracy, not any "plutocracy."
Good luck with that. It didn't work the first time, so what makes you think it will work the second? So long as government exists, evil people will scheme to get control of it and expand it's powers. Paper documents are no obstacle to the ruthless and the power hungry.

It always works for a couple hundred years or so.Initially things are good for some period of time...then human nature overcomes the best intentions and corruption follows.

Every form of government ever devised eventually collapses due to corruption/oppression/revolution/outside invasion...Usually collapse or revolution are the most common results of oppressive, corrupt governments.

"The following was sent to me by a friend and thought it worthwhile to post and ponder. It is entitled: “How Long Do We Have?”

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.”

“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

“From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.”

“During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage”

Our time is coming again.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
No, what is painfully obvious is that you cannot debate anything. You simply spew misinformation and generalities and when called spew more of the same.
Government is good at some things. Running programs better run by the private sector is not one of them.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system.
Funny how you ignore the arguments that have nothing to do with your preconceived notion as to why people must oppose it.

Forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude, regardless of the reason behind it.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or will you simply continue to sling logical fallacies?
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system.
Funny how you ignore the arguments that have nothing to do with your preconceived notion as to why people must oppose it.

Forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude, regardless of the reason behind it.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or will you simply continue to sling logical fallacies?
Your "argument" is pure philosophy. You offer no practical solution to this problem.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
No, what is painfully obvious is that you cannot debate anything. You simply spew misinformation and generalities and when called spew more of the same.
Government is good at some things. Running programs better run by the private sector is not one of them.
And yet you can't explain why it is better private industry runs our healthcare. When profit becomes the motive, poor people get screwed. Rising income inequality only exasperates this problem. Do you think big drug companies give a shit the poor can't afford their products? No because all the money is closer to the top.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system.

Where did we get THAT idea? LOL. OMG, you are clueless about the world around you. You should just go sit in the DMV for an afternoon and learn about the reality of government.

That's just stupid. No system is perfect.

You set such a high bar for yourself.

Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system

You mean like that you are more likely to die? That is a flaw. I'm not sure why we want to go to one that is less likely to save you than the one we have now though.

. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.

And yet, you are less likely to die of heart disease or cancer here. Go figure...
There are private industry failures all the time. Occasionally the government steps in to bail them out with taxpayers' money, but more often than not they either close up shop or reorganize under some clever and nicely compensated turnaround expert like me.

Government failures on the other hand, see Amtrak for example, are allowed to go on and on year after year loosing as in this example billions of taxpayers' dollars annually. But the government has an endless supply of money to continue flushing down the toilet each year so it's no big deal.
The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system.
Funny how you ignore the arguments that have nothing to do with your preconceived notion as to why people must oppose it.

Forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude, regardless of the reason behind it.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or will you simply continue to sling logical fallacies?
Your "argument" is pure philosophy. You offer no practical solution to this problem.

The greatest healtcare system in the history of man is only a "problem" to you becasue government doesn't control it and you are a greedy socialist consumed with wealth envy.
Funny how you ignore the arguments that have nothing to do with your preconceived notion as to why people must oppose it.

Forcing people to provide goods and services to others w/o compensation is involuntary servitude, regardless of the reason behind it.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or will you simply continue to sling logical fallacies?
Your "argument" is pure philosophy. You offer no practical solution to this problem.
On the contrary -- my argument is concrete fact, one that you have yet to address with anything other than appeals to emotion.

YOUR argument uses the state to force others into involuntary servitude so that certain people can get things they don't have to pay for, for no better reason than you think it is the right thing to do.

Now, do you have an actual argument against what I said, or will you simply continue to sling logical fallacies?
You have joined the Plutocratic group then and take care.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.
Get into the 21st century! There are so many terms(words) that didn't exist then but believe it or not, times change.
Your rebuttal is lame to the core.

No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

Wrong. The word "plutocracy" didn't even exist in the 18th Century. That's a bogus claim conceived by Marxist propagandists. The Founding Fathers fought to get rid of the aristocracy, not any "plutocracy."
You have joined the Plutocratic group then and take care.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.

I see, so I either want government to make life fair or I am a Plutocrat. So are you an idiot, or a moron?

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