Can Any Rightwinger Give Me A Solid Argument Why Private Industry Instead Of Government Should Run..

The painfully obvious problem you people have is that you buy into this teabagger propaganda that government is inherently flawed therefore it is doomed to fail if taking over the healthcare system. That's just stupid. No system is perfect. Yes Canadian's system has flaws but so does any other system. Ours sucks a big one for the simple reason of its affordability. I know you cons have a deficit with empathy but for those of you who ever wind up with cancer or other costly life threatening diseases you will see how shitty it is.
No, what is painfully obvious is that you cannot debate anything. You simply spew misinformation and generalities and when called spew more of the same.
Government is good at some things. Running programs better run by the private sector is not one of them.
And yet you can't explain why it is better private industry runs our healthcare. When profit becomes the motive, poor people get screwed. Rising income inequality only exasperates this problem. Do you think big drug companies give a shit the poor can't afford their products? No because all the money is closer to the top.
Totally wrong. It's been explained a hundred times.
When private industry runs thngs, they compete. Patients have choices. They will choose the best perceived value. Each provider competes for those dollars, driving down costs and driving up accessibility and quality.
The government has no such interest. They're fine if everyone gets the same shitty treatment, or if no one gets treatment. Because they cant be fired.
More from the WHO report:

Stewardship is the last of the four health systems functions examined in this report,
and it is arguably the most important. It ranks above and differs from the others –
service delivery, input production, and financing – for one outstanding reason: the ultimate
responsibility for the overall performance of a country’s health system must always lie with

So this is why government systems rank higher in the WHO report, it's intentionally biased in favor of government systems. That means that any government system will by default be better than any private system in this area according to their methodology.

Terrific insight. Bravo.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.
Giving corporations control causes anarchy.

No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

I did you refuse to research what "deregulation" has done to these industries.
It was your premise of what competition creates.

How well has deregulation worked across this country? Look at airline companies and gas prices and energy for heating homes. Competition? Think about that statement.
You tell me.
What happens to prices and quality when there is more competition?
What happens when there is less?
Support your answers.
Your the group touting deregulation that allows for competition. Look up the prices and their increases since the right wanted to push such a concept.
So... you cannot answer the questions.
Thank you.
What has been deregulated?

Not one President or Congress has reduced regulation in this country. Ever.

The US Code grows by shelf inches every single year. At present, it is something like 16 feet of shelf space using very thin paper.

Name anything that has been deregulated.

..and the U.S. Tax Code is like 16 volumes..something like 12,000 pages. Go look it up.
Then there's the state legislatures and local city councils...all cranking out new "Rules" and "Laws" and "Regulations" by the hundreds every session....

Government is completely out of control.

Americans fought and died to end the tyrannical rule of King George...we now live under a government far more tyrannical and yet, many Americans are fine with it.

It is said that Americans on average commit three felonies every day...unknowingly. felonies a day&tag=viglink20513-20

No..after the collapse, partitioning and during the reconstruction we'll form a republic again and this time we'll use the constitution as a model and rein in the politicians so they never take control again.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.

Brilliant post. Well said!

Get into the 21st century! There are so many terms(words) that didn't exist then but believe it or not, times change.
Your rebuttal is lame to the core.

No, what you are advocating is what this country tried to get rid of and you want to go back to it.
It is called...........................Plutocracy!

Wrong. The word "plutocracy" didn't even exist in the 18th Century. That's a bogus claim conceived by Marxist propagandists. The Founding Fathers fought to get rid of the aristocracy, not any "plutocracy."

Wrong. How can you claim the Founding Fathers were fighting something which they never mentioned? We know they never mentioned it because they didn't even have a term for it. Can you supply a quote of one of the Founders attacking the plutocracy?

Just admit you're wrong while you're behind.
You have joined the Plutocratic group then and take care.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.

I see, so I either want government to make life fair or I am a Plutocrat. So are you an idiot, or a moron?

No, he's a leftist. Logic isn't a fundamental requirement for their propaganda. In fact, it's a positive hindrance.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.

The point of arguing with a leftist is not to convince the leftist that your position is correct. The point is to convince people watching the argument that you are correct. We all know that leftists are hopeless cases who suffer from severe brain damage, but some of the audience is capable of logic and will agree with you.
It is something how both of you and your childish minds resort to insulting someone when you have no real evidence to back your point.
How you inject your comprehension into a statement also is an remarkable indication of adolescent thoughts.

You have joined the Plutocratic group then and take care.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.

I see, so I either want government to make life fair or I am a Plutocrat. So are you an idiot, or a moron?

No, he's a leftist. Logic isn't a fundamental requirement for their propaganda. In fact, it's a positive hindrance.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.

The point of arguing with a leftist is not to convince the leftist that your position is correct. The point is to convince people watching the argument that you are correct. We all know that leftists are hopeless cases who suffer from severe brain damage, but some of the audience is capable of logic and will agree with you.


Sadly too many people think the R Party will do this, when they haven't since Reagan...and even then the R establishment despised Reagan. Few in the R party espouse conservative or libertarian ideas...or for that matter even criticize the idiocy of D party policies. The R party is hopeless and without any strong convictions, other than to keep what power it has and enrich itself. The R Party needs to disappear.

If we truly had an opposition party, Obama would never have been elected to a second term. Obamacare would never have been enacted. Three radical leftists would not be supreme court justices...and Obama would have been impeached and removed by now.

And they think they will win a landslide victory in November without staking any positions.
Good luck with that. It didn't work the first time, so what makes you think it will work the second? So long as government exists, evil people will scheme to get control of it and expand it's powers. Paper documents are no obstacle to the ruthless and the power hungry.

It always works for a couple hundred years or so.Initially things are good for some period of time...then human nature overcomes the best intentions and corruption follows.

Every form of government ever devised eventually collapses due to corruption/oppression/revolution/outside invasion...Usually collapse or revolution are the most common results of oppressive, corrupt governments.

"The following was sent to me by a friend and thought it worthwhile to post and ponder. It is entitled: “How Long Do We Have?”

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.”

“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

“From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.”

“During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage”

Our time is coming again.

Yes that is the history of great nations. It would be wise to change it. IMO the only way to change it, is abolish the State.
Good luck with that. It didn't work the first time, so what makes you think it will work the second? So long as government exists, evil people will scheme to get control of it and expand it's powers. Paper documents are no obstacle to the ruthless and the power hungry.

It always works for a couple hundred years or so.Initially things are good for some period of time...then human nature overcomes the best intentions and corruption follows.

Every form of government ever devised eventually collapses due to corruption/oppression/revolution/outside invasion...Usually collapse or revolution are the most common results of oppressive, corrupt governments.

"The following was sent to me by a friend and thought it worthwhile to post and ponder. It is entitled: “How Long Do We Have?”

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh , had this to say about the fall of the Athenian Republic some 2,000 years earlier:

“A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government.”

“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

“From that moment on, the majority always vote for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse due to loose fiscal policy, which is always followed by a dictatorship.”

“The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years.”

“During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

1. From bondage to spiritual faith;
2. From spiritual faith to great courage;
3. From courage to liberty;
4. From liberty to abundance;
5. From abundance to complacency;
6. From complacency to apathy;
7. From apathy to dependence;
8. From dependence back into bondage”

Our time is coming again.

Yes that is the history of great nations. It would be wise to change it. IMO the only way to change it, is abolish the State.

Sure...that'll work..and a glorious day of spontaneous harmony and love and brotherhood will arise world wide...

Unfortunately, the examples Mr. Tyler gave above is how humans have operated for the last 20,000 years or so...nothing is going to change.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.

The point of arguing with a leftist is not to convince the leftist that your position is correct. The point is to convince people watching the argument that you are correct. We all know that leftists are hopeless cases who suffer from severe brain damage, but some of the audience is capable of logic and will agree with you.

Yes.Others are reading. Don't sink to the level of the "progressives" and their name calling and insults.....Force them to stay on topic and don't go for their diversions.
Make them supply links and prove all the claims they make. Don't get emotional...let them make fools of themselves...and they will...It's in their DNA.
You guys are making the mistake of falling for the false premise present in the op.

Liberals have classic ways of arguing. They never change. This is one of them and betrays their rank ARROGANCE in how they view the world.

That being that you have to convince the op of your argument or the argument fails.

Excuse me? Why do I need convince a biased, closed minded troll of my argument for the argument to succeed?

This is something conservative need to understand.

You can't reason with a fixed leftist They aren't interested in being reasonable. It's like thinking you can reason with someone like Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, etc etc etc.

They aren't interested in being reasonable. They are convinced of their own messianic leftist views and anyone who disagrees with them is akin to the "devil."

If you think I'm wrong, look at how liberals describe milk toast Republicans who's only crime is being so RINO they might as well be Democrats.

Yet to liberals, they are the devil incarnate. They want to put women in the kitchen, put blacks back in chains, blah blah blah blah blah.

You cannot reason with idiots like that. You have to DEFEAT THEM, then walk away and ignore them while they scream tyrannically about how unfair you are being.

They are going to scream about how unfair you are, whether you win or lose, so you might as well win. You aren't going to get them to see to reason. Defeat and ignore them.

You have to face that truth.

The point of arguing with a leftist is not to convince the leftist that your position is correct. The point is to convince people watching the argument that you are correct. We all know that leftists are hopeless cases who suffer from severe brain damage, but some of the audience is capable of logic and will agree with you.

Yes.Others are reading. Don't sink to the level of the "progressives" and their name calling and insults.....Force them to stay on topic and don't go for their diversions.
Make them supply links and prove all the claims they make. Don't get emotional...let them make fools of themselves...and they will...It's in their DNA.

I always through in a good dose of ridicule with my criticism of leftist ideas because I want them to be afraid to utter their idiocies in public. There is no rhetorical weapon more effective than ridicule. The left learned this lesson long ago.
It is something how both of you and your childish minds resort to insulting someone when you have no real evidence to back your point.
How you inject your comprehension into a statement also is an remarkable indication of adolescent thoughts.

You have joined the Plutocratic group then and take care.

Well, when something as adverse as the changing of the banking system and how CEO's get compensated from their corporate meetings and what the workers get and there it no change from this long and the earnings of workers is stagnate. Something has to be addressed. If you don't see the need then forget it, I do.]

Yes, comrade, we need government to make life fair. They are so good at that.

I see, so I either want government to make life fair or I am a Plutocrat. So are you an idiot, or a moron?

No, he's a leftist. Logic isn't a fundamental requirement for their propaganda. In fact, it's a positive hindrance.

Actually, I insult people when they demonstrate they are too stupid to have an actual discussion with. You know, like you.

How about this.
Research the cable TV/Internet sector. There is no competition. These companies spent 15 years intensely lobbying Washington with one goal: to divide the country into fixed "no-compete" zones so that each company (Cox, Charter, Time Warner, etc.,) could raise rates and decrease services without fear of being disciplined by lower prices/better service from a competitor. This is how corporations protect their bottom line and their share holders, by capturing Washington and creating monopolies.

Each large sector - energy, health care and media/communication - is run by big businesses who fund elections for the privilege of creating monopolies. When you look at how much money business pours into Washington, you realize that our politicians are part of the monopoly - they are in the loop and lives of great wealth and privilege by acquiescing to the machine.

This is what profit does. This is what Milton Friedman and his movement did when they put the self-interested pursuit of profit in charge of life on planet earth, unchecked by any regulations, including anti-trust laws which use to protect consumers from monopolies.

The USA has the most dysfunctional health care system in the world, with the highest cost for services and drugs, and the highest administrative costs BUT, for all the money we spend, we are not even in the top 20 for outcomes and efficiency. This is what a monopoly does. It gets you higher rates from consumers while you have the luxury of decreasing services. How is this possible? Because our noble capitalists have purchased Washington. They have poured trillions into the pockets of our politicians so that they don't have to compete, so that states like Iowa only have one provider in 90% of the state. This is a crime.

Don't get me wrong. I want health care companies and internet providers to crawl over the bones of the living and the dead to give me the best rate BUT that is not the system we have. We have a system of monopolies that are gouging consumers, who must increasingly rely on debt to pay for necessary staples that are affordable in other countries. Monopolies are also bad because they cannibalize the purchasing power of consumers. One reason we have been in such a long slump is because we no longer have enough solvent consumers. Our middle class is now too indebted from having to support monopoly pricing for too long.

Big Government and Big Business have merged. When a politician loses or leaves his elected office he has a lucrative job waiting for him in a drug lobby. As consumers we pay a high price for this corruption. Everything is more expensive.

How do big business and big government get away with this? They invest in Talk Radio and FOX News which convinces people that we don't have monopolies, only innocent small businesses being crushed by government. This is such a farce, and it feeds upon truly brainwashed citizens.

The pre-Obama health care cabal invested a lot of money into our politicians in order to get a monopoly. They created a system where they could keep increasing our premiums while decreasing our coverage. So of course they don't want government to break up their monopoly pricing. And of course they don't want the small administrative costs of Medicare. They'd much rather put a useless, dysfunctional layer of profit makers between patient and doctor... and call it administration. This is what monopolies do. They feed the owners while crushing the consumer.

Except we have 4 choices for high speed internet here in my little town as well as three choices for pay TV.

Competition? There's plenty of it. Bright House increased their speed for no extra charge as soon as Verizon Fios came online.
its true.....Kaiser turned test after test down....their poor Neurologist did not know what to do.....i knew what to do....i went to another Co......i went to Blue Shield....their Doctors could not believe Kaiser would not ok the tests my wife needed to get a bead on her seizures....they have never turned anything down that they have ordered......i get pretty good customer service from them and they showed my wife some good compassion after a car accident she was in to the tune of 10 grand.....i was shocked with that one....

But I thought the problem was profit!

Kaiser is a non-profit.
Here's a fun fact: polls show 92% of Canadians prefer the Canadian healthcare system over the US system.

If that was the case, why are there Canadians who would rather seek treatment in the United States?

Long wait times are increasingly driving patients south, including two Albertans who underwent surgery on the same day last month, and commiserated about feeling abandoned by an ailing system back home.

Their Florida surgeon has seen the number of Canadian patients grow by a staggering 800 per cent in the past decade.

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery Video

Here is the hero of the left, Paul Kruggerbutt getting a reply he didn't expect.


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