Can Anybody Stop Putin?

BullShit gives us a picture of somebody's ass and no real name. That's what he calls proof. Tiger fatigues? The whores down in Da Nang wore tiger fatigues. Hey Jerk, one of our regulars at the army ranger web site I provided was on staff at the MACV Recondo School for three years. Also, my closest comrade from Vietnam, from L Company Ranger, was himself a graduate. What's your real name? I can have your story checked out in 24 hours. We deal with poser jerkoffs like you all year long. Put up or shut the fuck up.
I'm hoping Putin can stop obama. Which might have to mean no mock attacks.

In other words, you support a Russian Dictator over the interests of the United States of America. There is a word for that, it is Treason. Not surprising in your case.

What interests of America lie in the Ukraine? Why did Obama back the coup? This has resulted in a civil war.

Why did Obama assist in the overthrow of Mubarak and give Egypt the short term Hell of the Muslim Brotherhood?

Why did Obama assist in the overthrow of Gaddafi and turn over Libya to radical Islamist militias who will now potentially control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply?

Why is Obama continuing to overthrow Assad and hand yet another country over to the Muslim Brotherhood? The coalition that is in Qatar that Obama approves of is comprised of many MB members?

Why do you support such a man as Obama and his government interfering in sovereign nations on a continual basis forcing regime change?
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I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?

That so called bum was duly elected. And so was his party. They could have been voted out if any of the corruption charges were proved.

But there's a big whoopsie with the timeline of the overthrowing of the President and his party.

You see corruption charges were never laid. They were never investigated and had absolutely no bearing on the overthrow of the government. No one even brought up corruption until they attempted to justify removing the President from power.

Illegally I might add. They did not adhere to their own Constitution to remove him from office.

Now to Putin's puppet. He ran on a pro Russian platform. He was elected by the Russian speaking east. He was overthrown by anti Russian thugs in the West.

Primarily the muscle was Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Take time out one day and read Svoboda's party platform and you'll see why Crimea bailed immediately. And why the Russian speaking east wants to get as far away from Kiev as possible.

I personally have had it up to here with our governments interfering in every nations business on this planet. As a matter of fact I'm maxxed at the bullshit I'm witnessing.

The Ukraine is near and dear to my heart because I am third generation Ukrainian living in the most populace region in the world of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia. I take this one personally.

I'm pissed off that our leaders backed a coup when we have NO business handing the Ukraine over to the EU. No right. None, zip, nada. There is no justification for our involvement.

And now there is a civil war.

So enlightening to see all the 'Conservatives' on this board lining up to take the part of a Russian dictator against that of the US. Really shows where the mind of our 'Conservatives' actually are.

Why should I support any government including my own over their interference in the Ukraine and backing a coup against a duly elected President and government?

I'm raising hell up here over it. I'm very bi partisan in my rage at our western leaders for their participation in this bullshit with the EU that has now resulted in a civil war.
That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?

That so called bum was duly elected. And so was his party. They could have been voted out if any of the corruption charges were proved.

But there's a big whoopsie with the timeline of the overthrowing of the President and his party.

You see corruption charges were never laid. They were never investigated and had absolutely no bearing on the overthrow of the government. No one even brought up corruption until they attempted to justify removing the President from power.

Illegally I might add. They did not adhere to their own Constitution to remove him from office.

Now to Putin's puppet. He ran on a pro Russian platform. He was elected by the Russian speaking east. He was overthrown by anti Russian thugs in the West.

Primarily the muscle was Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Take time out one day and read Svoboda's party platform and you'll see why Crimea bailed immediately. And why the Russian speaking east wants to get as far away from Kiev as possible.

I personally have had it up to here with our governments interfering in every nations business on this planet. As a matter of fact I'm maxxed at the bullshit I'm witnessing.

The Ukraine is near and dear to my heart because I am third generation Ukrainian living in the most populace region in the world of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia. I take this one personally.

I'm pissed off that our leaders backed a coup when we have NO business handing the Ukraine over to the EU. No right. None, zip, nada. There is no justification for our involvement.

And now there is a civil war.

Good stuff, tiny. Washington is a rotten corrupt cabal. Even our own vice president has his hand in the Ukrainian cash register. The whole country has been divided up and sold off to beltway vampires, by a bunch of fascists who murdered their way into power. They're of a like mind. Only I wonder what the Ukrainians are going to do for heat this winter?
BullShit gives us a picture of somebody's ass and no real name. That's what he calls proof. Tiger fatigues? The whores down in Da Nang wore tiger fatigues. Hey Jerk, one of our regulars at the army ranger web site I provided was on staff at the MACV Recondo School for three years. Also, my closest comrade from Vietnam, from L Company Ranger, was himself a graduate. What's your real name? I can have your story checked out in 24 hours. We deal with poser jerkoffs like you all year long. Put up or shut the fuck up.

:lol: "WE deal with"? MACV RECONDO at Nha Trang was run by 5th SFG, ya wormy little bitch. No "whores at Da Nang" wore Tiger Stripes....they were prized and even a dirtbag supply clerk like you couldn't get your hands on them as of 10-68 when I left. As to your supposed identity, I'd imagine if there is a "Tom Sweet(y)nam" who served in the RVN, he's probably dead or in a nuthouse, leaving you free to steal his identity. Good luck with your panic attack ya phony loser.:itsok:
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Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.

Listen, the Ukes had every right to overthrow Yanukovych....he was Putin's puppet and living like a KING while Putin held up his people with outrageous NG prices. Since when can't a bum be overthrown? What country hasn't overthrown corrupt leaders? We broke every Brit law on the books by revolting against Britain right? Did the French care whether their king was "legitimate" when they starting lopping off heads? You and I agree the duly elected Barry Hussein Barack Soetoro should be impeached don't we?

That so called bum was duly elected. And so was his party. They could have been voted out if any of the corruption charges were proved.

But there's a big whoopsie with the timeline of the overthrowing of the President and his party.

You see corruption charges were never laid. They were never investigated and had absolutely no bearing on the overthrow of the government. No one even brought up corruption until they attempted to justify removing the President from power.

Illegally I might add. They did not adhere to their own Constitution to remove him from office.

Now to Putin's puppet. He ran on a pro Russian platform. He was elected by the Russian speaking east. He was overthrown by anti Russian thugs in the West.

Primarily the muscle was Svoboda and the Right Sector.

Take time out one day and read Svoboda's party platform and you'll see why Crimea bailed immediately. And why the Russian speaking east wants to get as far away from Kiev as possible.

I personally have had it up to here with our governments interfering in every nations business on this planet. As a matter of fact I'm maxxed at the bullshit I'm witnessing.

The Ukraine is near and dear to my heart because I am third generation Ukrainian living in the most populace region in the world of Ukrainians outside of the Ukraine and Russia. I take this one personally.

I'm pissed off that our leaders backed a coup when we have NO business handing the Ukraine over to the EU. No right. None, zip, nada. There is no justification for our involvement.

And now there is a civil war.

So enlightening to see all the 'Conservatives' on this board lining up to take the part of a Russian dictator against that of the US. Really shows where the mind of our 'Conservatives' actually are.

Why should I support any government including my own over their interference in the Ukraine and backing a coup against a duly elected President and government?

I'm raising hell up here over it. I'm very bi partisan in my rage at our western leaders for their participation in this bullshit with the EU that has now resulted in a civil war.

Given what's widely known about Obozo's disgust of American power around the world and his open-mike mistake of telling Putin's lapdog that he'd "be more flexible after the election", where is there a shred of evidence we were behind the revolt in Ukraine? Wasn't it Obozo who killed the missle-shield in Poland and Czech Republic to make nice with Vlad? And so then he spins on a dime and tries to steal Ukraine from him? It makes no sense in any context. :eusa_naughty:
All the polls are rigged because he controls the media. Sanctions starting to bite the common people, oil prices tanking, body-bags coming home....they smell Afghanistan revisited.

Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
Weird coincidence, your comments and claims follow Russian controlled Russian media word for word. Of course, inquiring minds might be inclined to consider the other side of some of these claims. For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv. So, yes, there was a coup, but what is referenced as a coup is actually the internationally accepted way to replace a corrupt government that is shooting down citizens in the street. Your opinion that the removal of a corrupt leader was illegal is nothing more than your biased opinion.

You also make the claim that "overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the east want nothing to do with Kiev". Your evidence for that seems to be a 2010 election map that at most is an indication that people in the east wanted to maintain trade and cultural relations with their Russian neighbors. If an overwhelming number wanted to separate from Ukraine the constant influx of Russian troops to fill the so called separatist ranks would not be required.

That brings us to the outrageous comments you make about Russian troops not being in Ukraine or your minimizing it as if maybe a few are there but there is no real proof. Well, that is a blatant lie and insult to the Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom and pure unadulterated Putin propaganda. If not for the Russian invaders filling the ranks of the alleged separatist, that so called civil war would have been over long ago. Do you think the Russian news media is making up stories of Russian soldiers coming home from Ukraine to be buried in Russian soil are conspirators in some plot by Kyiv and the west to misinform the Russian people? No, even the controlled media is unable to keep the secret. The babushka's won't let that happen.
Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
Weird coincidence, your comments and claims follow Russian controlled Russian media word for word. Of course, inquiring minds might be inclined to consider the other side of some of these claims. For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv. So, yes, there was a coup, but what is referenced as a coup is actually the internationally accepted way to replace a corrupt government that is shooting down citizens in the street. Your opinion that the removal of a corrupt leader was illegal is nothing more than your biased opinion.

You also make the claim that "overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the east want nothing to do with Kiev". Your evidence for that seems to be a 2010 election map that at most is an indication that people in the east wanted to maintain trade and cultural relations with their Russian neighbors. If an overwhelming number wanted to separate from Ukraine the constant influx of Russian troops to fill the so called separatist ranks would not be required.

That brings us to the outrageous comments you make about Russian troops not being in Ukraine or your minimizing it as if maybe a few are there but there is no real proof. Well, that is a blatant lie and insult to the Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom and pure unadulterated Putin propaganda. If not for the Russian invaders filling the ranks of the alleged separatist, that so called civil war would have been over long ago. Do you think the Russian news media is making up stories of Russian soldiers coming home from Ukraine to be buried in Russian soil are conspirators in some plot by Kyiv and the west to misinform the Russian people? No, even the controlled media is unable to keep the secret. The babushka's won't let that happen.

:clap2:well said, Sir.

Tiny is usually sane, funny, and smart....I have no idea where this is coming from other than several Cons here openly like Putin compared to Obozo. When called repeatedly on it by the progs, they seem to have built a sandcastle theory that Putin's invasion is somehow justified by a covert coup engineered by the White House.....ridiculous.
BTW, I started this thread to draw in Putin admirers and haters only to expose them to a KILLER Metallica video...who knew it would get me stalked by a fake-Vet and reveal a lunatic conspiracy theory. :badgrin:

So anyway, do yourself a favor and watch some russians ignore their minders and get jiggy with an American band:

BTW, I started this thread to draw in Putin admirers and haters only to expose them to a KILLER Metallica video...who knew it would get me stalked by a fake-Vet and reveal a lunatic conspiracy theory. :badgrin:

So anyway, do yourself a favor and watch some russians ignore their minders and get jiggy with an American band:

That whole concert is good. I like the Black Crows doing Everyone must get stoned. Not so much the music, but as you pointed out, the crowds reaction. I think that Black Crows piece has the best crowd shots.
BTW, I started this thread to draw in Putin admirers and haters only to expose them to a KILLER Metallica video...who knew it would get me stalked by a fake-Vet and reveal a lunatic conspiracy theory. :badgrin:

So anyway, do yourself a favor and watch some russians ignore their minders and get jiggy with an American band:

That whole concert is good. I like the Black Crows doing Everyone must get stoned. Not so much the music, but as you pointed out, the crowds reaction. I think that Black Crows piece has the best crowd shots.

Thanks, I'll check it out.
Polls are rigged world wide. Sanctions haven't touched the average person, oil prices are hurting many countries (Saudi Arabia is cutting production to try to get them to bounce back) and body bags from freaking the Ukraine?

Step away from the computer and put down the bong :lol:

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
Weird coincidence, your comments and claims follow Russian controlled Russian media word for word. Of course, inquiring minds might be inclined to consider the other side of some of these claims. For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv. So, yes, there was a coup, but what is referenced as a coup is actually the internationally accepted way to replace a corrupt government that is shooting down citizens in the street. Your opinion that the removal of a corrupt leader was illegal is nothing more than your biased opinion.

You also make the claim that "overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the east want nothing to do with Kiev". Your evidence for that seems to be a 2010 election map that at most is an indication that people in the east wanted to maintain trade and cultural relations with their Russian neighbors. If an overwhelming number wanted to separate from Ukraine the constant influx of Russian troops to fill the so called separatist ranks would not be required.

That brings us to the outrageous comments you make about Russian troops not being in Ukraine or your minimizing it as if maybe a few are there but there is no real proof. Well, that is a blatant lie and insult to the Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom and pure unadulterated Putin propaganda. If not for the Russian invaders filling the ranks of the alleged separatist, that so called civil war would have been over long ago. Do you think the Russian news media is making up stories of Russian soldiers coming home from Ukraine to be buried in Russian soil are conspirators in some plot by Kyiv and the west to misinform the Russian people? No, even the controlled media is unable to keep the secret. The babushka's won't let that happen.

I'm my own person Camp. I need no talking points to discuss any topic.
Let alone from any media outlet in any country.

Now to your post. Re: Constitutional Impeachment.

For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv.

The impeachment and the removal of the President was illegal. Unless you can show me where the Verkhovna Rada conducted an investigation as required by the Constitution.

Unless you can show me where and when the VR established a special temporary investigatory commission.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Prosecutor was.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Investigators were.

Unless you can provide evidence of the conclusions and the proposals of the Special Investigation.

And of course unless you can show me when the Constitutional Court of the Ukraine reviewed the case brought forth by the Special Investigation.

This is a biggie Camp. Where is "the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime."

You and others keep claiming that this impeachment was constitutional.


Show me how the VR obeyed the Constitutional requirements for impeachment according to Article 111.

Article 111
The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the procedure of impeachment, in the event that he or she commits state treason or other crime.

The issue of the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is initiated by the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

To conduct the investigation, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a special temporary investigatory commission whose composition includes a special Prosecutor and special investigators.

The conclusions and proposals of the temporary investigatory commission are considered at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

For cause, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by no less than two-thirds of its constitutional composition, adopts a decision on the accusation of the President of Ukraine.

The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition, after the review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and the receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime.

Constitution of Ukraine 2004 - Wikisource the free online library
Hey BullShit: You've been outed. You're a lying sack of shit. You don't have the balls (because you're a lying sack of shit of course) to divulge your identity. You don't even have any photos. I have 600 of my time in Vietnam. BTW dumbass, my own team leader did two previous tours with a Special Forces A Team in II Core. We had at least a dozen former Special Forces Rangers in L Company, including former MACV Recondo School cadre, as well as MACV SOG members. We worked closely with the CIA. I don't have to bullshit about my time in Vietnam. I have a mountain of proof. And like I said, put up or shut the fuck up, fat ass.

The hero dies but once, the coward dies a thousand times.
BTW, I started this thread to draw in Putin admirers and haters only to expose them to a KILLER Metallica video...who knew it would get me stalked by a fake-Vet and reveal a lunatic conspiracy theory. :badgrin:

So anyway, do yourself a favor and watch some russians ignore their minders and get jiggy with an American band:

I have a Year and a Half in the Life and the concert in Moscow is wicked. And btw the "minders" lose it during the concert as well and start to party down hardy.

That's correct....russian troop are dying in eastern Ukraine. The ruble is in free-fall and the russian people are very aware Putin's big adventure isn't turning out like he told them it would. I don't smoke dope, missy...maybe you should stop so your mind can focus on world events.

I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
Weird coincidence, your comments and claims follow Russian controlled Russian media word for word. Of course, inquiring minds might be inclined to consider the other side of some of these claims. For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv. So, yes, there was a coup, but what is referenced as a coup is actually the internationally accepted way to replace a corrupt government that is shooting down citizens in the street. Your opinion that the removal of a corrupt leader was illegal is nothing more than your biased opinion.

You also make the claim that "overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the east want nothing to do with Kiev". Your evidence for that seems to be a 2010 election map that at most is an indication that people in the east wanted to maintain trade and cultural relations with their Russian neighbors. If an overwhelming number wanted to separate from Ukraine the constant influx of Russian troops to fill the so called separatist ranks would not be required.

That brings us to the outrageous comments you make about Russian troops not being in Ukraine or your minimizing it as if maybe a few are there but there is no real proof. Well, that is a blatant lie and insult to the Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom and pure unadulterated Putin propaganda. If not for the Russian invaders filling the ranks of the alleged separatist, that so called civil war would have been over long ago. Do you think the Russian news media is making up stories of Russian soldiers coming home from Ukraine to be buried in Russian soil are conspirators in some plot by Kyiv and the west to misinform the Russian people? No, even the controlled media is unable to keep the secret. The babushka's won't let that happen.

I'm my own person Camp. I need no talking points to discuss any topic.
Let alone from any media outlet in any country.

Now to your post. Re: Constitutional Impeachment.

For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv.

The impeachment and the removal of the President was illegal. Unless you can show me where the Verkhovna Rada conducted an investigation as required by the Constitution.

Unless you can show me where and when the VR established a special temporary investigatory commission.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Prosecutor was.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Investigators were.

Unless you can provide evidence of the conclusions and the proposals of the Special Investigation.

And of course unless you can show me when the Constitutional Court of the Ukraine reviewed the case brought forth by the Special Investigation.

This is a biggie Camp. Where is "the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime."

You and others keep claiming that this impeachment was constitutional.


Show me how the VR obeyed the Constitutional requirements for impeachment according to Article 111.

Article 111
The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the procedure of impeachment, in the event that he or she commits state treason or other crime.

The issue of the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is initiated by the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

To conduct the investigation, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a special temporary investigatory commission whose composition includes a special Prosecutor and special investigators.

The conclusions and proposals of the temporary investigatory commission are considered at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

For cause, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by no less than two-thirds of its constitutional composition, adopts a decision on the accusation of the President of Ukraine.

The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition, after the review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and the receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime.

Constitution of Ukraine 2004 - Wikisource the free online library

Article 111 was not applicable. Articles 108 and 109 were. Yankovich fled and abandoned his office and position before formal charges could be made. He could not be contacted and had no control over any part of the Ukraine government. He literally fled and abandoned his office and position as President. He knew the charges were coming and got out before he could be arrested. His actions qualified as a resignation.
I've been following the American/EU/NATO coup in the Ukraine and the civil war that arose from handing Kiev over to thugs intently for quite some time now.

It would not surprise me in the least if some Russian soldiers are involved in assisting pro Russian rebels and if some have died.

Kudos to them. Russia assisting pro Russian rebels is no worse than the US assisting in the arming of faux rebels in Syria to overthrow Assad or bombing the shit out of Libya to overthrow Gaddafi and hand the country over to Islamic militias who will now fight over who will control 1/5th of the worlds oil supply.

Where you got this point of view isn't important....what is important is that it's ridiculous. The "rebels" are clearly russian special forces (spetnaz)'s why they wear masks when there are cameras around. There is no "independence" movement in eastern's all a set up for Putin to keep his dirty paws on Crimea. They bragged about shooting down a Malaysian airliner! Shame on you for standing up for that asshole.

So sad. Too bad. You obviously are unaware of exactly who we in the west handed the Ukraine over to in Kiev. Thugs.

If you believe that there are no such people as "pro Russian Ukrainians" you are truly ignorant. They detest Kiev with a passion. The Ukraine is as divided as America.

The western backed coup threw out a duly elected President and his duly elected party. The President that the East put in power. The party members that the East put in power.

By the way, it was completely illegal by the Ukraine's Constitution to remove the President the way they did.

Of course there are overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the East who want nothing to do with Kiev and the thugs that rule now illegally and wish to separate from this farce of a government.

I would too.
Weird coincidence, your comments and claims follow Russian controlled Russian media word for word. Of course, inquiring minds might be inclined to consider the other side of some of these claims. For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv. So, yes, there was a coup, but what is referenced as a coup is actually the internationally accepted way to replace a corrupt government that is shooting down citizens in the street. Your opinion that the removal of a corrupt leader was illegal is nothing more than your biased opinion.

You also make the claim that "overwhelming numbers of Ukrainians in the east want nothing to do with Kiev". Your evidence for that seems to be a 2010 election map that at most is an indication that people in the east wanted to maintain trade and cultural relations with their Russian neighbors. If an overwhelming number wanted to separate from Ukraine the constant influx of Russian troops to fill the so called separatist ranks would not be required.

That brings us to the outrageous comments you make about Russian troops not being in Ukraine or your minimizing it as if maybe a few are there but there is no real proof. Well, that is a blatant lie and insult to the Ukrainians fighting and dying for freedom and pure unadulterated Putin propaganda. If not for the Russian invaders filling the ranks of the alleged separatist, that so called civil war would have been over long ago. Do you think the Russian news media is making up stories of Russian soldiers coming home from Ukraine to be buried in Russian soil are conspirators in some plot by Kyiv and the west to misinform the Russian people? No, even the controlled media is unable to keep the secret. The babushka's won't let that happen.

I'm my own person Camp. I need no talking points to discuss any topic.
Let alone from any media outlet in any country.

Now to your post. Re: Constitutional Impeachment.

For instance the belief by so many Ukrainian citizens that the coup you mention as being some kind of fact is also thought to have been a constitutional impeachment followed by a constitutionally required nationwide election that was monitored by international observers and overwhelmingly elected the current leadership and government in Kyiv.

The impeachment and the removal of the President was illegal. Unless you can show me where the Verkhovna Rada conducted an investigation as required by the Constitution.

Unless you can show me where and when the VR established a special temporary investigatory commission.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Prosecutor was.

Unless you can tell me who the Special Investigators were.

Unless you can provide evidence of the conclusions and the proposals of the Special Investigation.

And of course unless you can show me when the Constitutional Court of the Ukraine reviewed the case brought forth by the Special Investigation.

This is a biggie Camp. Where is "the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime."

You and others keep claiming that this impeachment was constitutional.


Show me how the VR obeyed the Constitutional requirements for impeachment according to Article 111.

Article 111
The President of Ukraine may be removed from office by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by the procedure of impeachment, in the event that he or she commits state treason or other crime.

The issue of the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is initiated by the majority of the constitutional composition of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

To conduct the investigation, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes a special temporary investigatory commission whose composition includes a special Prosecutor and special investigators.

The conclusions and proposals of the temporary investigatory commission are considered at a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

For cause, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, by no less than two-thirds of its constitutional composition, adopts a decision on the accusation of the President of Ukraine.

The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition, after the review of the case by the Constitutional Court of Ukraine and the receipt of its opinion on the observance of the constitutional procedure of investigation and consideration of the case of impeachment, and the receipt of the opinion of the Supreme Court of Ukraine to the effect that the acts, of which the President of Ukraine is accused, contain elements of state treason or other crime.

Constitution of Ukraine 2004 - Wikisource the free online library

Article 111 was not applicable. Articles 108 and 109 were. Yankovich fled and abandoned his office and position before formal charges could be made. He could not be contacted and had no control over any part of the Ukraine government. He literally fled and abandoned his office and position as President. He knew the charges were coming and got out before he could be arrested. His actions qualified as a resignation.

Oh good grief. The Rada impeached him. Therefore Article 111 had to be followed. It's the Constitutional requirement for impeachment.

Aye carumba to claim he resigned is beyond the pale. He fled for his life after this but he was defiant to the end that he was still the legal President of the Ukraine.

And he was and technically still is. The VR illegally removed the President. With our leaders in full compliance with an illegal removal of a duly elected President of another country.

Shame on them.

Here. From the Kyiv Post. Note the headline. It doesn't say Yanukovych resigned does it now?

Parliament impeaches Yanukovych, even as he defiantly promises not to resign or leave Ukraine

Feb. 22, 2014, 5:29 p.m. | Ukraine — by Kyiv Post
By the way just an FYI for anyone interested in how FUBAR'D this illegal impeachment was get a load of this.

There are 450 members of the Rada. It requires a 3/4 vote to impeach.

Here's the vote:

The vote to "remove Viktor Yanukovych from the post of president of Ukraine" was passed by 328 MPs.

BBC News - Ukrainian MPs vote to oust President Yanukovych

Now from Article 111:

The decision on the removal of the President of Ukraine from office by the procedure of impeachment is adopted by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine by no less than three-quarters of its constitutional composition....

3/4 would mean that they needed 337.5 to impeach the President legally.

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